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  1. C

    Strange compiling problem (assertion "Balloc succeeded" failed: file "/data/jenkins/w

    Strange compiling problem (assertion "Balloc succeeded" failed: file "/data/jenkins/w Hi, I am working on a new oscillator class for Teensy. The complete code can be cloned via git from here. While writing some code for precalculating values I tried to run it on a Teensy-3.6. This is the code...
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    Hi Bob, thanks for your post! I can explain it quite simply: Because I do not know better. :-) I come from the FM synthesis (I love my DX7 :)). The whole thing is more an attempt to generate analog waveforms differently and experiment with it. I still have a few ideas in mind, such as...
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    Collection of 4358 single cycle waveforms in .h files formatted for teensy audio

    Hi @shaitanbaali, This is very useful for me - thank you! I am currently working on a class that can generate arbitrary waveforms as a sum of sine/cosine functions. However, my class is internally based on floats and not 16bit integers. For this I will have to convert the values. Thanks, Holger
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    Can i modulate the delay time?

    This question is quite old but perhaps my modulated delay effect might help: I am using it as a chorus with triangle or sine LFO on the modulation input.
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    I have created a simple demo video (with audio) for all the waveforms: 20% square, 50% square, triangle, sawtooth - every waveform from 1 (only a sine wave) to 20 partials. Be careful with the audio level!!!
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    Hi Paul, No problem. I have adjusted the license accordingly.
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    I have now rebuilt the classes based on your hints. The whole thing seems to work quite well now. However, the CPU usage is now twice as high as before, but the advantage is that you can create any waveform, as long as you can describe it in a function.
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    Many thanks for your hints! I had to search deep in my brain again to recapitulate the complex math and made some changes that now make the base class much more independent of the function that is to be emulated. I still have to test the whole thing to see if I didn't make any mistakes...
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    Renaming done:
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    After thinking a bit about the name of the class, I think that yes, it is not FM. So the class and the project should rather be called Synth_Sine_Partial... hm. I'll leave it like that for now, but will rename it when I get the chance.
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    New audio class for generating waveforms from sines

    Hi, I have created an audio class that allows to create waveforms (square, triangle, sawtooth) by addition from sine waves. I want to use the class for a synth that should not get aliasing problems in the higher frequency range. The basic idea is the FM synthesis of the Yamaha DX7, from which...
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    Limits of delay effect in audio library

    Yep - sorry for my misunderstanding! Now it works like a charme!!! Many thanks for this - MicroDexed now supports loooooooong delays and some more memory for variables is available. I created a library which can be added to the local library folder and which does not overlap with the Teensy...
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    Limits of delay effect in audio library

    I just tried the PR, but unfortunately it does not work. I put a 200ms sine signal into the delay and get nothing (except the original signal). With AudioEffectDelay() everything works... re is the code I used: #include <Arduino.h> #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> //...
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    Limits of delay effect in audio library

    Ahhh, yep - but does not work either :( I tried to get the crash report: 11:02:05.534 -> Latest crash report: 11:02:05.534 -> CrashReport: 11:02:05.534 -> A problem occurred at (system time) 11:1:58 11:02:05.534 -> Code was executing from address 0xE478 11:02:05.534 -> CFSR: 82...
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    Limits of delay effect in audio library

    I found this interesting Excel sheet in a forum thread: I found MISO(54)/MOSI(50) and SCK(49), but CS is missing. Perhaps CS is 52? Does anyone know if this makes sense?
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    Limits of delay effect in audio library

    Argh! Ok, I see the problem... Ok, thanks for the hint! I totally forgot that the memory may also be soldered on the audio board. Yes, my memory is on the T_4.1 itself. Wow, you have written a complete memory management for EXTMEM - that's nice! I hope your PR will be merged soon! Thanks...
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    Limits of delay effect in audio library

    Hi robz, thanks for testing this and creating a patch. I tried to integrate this into an additional library, but have some problems getting the whole thing to run. Unfortunately the whole thing seems to crash. The test program for the RAM works though. So I hope you have an idea what is going...
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    snprintf() with variable with

    Hi @joepasquariello, Many thanks for testing. Sorry - I totally forgot to show my output. I got: START var=-0.75 s= READY But by your successful test I found the solution to the problem: I had activated the option "Smallest code". With "Faster" it works: START var=-0.75 s=-0.8 READY So...
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    snprintf() with variable with

    snprintf() with variable width Hi all, I tried to write a wrapper for snprintf(): #include <Arduino.h> #define LCD_cols 16 void display_float(float var, uint8_t size_number, uint8_t size_fraction, bool zeros, bool brackets, bool sign) { char s[LCD_cols + 1]; if (size_fraction > 0) {...
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    X100 inspired Guitar Processor

    Hi Marc, Wow, nice thing! I hope I can find some time to get it running on my TGA board. Cool, my chorus is used in other software :) The sources are an own project on codeberg: Perhaps I will add the _F32 class to the sources so every...
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    Microdexed on Teensy 4.1 - no usb audio

    Hi @CervAnteZ have you tried to upload my ready-to-run binaries with the Teensy Loader? Regards, Holger
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    Fun with FM synthesis

    Great that you were able to fix the error yourself! BTW, the Dexed audio object is still used in another project: This is a bare-metal Dexed for the Raspi (based on the circle SDK, so there is no OS underneath). If you have a Raspi (preferably a Raspi >2)...
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    Actually, that's exactly how it should be. The problem is that there are two of us working on the code and Mark has built the sequencer on top of the drum sampler. Thereby so many dependencies came in that the "switching off" of the drums or the sequencer does not work cleanly. It's a pity, I...
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    I hope it is fixed. Can you try?
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    Yes, I was also very positively surprised by the MDA-EPiano - already as LV2 instrument on the Zynthian. At the last (small) gig with the band I even used it live - sounded really good. I think it's because of my lousy MIDI implementation for EP. Thanks for the hint - I have to take a closer...
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    Hm, that's bad. I hope I can find some time today for looking deeper with my setup... Regards, Holger
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    Did you copied the data from addon/SD (from the dev branch) to your SD card? There is a new folder which is needed to store the system state. I have no idea why mono-l and mono-r do not work as expected. I have to check this with the audio shield. Regards, Holger
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    This is strange. I never tried the headphone output. Setting mono/stereo does nothing special - only a mono-downmix of the signal.
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    This is because you may have a wrong initial setup where both engines are set to a maximum of 0 notes, which means "off". The reversed numbers are showing this
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    Ok, thanks for testing. I will take a look at it.
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    Hm... that's strange. Can you try to upload one of my pre-compiled firmwares?
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    Take care to use the right version of the schematics: This is the current version for my PCBs - but for Teensy-3.6: This is the adapter board I designed for using a Teensy-4.1 on top of the Teensy-3.6...
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    A DX7 (Fm synthesis) replacement with Dexed on a Teensy

    There are two new versions: The dev-branch is working stable with two engines of Dexed (16 voices per engine) and FX. Also there is now an additional E-Piano and a simple (ROM-)Sampler besides a small Sequencer/Arpeggiator (thanks to @positionhigh). There is still a bug in the portamento...
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    Freeverb - faster code base for Teensy 3.2 using SIMD

    Hi @aidyw, thanks for your optimizations for freeverb! I tried to use your code including your changes as a replacement for freeverb on a T_3.6. It seems to work but I am getting strange sound artifacts (listen here). This is my (fixed) update method: void AudioEffectFreeverbSIMD::update() {...
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    EPiano audio object for Teensy

    Hi, i used the free VST EPiano from MDA some time ago and ported it to the Teensy(-3.6) (see MicroMDAEPiano). Now I have converted the engine into a Teensy audio object, so that you can include this relatively easily in your own projects: #include <Audio.h> #include "synth_epiano.h"...
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    Teensy USB Audio and Raspberry Pi

    Hi, for me it works with Linux (PC), so why not with a Raspi? Regards, Holger
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    Question about SGTL5000 and using the parametric EQ (calcBiquad() and eqFilter())

    I added a simple test sketch available at All you need is a Teensy audio shield. Perhaps someone can help with this...
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    Question about SGTL5000 and using the parametric EQ (calcBiquad() and eqFilter())

    Hi, I am trying to use the EQ from the SGTL5000 audio shield as a 7-band parametric eq. But I have trouble with the eqFilter() function (or calcBiquad()). calcBiquad() seems to have not much documentation, so one of my problem might be using a wrong parameter range. Here is my code: Header of...
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    New audio synth object: Synth_Dexed

    Hi @JayShoe, thanks a lot! I managed to fix several problems. I also added two simple examples for the library and a Python script which converts SYSEX banks to a header file. Now you can easily use lots of sounds. Also API seems to be complete, so I would be happy to see (and hear) if someone...
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    New audio synth object: Synth_Dexed

    Hi, I've been working on the port of the Dexed sound engine (6 OP-FM synth) for a while now (see and Now I put the sound engine into a library and...
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    How to generate single C++ header and code files from several files

    There are mainly classes. But it seems that there are nearly no conflicting function names if not class based. I found a way by using for the headers and cpp files. There were some small conflicts I had to resolve but now the compiler does not complain...
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    How to generate single C++ header and code files from several files

    The handling for me would be easier (in Arduino IDE) - not so much files. But the main reason is that I can use it like a Teensy-Audio-Library object (e.g. as synth_dexed()). So others can use this object simply by adding the class and header file.
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    How to generate single C++ header and code files from several files

    Hi, sorry, this is more of a general C++ topic, but my question is aimed at a Teensy project. So I hope it's ok if I ask the question here. I am developing MicroDexed, a 6 OP FM synth (compatible with a famous synth from the 80ies). The sound generation code is taken from Dexed (a JUCE based...
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    Help with List of Teensy Eurorack modules

    Another one: it's MicroDexed (DX7 FM synthesis) for a Eurorack:
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    Fun with FM synthesis This is a 6-OP-FM synth for the Teensy, compatible with a famous japanese synth from the 80's ;-)
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    Problem with adapter for using a Rev. B audio shiel with a T_4.1 (for MicroDexed)

    Thanks, it works fine with my patched Adapter: More questions: - Do I need this resistor also for Rev C boards? is it problematic if the resistor is also used for Rev C? - Can/should I add the resistor also for Rev A/B boards when using a T_3.6? My T_3.6 has some quiet noise in the...
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    Problem with adapter for using a Rev. B audio shiel with a T_4.1 (for MicroDexed)

    Thanks, Paul. So I will try to add one to my adapter board.
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    Problem with adapter for using a Rev. B audio shiel with a T_4.1 (for MicroDexed)

    Hi, I made an adapter board for using a T_4.1 as a replacement for the T_3.6 on my TMA boards. This adapter maps the used pins to new destinations - especially the I2S pins. Everything works (encoders, I2C display, MIDI-I/O) but the audio seems to have problems. I am getting much strange noise...
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    Teensymoog desktop sound module

    TeensyMIDIAudio is currently nothing more than a breakout board with no intelligence, so I think this is not a big deal.