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  1. B

    Processing + Teensy 4.0 - Serial, reprogramming issue.

    Please forgive me if this is an obvious issue that I should understand by now considering I have been working with teensy and arduino since teensy 2 came out. I am designing a led project around Teensy 4.0 which includes a bunch of led strips. I have cats, and they love to chase those moving...
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    OTA update alternative

    Bumpity Bumps
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    Any solutions to program teensy 4.0 wirelessly?

    Exactly that: Are there any solutions to program the teensy 4.0 wirelessly? I have a battery powered prop that will be inside of a case that will be very difficult to program again and again during development phase. I have seen somewhere someone was programming an arduino board wirelessly. Is...
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    Guidance on Midi Board - 64 rotary encoder > usb midi > Abeton using Teensy 3.2

    That is exactly what I realized I should do, thank you for re confirming that. For the sake of simplicity and speed, I've decided to use multiple Teensy LCs because they are fantastic and so cheap to handle various "modules", then use a master teensy to communicate with them through serial...
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    Teensy LC, Changing PinMode during runtime?

    You are awesome! Thank you!
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    Teensy LC, Changing PinMode during runtime?

    Was the timing repeatable? and have you ever timed it?
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    Teensy LC, Changing PinMode during runtime?

    Can I change PinMode(Output/Input) in main loop? ... Safely? I am working on a project where I would very much like to have to only use 1 digital pin as an Input and Output, not simultaneously of course. The pin only serves as a notification line, thats all. At some point one teensy will act as...
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    Guidance on Midi Board - 64 rotary encoder > usb midi > Abeton using Teensy 3.2

    Anyone know of a 16 channel shift register that can notify the micrcocontroller via external interrupt of a change in state of one of the inputs? That would be a fantastic solution. I will never use more than 4 rotary encoders at the same time, so what I could do is once I get notified of a...
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    Guidance on Midi Board - 64 rotary encoder > usb midi > Abeton using Teensy 3.2

    Hey guys, I am designing a large midi board project that will utilize 64 rotary encoder/push buttons. Has anyone done anything similar using the Teensy 3? My biggest issue I think may be latency and how to get that as low as possible, and of course not miss any encoder state changes. 64...
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    Multi Processor Project, best/fastest way to data share?

    As far as a desired FPS, I have no set number. I just need it to be as fast as possible, then I will set a fps limit. The size of each frame is roughly (2000 bytes * 2), which is no match for T3.1 That is what I am afraid of, although I only need to push 4000 byte at most each frame so I do...
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    Multi Processor Project, best/fastest way to data share?

    Hey guys I am looking for project guidance... My project is going to consist of 4 microprocessors purely for speed. 3 x MK20s and an atmege328 for communication (USB, Bluetooth, IR). Of course I would just use 1 much more powerful MC but the size of my pcb width cannot exceed the size of the...
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    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    I am just using a camera, not using anything that actually determines when leds trigger ect... I can post an image soon to show you an example if you would like. But basically I am storing a pixel map into an array, say 28 (width) * 30 (height or frames), I run that into a for loop; once it...
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    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    Well they display colors very well and correctly, but when I display a bitmap or pixelmap of say a square, or any straight line and take a photo of it with a camera it is very noticeable that they dont trigger exactly when they should. The straight line will not be even, some leds trigger...
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    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    I know OctoWS2811 is designed for multiple large led strips, but do you think it would be ok to use for just 28? I am experiencing a lot of weirdness and instability with both fastspi libraries, it seems that some leds trigger at different times ruining the POV effect. T3 @ 96mHz
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    Sparkfun now carries the Teensy 3!

    I just saw that, Congratulations Paul!
  16. B

    Teensy 3.0 Hardware Serial Port tips

    Ok great thank you. Works great, T3 and Visual C#
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    Teensy 3.0 Hardware Serial Port tips

    Sorry for the vague question, I didn't realize there were different ftdi chips, I also don't fully understand this. Specifically this one: which is FTDI FT232RL USB to serial IC I won't be connecting vcc from usb to the T3.
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    Teensy 3.0 Hardware Serial Port tips

    I don't quite understand, do I need a MAX232 when I use an ftdi basic for the T3?
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    Is it possible to communicate with T3 via existing usb and Visual C#?

    Is it possible to communicate with T3 using the existing usb (usb0-DM, usb0_DP) and Visual C#?
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    The battle between Teensy 3 vs MBED Freescale Freedom - who will win?

    Exactly, Paul never misses a beat.
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    How can I use lpd8806.h and FastSPI_LED.h without interfering?

    Probably. Mi issue though is that I needed to keep all of my original code, and the way I talk to the strips is a bit different than with fastSPI_LED. Also fastSPI has a much faster fps than the older lpd8806 library, and I didn't want to deal with slowing the rate down. I am glad I made it work...
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    Better alternative to arduino IDE ? Use Atmel Studio 6 to program arduino compatible baords. Imports arduino libraries ect... I tried this with a 1284p and ended up getting a common error that is probably fixable: "cannot find -lcor"
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    How can I use lpd8806.h and FastSPI_LED.h without interfering?

    Got it! :D If anyone else is in the same boat: /*This:*/ FastSPI_LED.setChipset(CFastSPI_LED::SPI_LPD8806); /*This:*/ FastSPI_LED.init(); for(int i=0; i<86; i++){ leds[i].r = 0; leds[i].g = 0; leds[i].b = 127;; leds[i].r...
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    How can I use lpd8806.h and FastSPI_LED.h without interfering?

    Hey guys, I am working on a project where I originally used the fast spi lpd8806.h library to control led strips, I want to keep my original work and continue to build the project using FastSPI_LED.h. They both work fine when the sketch uses either or, but when I call; (lpd8806.h)...
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    General question on microsd card

    I can't find for the life of me how an SD card reader actually works anywhere on the web, if I could I wouldn't post this question, so this is the first place I could think of to ask. Thanks in advance
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    General question on microsd card

    I want to be able to plug my project box in via usb and have a computer basically access an unmovable micro sd card like it normally would "having nothing to do with the teensy" Will I be able to easily do this? or do I need a separate micro controller to talk to the micro sd so that it can talk...
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    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    How many frame/second are you getting out of the WS2811?
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    Problems with Teensy 3 and bottloader

    Did you try restarting your mac? just try it, its a mac. Itll take 30 seconds.
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    Problems with Teensy 3 and bottloader

    Whenever that happens to me re-booting my macbook pro always fixes it. Either that or you have have the wrong port set. I use: cu.usbmodem:12341
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    Using an led strip (MOSI, SCK) and an sd card reader - Teensy 3

    I want to use an led strip which uses MOSI(11) and SCK(13) running through fastSPI library, I also want to use an sd card that stores information for the settings and that uses MOSI(11), MISO(12), SCKL(13), SS(10) running through stFatlib. The teensy 3 only has 1 spi bus, so what is the best way...
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    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    Yeah that would be the best way to go about it, but my issue is that the led strips ONLY use Mosi and SCK, it doesn't use a select pin - (fastSPI). Even easier: I am still new to electronics but is there an ic that can be used to switch the data line and stream it? and use a digital pin to...
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    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    Will do :)
  33. B

    Reassigning a pin (SPI SCK)

    Can these pins be assigned and re-asigned during runtime? I am running led strips using pins: 11(DOUT) and 13(SCK) I want to be able to access an sd card using pins: 11(DOUT), 12(DIN), 14(SCK), 10(CS0) So I would have to switch SCK(13) to (14), DOUT(11) to (7), the strips wont display anything...
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    Running teensy 3 @ 96mHz, bad?

    Thank you for the great explanation Paul :D any chance you can share the exact crystal that is in the teensy 3?
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    Running teensy 3 @ 96mHz, bad?

    Actually I have two questions- 1. How accurate is the clock (timer based interrupts) running @ 96mHz? I want to control leds that will run from a sort of timeline to go along with a 15 minute song. 2. Is running the teensy 3 @ 96mHz bad? and does it dramatically reduce the life expectancy...