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  1. F

    Transmit / Receive Telemetry from Teensy 4.1 and XBee

    Thank you! I assume I apply the same technique for the model that I am trying to get and it will just go over 900MHz instead of 2.4?
  2. F

    Transmit / Receive Telemetry from Teensy 4.1 and XBee

    Hello everyone! Looking for any guidance and/or advice on where to get started with this aspect of my build. I am wanting to take me teensy build and connect an XBee to it and have another XBee on the ground with a Yagi. Any known libraries or which Arduino function to use? Thank you in...
  3. F

    Voltage Divider Issue Teensy 4.1 -> SOLVED

    I double checked and I do have version 1.59 installed. Before when I tried 3.3V, I didn't have anything connected it to the pin and it read ~7.8V and I thought it didn't work. Tried it now with the 3.3/1023 and got dead on readings with something connected to the pin. When I disconnect it shoots...
  4. F

    Voltage Divider Issue Teensy 4.1 -> SOLVED

    With the current voltage divider, 14.8V through the divider will yield 1.345V at full charge. 14.8V x (100,000Ω /100,000Ω+1,000,000Ω) = 1.345V
  5. F

    Voltage Divider Issue Teensy 4.1 -> SOLVED

    Hello! I created a voltage divider (schematic below) and tied it with an Arduino first, and I was able to get an accurate reading. The code was as follows: float batteryVoltage; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); float batteryVoltage =...