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  1. T

    Tank sensor

    Thanks for the link! The online calculators also give the same result. So the 20 ohms for R2 mentioned above in thread 5 aren't correct after all? What is the correct value - what is correct now?
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    Tank sensor

    Hello everyone, Thanks for the info! Then in the extreme case at an input voltage Ue = 10V, with R2 = 20 Ohm, R1 Tank sensor = 40 Ohm, 167mA would flow... quite a lot in my opinion. With R1 = 283 Ohm, 33mA still flows. In another forum, I was suggested 600 Ohm for R2, for example: Tank sensor...
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    Tank sensor

    Hello everyone, thanks for your answers! Unfortunately I can't provide a data sheet or a product page - the vehicle is over 40 years old. The only information that could be found is that of the fuel sender itself. It is a variable resistor that is driven by a float. The sensor does NOT use...
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    Tank sensor

    Hello forum, I would like to read a tank sensor with the Teensy 3.5. The sensor is 2-pole and outputs 40 Ohm (+/-1) when the tank is full and 283 Ohm (+/-6) when the tank is empty. It is powered by a fixed, stabilized 10 V. As far as I know, I need another resistor in series with the tank...
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    String touch detection vs Piezo drum trigger

    Hello Pauls, Thank you for your information ! by the way: English is not my native language I think I described the problem too complicatedly... With the "Bass to Midi" problem, I think you have to separate the touch detection and the determination of the note height from each other and also...
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    String touch detection vs Piezo drum trigger

    Hello Pauls, I didn't even know the pickup, even though I've been making music for a long time and have and had a lot of equipment... I have to elaborate a little further here: The system that I have on various basses is the Roland GK3B (Hex) pickup (built-in version) with the associated VB...
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    String touch detection vs Piezo drum trigger

    Hello everyone, I've been reading the Piezo Drum Trigger posts with great interest for some time now and have something similar thing, However, not with piezo but with a magnetic (hex) pickup. The string strike of an electric bass (5 string) should reliably trigger midi note ON / Off signals...
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    Teensy 3.2, USB Midi send NoteOn / Off

    Hi mlu, Thank you for your information. The comparison of the voltages and the saving in the variables basically works so far - but the midi notes are unfortunately triggered permanently. My goal is to output only 1 x NoteOn or NoteOff when the threshold values are reached. So far I haven't...
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    Teensy 3.2, USB Midi send NoteOn / Off

    Hello everybody, I am trying to send Midi NoteOn / Off with the Teensy 3.2 depending on the voltage applied to A1 via USB. Note On, for example, only when the voltage is above 3V, NoteOff only when the voltage is below 1V. Basically it works - but: NoteOn and Off messages are output as a...
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    Teensy 3.2 Strange behavior when measuring AC voltage

    I think your "problem" is, the Teensy just can't output negative voltages. But that's perfectly normal. First - Don't set the multimeter or oscilloscope to "AC" mode. Use "DC". Hi Frank B. I already realize that Teensy / Arduino cannot output negative voltages. I stumbled upon the behavior...
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    Teensy 3.2 Strange behavior when measuring AC voltage

    Yes, right, it should of course be called Oscilloscope ... (Google Translator ...) It looks like it was actually due to the wrong probe head setting ... really stupid mistake... if I now compare the oscilloscope values (probe = x10) 3.52 Vpp / 1.31 Vrms are displayed. The multimeter (AC) shows...
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    Teensy 3.2 Strange behavior when measuring AC voltage

    Hi jonr, My multimeter shows me the correct values for DC. The smallest AC measuring range is 2 V. The display then shows 1,178 to 1,182 V (probably RMS). My oscillator (AC coupling) shows me Ue = 352 mVpp / 123 mV RMS. The signal generator used is a DDS SGP 1010s, LINK @UhClem: The...
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    Teensy 3.2 Strange behavior when measuring AC voltage

    Hi jonr, With a 1.5 V battery, I get exactly the right display, regardless of whether I use analogRead or analogReadResolution (16); use ... The result is the same for all AC or DC measurements reproducibly at all analog PINs ...
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    Teensy 3.2 ADC setting / analogRead Display range

    There is an error in the code ... correctly it must of course read: int Value = analogRead (A1);
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    Teensy 3.2 Strange behavior when measuring AC voltage

    Hello forum, I'm trying to do an AC measurement with the Teensy 3.2 with analogRead / analogReadResolution (16) on Analog PIN A1, and I came across very strange behavior ... A test sinus of 30 Hz with 350mVpp (measured with Rigol 1054Z) is used. The Teensy 3.2 runs on 72 MHz, USB Type Serial...
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    Teensy 3.2 ADC setting / analogRead Display range

    Hi everyone I use the Teensy 3.2, which as far as I know has 13 bits = 8192 values. What resolution is the ADC set "at the factory"? At the moment I can clearly only measure with 10 bits. A simple analogRead on a 1.5V battery works but not with "float voltage = Value * (3.32 / 8192);" /*...
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    Hello everybody, I try to use analogRead to generate a threshold value from an audio signal (with appropriate input circuitry). The signal has a frequency of 30 Hz (at about 1.5 Vpp). With a UNO R3, for example, one often reads that in practice the analogRead is not faster than 10 KHz...
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    AnalogIn + voltage divider (Teensy 3.2)

    Hi Oddson, I think there is a misunderstanding here! The voltage divider with only 2 resistors (R1, R2, each 3.3K) was only one example. It is completely clear that 1.65 V is measured (1 mA flows through the AnalogIN). The aim is to later replace R2 with 24 individual (equally large)...
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    AnalogIn + voltage divider (Teensy 3.2)

    Hi everyone, First of all thanks for your answers ! of course the voltage divider consists of R1 and R2 - sorry if I have expressed myself somewhat unclear ... R1 is on + 3.3V DC, the other side on PIN A1. From pin A1 it goes via R2 to GND. In my case, both resistors are the same (currently...
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    AnalogIn + voltage divider (Teensy 3.2)

    Hi everyone, I am currently working on voltage dividers on Teensy 3.2. In order to be able to calculate the R1, I would have to know how much current can flow at the Analog IN pin (I max?) with the Teensy 3.2 (at 3.3V)? For the AnalogOut I found a value of 10mA in the specifications...
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    Questions about resistance measurement with midi output

    Hello forum, I'm currently working on a scan matrix based on a voltage divider for a E Bass (5 String) fingerboard. This works without any problems, but unfortunately at the moment only with one string because (still) no string detection is available. Circuit 1: For the sake of clarity, I...
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    Question about Teensy 3.2 PIns and their functions

    Hi, Thank you for your prompt reply ! How about the MPR 121 - it would have 12 or 13 touch PINs. 4 pieces would be addressable via I2c ... The display solution is unfortunately out of the question because it is a 5-string bass with which strings and frets should be queried to obtain Midi...
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    Question about Teensy 3.2 PIns and their functions

    Hi Michael Meissner, Thank you for the very detailed explanation! BTW: Is there a way to expand the amount of existing Touch PINs, for example with expanders? I need a total of 29 of them for a project ... stay healthy Greetings from Germany
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    Question about Teensy 3.2 PIns and their functions

    Hello forum, I am currently operating the Teensy 3.2 via USB. The basic function of different PINs is not yet completely clear to me, maybe someone can explain that? What are the following PINs used for (input / output?) Vin (3.6 to 6.0 V) 3.3 V (250mA) On the right narrow side of the...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi everyone, must pick up the topic again: I am thinking of carrying out the fretscanning alternatively with the Teensy 3.2 TouchSense PINs (similar to the OMB Guitar). With OMB scanning, however, I am still not clear how exactly it works there :confused:: All strings are recorded there...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi defragster and everyone else That is the point ! In my case, at least the 5 strings are isolated from each other ... I don't want to be annoying, but How and what would have to be changed in the code so that all string PINs in the loop are queried one after the other? Could someone take a...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi everyone, By the way: I use a bass with 5 strings: H- E- A- D- G (the strings are isolated from each other). How and what would have to be changed in the code so that all string PINs in the loop are queried one after the other? Could someone take a look at that? Original code: Greetings...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi everyone, Hi defragster, too bad that apparently nobody has any experience with Touch Sense ... I have just found a guide for finger position detection of the gripping hand on the net that apparently also works except for a few small things: LINK 1 LINK 2 Please take a look at the code and...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Has no idea / experience whether and how TouchSense can be used as position detection on the fingerboard?
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi oddson hi defragster Thank you for your answers ! And yes that is correct, is also described in one of the Videos. in the OMB videos it is shown / explained that the strings have direct electrical contact to obviously different PINs of the control. A hex pickup is not used there...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    sorry - doublepost...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi defragster, It was already clear to me that I had to use a separate data source for each string. The question is, how exactly? No matter whether I wire each fret individually or use the system with a voltage divider, in both cases I have to put GND on the strings to make a switching...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi defragster, It was already clear to me that I had to use a separate data source for each string. The question is, how exactly? No matter whether I wire each fret individually or use the system with a voltage divider, in both cases I have to put GND on the strings to make a switching...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi defragster, many thanks for your response ! Teensyduino is installed in my version 1.52. Briefly again to explain: I used a voltage divider to query the frets with a slightly modified ohmmeter sketch analog. The voltage divider is on one side at + 5V, all frets are connected together in...
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hi forum, No Answer ? really has no idea how to solve this problem? Greetings from Germany - and please stay healthy in these difficult times!
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    Realtime Guitar Fret Scanning

    Hello forum, With Teensy 3.2, I built a controller for realtime midi note recognition, but it only works with one string at the moment: Frets (are not divided!) And strings function as two contacts of a switch. The frets are connected to each other with the same resistors via a voltage...
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    TouchRead Slider / Ribbon Control

    Hello everybody, I'm new here, have been working on Arduino for some time and recently also with Teensy 3.2 / 3.5. With the Teensy I was able to implement one or the other midi controller. Would be happy if I could get support here! I am currently using Teensy 3.2 / 3.5 IDE 1.86 Settings...