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  1. B

    CAN Transmit

    Thank you both for your quick responses. I have tried the suggestions in the reply from bravo685 without any success. I think that as CollinK has explained extremely well in his answer, the problem is that I'm asking too much of the CAN bus. I will now try and send less data to solve my...
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    CAN Transmit

    Hello, I am transmitting a file over CAN to BusMaster, but if the time between frames in the attached sketch is reduced to lower than 150Us the data is not received correctly. Is there any way to increase the throughput of the CAN, perhaps by checking tx ready, or some other method...
  3. B

    SD logger issues

    I apologise for the delay in sending this data, but I've been busy on another project. I hope it's what you were asking for. Regards, Ray
  4. B

    SD logger issues

    Hello, Thank you for your sketch, which I really appreciate. I have tested it and changed it as attached so that every 4 CAN messages the data is stored to the SD card. A close command would then be sent over CAN at the end of the test so that the file can be closed correctly and the...
  5. B

    SD logger issues

    Thank you for your prompt replies. I have tried to use the code from TeensySdioLogger in the attached sketch, but am having some trouble to get it to work. The data doesn't seem to be saved in the file correctly and I was wondering if you could shed some light on the matter. I am trying to get...
  6. B

    SD logger issues

    Hello All, I am logging CAN messages and storing them on an SD card in the BusMaster format shown below. We log approximately 1Gbyte of data in an hour. 10:04:34:4234 Rx 1 0x0c060000 x 8 00 09 00 11 30 95 58 45 The data is stored every 4K, or once 64 CAN messages have been received. The...
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    Compilation error: 'CAN_message_t' does not name a type

    I made a new sketch and everything started working. All a bit strange but got there in the end. Thanks for your help.
  8. B

    Compilation error: 'CAN_message_t' does not name a type

    Thanks for your reply, but after implementing your suggestions it still doesn't link. I get the following In file included from /home/raygray/.arduino15/packages/teensy/hardware/avr/1.59.0/libraries/FlexCAN_T4/FlexCAN_T4.h:34, from /home/raygray/Arduino/sketch_nov4a/can.h:3...
  9. B

    Compilation error: 'CAN_message_t' does not name a type

    Hello, I am getting the error mentioned in the title when I compile and link my code, which is shown below. ================================== sketch.ino ================================== void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); //delay(400)...
  10. B

    Teensy 4.1 Resetting when running FreeRtos/Linux issue?

    After a bit more research I have found the following CrashReport: A problem occurred at (system time) 14:43:47 Code was executing from address 0xEB000426 CFSR: 92 (DACCVIOL) Data Access Violation (MMARVALID) Accessed Address: 0x3530 HTSR: 40000000 (FORCED) Forced Hard Fault...
  11. B

    Teensy 4.1 Resetting when running FreeRtos/Linux issue?

    Hello All, My problem is that the attached code, compiled on my Linux computer, used to work but now causes the Teensy 4.1 to constantly reset. Teansy 4.1 core = 411FC271 Power-up Sequence Teansy 4.1 core = 411FC271 CPU Lockup or Software Reset I am relatively certain that the...
  12. B

    SD card - setting file pointer for read

    Thanks for your quick response. Everything is now working a lot better!
  13. B

    SD card - setting file pointer for read

    I have a file on an SD card with the following format, file can be up to 2Gbytes 16:44:04:5748 Rx 1 0x00200001 x 8 fc ff 00 00 01 00 00 00 16:44:04:5750 Rx 1 0x00260001 x 8 24 00 d6 ff e0 fc 00 00 16:44:04:5767 Rx 1 0x00800002 x 8 68 c5 68 c5 68 c5 68 c5 . . . which I need to convert to...
  14. B

    RTC question

    Thanks for your reply I got the unix timestamp from the web and changed the month to June, put that in a file and then cut it. When the program was running on the Teensy I opened minicom and pasted in the following T 1718439814 which reset the time. However, when I turn the power off and...
  15. B

    RTC question

    I have downloaded the TimeTeensy3 example, compiled it and loaded it onto my Teensy 4.1, which has a 3v coin battery attached. I then closed the IDE and opened the minicom display, which displays the time/date as I expected. I changed the month and I can see that the date has changed as...
  16. B

    Teensy 4.1 and Foxeer ESC runnning BLHeli_32

    Hello, I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this question, but I’ve tried lots of different things and am totally stuck. I am using a Teensy 4.1 to try and control a FOXEER_Reaper_4IN1_65A_128_Multi_32_8 ESC, without any success. I need to use Dshot protocol as part of my project...
  17. B

    PWM output not as expected

    Timeout Waiting For Input void loop() { // each time loop() runs, elapsedMillis waiting; // "waiting" starts at zero while (waiting < 1000) { if (Serial.available()) { char c =; Serial.print("got char = "); // do something with c...
  18. B

    PWM output not as expected

    OK thanks. The test duration times from the file are 40mS, 4000mS and 4000mS, while the duty cycles required at those test durations are 1mS, 2mS and 1mS. From the scope trace you can see there is only one PWM at 1mS, and I think there should be two.
  19. B

    PWM output not as expected

    Hello, I am trying to control a PWM signal that runs at 50Hz, with the aim of using it for automatic testing. A file will be provided on an SD card that shows the duration of the PWM signal in milliseconds, and the duty cycle as a number between 1000 and 2000, representing 1mS and 2mS, for...