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  1. tomicdesu

    Adjusting (USB) keyboard code mapping

    I haven't delved very deeply into it yet, but thanks for the big hint! I'm also using a really old crappy keyboard, a new one arrives any day now, I'll have two to compare and work with.
  2. tomicdesu

    Adjusting (USB) keyboard code mapping

    I'm running a Teensy 4.1. The example Examples/USBHost_t36/KeyboardForeward worked as-is for me without change. From there I just stripped out the things I didn't need. Unfortunately I don't have a 3.6 to try, sorry.
  3. tomicdesu

    How to use SdFat with SPI1? Or change SPI pins.

    Hey, thanks UhClem. Lol the error code is SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD0. "0" sounds early... But I'll now go look that up and start to debug the SD library I think I found. SDClass has no such member, but SdFs does. EDIT: OMFG of course it was a stupid and basic misteak -- wrong MISO pin. I misread...
  4. tomicdesu

    Adjusting (USB) keyboard code mapping

    First off, Paul Stoffregen, I'm just amazed at the amount of code you've contributed here. The USB Keyboard stuff is awesome (correct word). I know only the basics of USB (utterly insufficient! lol), and I was able to adapt Examples/USBHost_t36/KeyboardForeward as a useful keyboard in an...
  5. tomicdesu

    How to use SdFat with SPI1? Or change SPI pins.

    OK, the teensy core libraries seem to be at ~/.arduino15/packages/teensy/hardware/avr/1.59.0/libraries I'm poking at USB keyboard now, I'll do some debugging in the SD stuff this week.
  6. tomicdesu

    How to use SdFat with SPI1? Or change SPI pins.

    Thanks Paul! Alas it made no difference. I think I need to go through the SD begin code and see where and why it is failing. But I can't find it! The Teensy SD files are no where to be found. They're not in a library. Arduino runs out of an AppImage on linux, not my choice, I did mount that...
  7. tomicdesu

    How to use SdFat with SPI1? Or change SPI pins.

    Well its a PCB, here's the deets. I agree, it should be working. I suspect I'm having an SD-code-not-SPI problem. Oh, I know SPI1 is being used -- before this I could see the SPI signals on the SPI (default) pins. THey've moved to 1, 26, 27 as expected.
  8. tomicdesu

    How to use SdFat with SPI1? Or change SPI pins.

    Aargh, I don't know how I did not see that obvious example in SdFat_Usage. My apologies, and thanks, for you having to point it out. That fixed my SPI problem. SPI signals now appear on the right pins (1, 26, 27), I can see them with my 'scope. They look approximately correct (select true-low...
  9. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    The pins used for R, G, B outputs conflict with SPI. I knew that at the start, and thought I'd convince the SdFat library to use SPI1. That's turning out to be harder than I thought. Are your pin assignments (fragment below) arbitrary? I'm assuming not, that flexIO has limit hardware-pin...
  10. tomicdesu

    How to use SdFat with SPI1? Or change SPI pins.

    I can't seem to puzzle out how to get SdFat to use SPI1, eg. pins 1, 26 and 27 (MISO1, MOSI1, SCK1). I tried to satisfy the SdSpiDriver config but nothing works -- I get an error return from begin(). I can't use the default pins as they're being used by VGA DMA done by the FlexIO. Either of...
  11. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    Ooops sorry, my bad. OK I'll take a look at doing that.
  12. tomicdesu

    SPI setup for built-in SDIO and SDCards on SPI1.

    I'm trying to set up my board that has two SD cards using SPI1 (due to conflicts with pins 10_, 11_, 12_) (*) and also the built-in SDIO card, for a total of three attached SDcards. I need three drives, but there will be no overlapping IO. I'm emulating a CP/M-80 machine and need the separate...
  13. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    Ouch -- scrolling busies the machine for 26 mS. Have you given any further effort on this solution? I haven't yet looked at the code to see how scrolling is done. If it's interruptible it should be OK with slow scroll.
  14. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    FWIW, dropped the library into my new board, with the resistor tree using 180/390 ohms, into a 7 inch VGA monitor from AliExpress, the library from Github, and it umm worked first time. That's not right but I'll take it! 640x480 and 800x600 work great, but 1024x768 makes an artifact, I haven't...
  15. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    Oh my. I put my USB2 into a USB-C jack, it was meant for keyboard only but will test it and see what else I need to do for USB3. I will look at that device! Thanks!
  16. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    Well the target is an emulated Z80, so resources are (artificially) tight. And, lol, somewhat moot, as the board is at JLCPCB. But I assume there will be revisions. I'm doing the VGA work on the Teensy "side" of the emulation, not in the Z80 address space. But oooh HDMI! What's the hardware look...
  17. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    OK cool. I figured as much (and I know that millis() has long been a fiction) but there's a lot to assimilate in the Teensy system, I'm laying out a prototype board and thought I'd make sure. I truly appreciate the replies!
  18. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    OK thanks! I had been looking for "T14" on the pinout card... and I figured as much re: system timers, but thought a dumb question was best.
  19. tomicdesu

    VGA output via FlexIO (Teensy4)

    This is all amazing work, thanks, especially jmarsh and wwatson. I'm about to breadboard this, but I'm confused by the pin nomenclature. I'm new to Teensy 4.1, though a reasonably experienced programmer. I'm trying to map "T14-10" (11, 12) to the board. I've only started to RTFM FlexIO, it is...
  20. tomicdesu

    Strategies for low power, battery/solar operation

    Hi -- new to teensy and this forum, but decades of experience in electronics and code. The project immediately at hand is a (network of many) box(es), placed outside in a public space. A PIR sensor sees people (or dogs) in motion, the box plays a high-fidelity (bird) song, stored on microSD...