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  1. N

    Teensy 4.1 + Native Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811 example, big lag after 7 universes

    Ok great. So first things, I slightly modified the code to only count up to 510 per universe in the loops instead of 512. In Mad Mapper, there's a setting that allows you to "skip last universe channels if needed", so a 300 length strip will occupy 0-1 to 1-390. I tested this code on just 3...
  2. N

    Teensy 4.1 + Native Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811 example, big lag after 7 universes

    Yeah good tip, but this is also exactly why I'm a bit lost now as to the sticking point. Here's a video of the same setup running just FastLED. 8 strips, each length 300, and each assigned to a different pin. All are running the cylon effect, and all run smoothly, no data loss.
  3. N

    Teensy 4.1 + Native Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811 example, big lag after 7 universes

    Ohh I see. So you are using the OctoWS2811 adaptors to actually drive the LEDs? My current setup is that I am running ArtNet from my computer -> network switch -> teensy via ethernet adapter. Then I am just wiring the LEDs directly out from the Teensy's pins. Here is the teensy with wiring...
  4. N

    Teensy 4.1 + Native Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811 example, big lag after 7 universes

    Ok this is super helpful. I have another question for you then. You said you used the Ethernet kit… was it the Teensy 3.2-4.1 OctoWS2811 Adaptor (, or the newer Ethernet Kit for Teensy 4.1 ( I'm going...
  5. N

    Teensy 4.1 + Native Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811 example, big lag after 7 universes

    Ok interesting. Yeah I was wondering the same thing, if it had anything to do with that. I'll explore a bit more on that front and let you know how it goes. On another note, which software were you using to send artnet data to the teensy? And can you tell me a bit more about your hardware...
  6. N

    Teensy 4.1 + Native Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811 example, big lag after 7 universes

    Thanks for that. So, I did indeed switch to QNEthernet, but the problems persist. Is there any Ethernet specific configurations that I need to make to boost performance?
  7. N

    Teensy 4.1 + Native Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811 example, big lag after 7 universes

    Hi there, I'm currently experiencing some major lag on my LED setup. My current project specifications: Teensy 4.1 Ethernet kit for Teensy 4.1 ( OctoWS2811 LED Library ( Art-Net Library...
  8. N

    Teensy 4.1 Error opening serial port, usb:1100000 (port not found)

    Funnily enough, the t4.1 is the only board I have connected to my computer. I don't even own a t3.2/3.1 ��
  9. N

    Teensy 4.1 Error opening serial port, usb:1100000 (port not found)

    Hello all :) I'm struggling here to get the Serial monitor to open when using a Teensy 4.1 with the Arduino IDE. Specifications: Arduino IDE version 1.8.19 Teensy loader 1.58 Teensy 4.1 Mac 13.4.1 My source code is very simple: void setup() { Serial.println("This may be sent before...