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  1. M

    Teensy 4 EEPROM vs Teensy 3.1

    Hello, I have to port some teensy 3.x code to teensy 4.x. With Teensy 3.x I used to use EEPROMEX library ( which allow me to store many datas in EEPROM. Teensy 4.x seem to don't behave the same as Teensy 3.x regarding EEPROM. Is there a similar...
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    Teensy for an audiophile DAC ?

    Thx Paul, I plan to use AKM4191 Modulator with 2xAKM4499EX dac chips (one per channel) with some PGA 2320 for Analog volume control. So the MCU have to feed AKM4191 with PCM stream, mostly per I2S (while the chip can use TDM too). I would be able to play hi-res files and DSD, so very much more...
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    Teensy for an audiophile DAC ?

    Hi, I'm currently *try* to design a DAC that can fit my needs because I didn't find any one yet. While the "audio" part of the circuitry is OK, I'm currently stuck with some choice for the "MCU" side. Many of my friends told me to use an Xmos chip for the USB connector and audio stream...
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    Yes it does. Thank you
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    V 1.3.1 seem to compile. Thank you Defragster
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    Thank you. Will try older versions and report
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    Hello, today I updated some tools and libraries on my dev computer. Now projects don't compile anymore (VScode). It's related to TTT. Teensy 3.2 : lib/TeensyTimerTool/src/TimerModules/RTC//RTC.cpp: In function 'TeensyTimerTool::ITimerChannel* TeensyTimerTool::RTC_t::getTimer()'...
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    Dashboard thoughs

    Hello rezo, Thank for your help and links. Effectively, there are good results. As there are "dimensions" restrictions with this kind of products, I envisage to have a specific PCB with the MCU and the bootchip directly sold to it, not to use a micromod or a 4.1 due to the height it will add...
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    Dashboard thoughs

    I had a look at OLED screen. There dimensions better fit a phone screen than a car dashboard. They tend to be very wide :-( So back to LCD displays. They have better size for this purpose (still). With this kind of screen, RGB (DOTCLK) seem to be the very standard when come to performance...
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    Dashboard thoughs

    After some search over the net, it appear that big OLED screen (5" and above) are often driven per MIPI interface. It's also look like i.MRXT106x don't have this feature. It's available on i.MXRT11xx series. Is this interface can be "soft coded" ? I guess not, but I prefer to ask. Thank you, Manu
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    Dashboard thoughs

    Thank you. For sure an OLED screen will be welcome but I have some doubt about : - The availability of a 5" 800x480 OLED screen (and it price) - The time it will last as OLED screen, at least old ones, don't last long. After a some years, they tend to degrade (from my own experience). Anyway...
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    Dashboard thoughs

    Hello, Due to chips shortage, I currently have time to start new projects. With, hopefully, the right chip that can be find in the future :p From years I always delayed one project because of my lack of experience with this kind of use. I would like to build a car dash. Ok, today I'll start...
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Sorry, I found : Can0.mailboxStatus();
  14. M

    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Hello, I use flexcan_t4 library for the first time and I figure that when I start the CAN, there are messages on Serial0 with a teensy 4.0. My code : Can0.begin(); Can0.setBaudRate(CANSpeed); Can0.setMaxMB(16); Can0.enableFIFO(); Can0.enableFIFOInterrupt()...
  15. M

    DIY USB Audio Cable

    Thank you. I'll give a look at it
  16. M

    DIY USB Audio Cable

    Thank you Paul. I was aware about the 44.4KHz limitation of the audio library and this was my main stop. Now that I have time to do some code, and before digging into it, can someone confirm that Teensy can do more than 16bit/44.1kHz if the right code is created ?
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    DIY USB Audio Cable

    Hello, I finally solve this problem per twisting the D+ and D- wires and add a little bit of poor insulation. Thank you for all your valuable replies, all ! @MarkT : I have knowledge (a least a little) in electromagnetism, crosstalk, etc. ;-) But I'm also curious. And yes, there are...
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    DIY USB Audio Cable

    Thank you. This was my first guess. I’ll try to twist them tomorrow and report.
  19. M

    DIY USB Audio Cable

    Hello, Nothing really related to teensy, but maybe someone have experience in a problem I face. For my hifi system, today I've build an USB cable to link the streamer to the DAC (USB 2.0). For this purpose I used AWG26 bulk silver wires that I covered with silk tubing (several layers). For the...
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    Compiling Teensy Sketches with VisualCode (Win10)

    Hello, Thank you. I updated VS today and it now work as expected. Manu
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    Compiling Teensy Sketches with VisualCode (Win10)

    Hello Luni, I'm sorry to come back about this, but I'd like you to release your version of visual teensy that use short 8.3 path since microsoft seem to not have intention to go back about this new behaviour of VisualCode. I prefer to update my projects files rather than change all my paths on...
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    Compiling Teensy Sketches with VisualCode (Win10)

    I'm sure it's better to wait for MS to fix this new behaviour as I guess that many will have problems with it.
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    Compiling Teensy Sketches with VisualCode (Win10)

    Thank for inquiring about this. Putting "VisualTeensy" repertory at the top of HDD, without space solve the problem. Hope that MS fix this bug ASAP since I have a lot of projects and don't want to fix them all. Thanks
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    Compiling Teensy Sketches with VisualCode (Win10)

    Hello Lutz, today I apply the last update to VScode and since I cannot build/upload any project to teensy. Seem like something is broken :-( I tried to clean all preferences, apply VisualTeensy again to reset anything, but still no luck. This is the message I get from VScode : Jeton « all »...
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    Differents projects over past years

    Hello, First at all, I want to thank PJRC and all contributors to Teensy world. With this, I achieved many projects over the past years. Here are some of them : -A multi-information CAN display -An EGT module that stream data over CAN bus -A Shiftlight that grab data per CAN bus -A...
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Hello Tonton, May I point you to this post ? Maybe there is already a function in your library that do "send in little-endian" ? I looked at the library and didn't find one, but I may miss it ? If yes...
  27. M

    Best way to send data over CAN in little endian format

    Hello, I'm currently working on a project that use CAN. I have to mimic an existing device to allow my project to dialogue with another device that I can't modify. For this purpose I have to send data in intel format (little endian). My original data is an INT32 (signed). I need to send it...
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    thank you Luni for your fast response and yes, it's operate well when using std::isnan
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    Hello Lutz, today I had some time to share and I decided to update TeensyTimerTool library is some of my projects. For most of them I upgraded from 0.2.1 to 0.4.1. In one of them I had a problem with "isnan()" which don't operate now. If I switch back to 0.2.1 there is no problem. I use...
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    Using nano-lib instead of new-lib

    Agree about code size. It's usefull when you are near the max flash or ram. But I like to know what I can do if I reach one of this limits one day. No, it's not faster with my current code. Loop is about 4µS in each case. My current code is mostly driven per Timers so it's difficult to see if...
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    Using nano-lib instead of new-lib

    A fast test. Optimisation is set to "faster": With NEWLIB-STANDARD : With NEWLIB-NANO : Software seem to operate normaly. Have to test it more to be sure. Thank you
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    Using nano-lib instead of new-lib

    Thank you Luni. Will try it today.
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    Using nano-lib instead of new-lib

    Hello Luni, I'd like to see this in VisualTeensy too. Thank you, Manu
  34. M

    Binary Pattern for branch decision

    thank you both ;-)
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    Binary Pattern for branch decision

    I still have long to learn...
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    Binary Pattern for branch decision

    Well, thank to both of you. I was interested in code optimisation for a project in which I have 4 "big if". I was curious about the potential gain with pattern since I had read that it can save many instructions (the link I provide in the first post demonstrate it). Both of you teach me one...
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    Binary Pattern for branch decision

    @luni => thank you, I just NOW understand your link. It this absolutely true with VScode and teensy ?
  38. M

    Binary Pattern for branch decision

    So, if I understand : if ((i == 1) || (i = 2) || (i = 4) || (i == 6) || (i == 8) || (i = 9) || (i = 11)) (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<4) | (1<<6) | (1<<8) | (1<<9) | (1<<11) = 0b 101101010110 = 0000 1011 0101 0110 = 0xB56 = 2902 Correct ?
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    Binary Pattern for branch decision

    Thank you, but I still not understand the way to build the mask. In your example you use 1 and shift it per the number, and then look at the bit position. Right (1<<1) | (1<<5) | (1<<13) = 0b10000000100010 = 0010 0000 0010 0010 = 0x2022 = 8226 So this mean that if I want to check if condition...
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    Binary Pattern for branch decision

    Hi, In "The definitive guide to arm cortex-m3 and cortex-m4 processors" by Joseph Yiu (third edition) there is a trick about branch decision (if then) and binary patterns that lead to smaller code. Chapter 23.1, page 738 : void is_prime_number(unsigned int i) { if ((i == 2) || (i = 3) ||...
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    GPS time and calculations

    Hi Pete, Today I dig in the code because it didn't operate correctly, the week of the year was always week+1. I found that te.Wday will always return 0. So the week calculation would never take current day in account. Here is the corrected code : // find if year is a Leap Year int leap(int...
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    Soldering components with small SMD pads when you are all thumbs?

    Hi, I use to sold prototypes per hand "as I can, if I can". But I tend to use more and more my hot plate. The problem with the hot plate is when you have big PCB because it blend it... When I have to do more than 2 pieces, I use a reflow owen like the one Kurt give a link, with a little mod...
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    GPS time and calculations

    Hello Pete, Sorry for the long delay, I was busy up to now. Thank you for the code, I'll try it tomorrow and let you know how it behave. I had a quick look on it and, as I state in the first post, I'm really useless with date calculus... I don't understand what you do. I'll have a deeper look...
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    GPS time and calculations

    I tried it, but as I expected, it don't take in account that the first week of the year often have less than 7 days. So today your code return week 12 while we are on week 11. And there is one rule : It says Week 1 of a year is the one which contains at least 4 days from the given year. (come...
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    GPS time and calculations

    Thank you Pete. I used another way while trying to figure if the first week of the year is not a full 7 days week : uint16_t findWeekOfTheYear() { int16_t currentWeek = 1; tmElements_t te; time_t dateStart, dateCurrent; // Date pour le 1er Janvier te.Year = uBloxData.utcYear - 1970...
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    GPS time and calculations

    Well, I fell in the (53 weeks year) trap... Funny that it was 2020 :o
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    GPS time and calculations

    Thank you Pete, This was exactly my problem (and fault). Any help to calculate "WeekOfTheYear" ? I have an idea but need some time to make it real (Busy today). I'll use and count "nextsunday" from 1/1/currentYear until I reach the current week.
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    GPS time and calculations

    Here is a simple code that demonstrate that DayOfTheWeek does not operate : #include <TimeLib.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while ((!Serial) && (millis() < 500)); tmElements_t te; for (int i = 14; i < 21; i++) { //03-14-2021 = Sunday te.Year = 21; te.Month = 3...
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    GPS time and calculations

    With the function above, if I set date to 23/3/21, the dayOfWeek is 7. It should be 2. Ah, I forgot to say that I use Teensy 3.2 and this is with TimeLib.h Library provided by Paul. 18:30:0 - 23/3/21 => Day Of The Week : 7 => function return 585000 seconds = 162 hours 18:30:0 - 23/3/21 => Day...