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  1. J

    Access to more GPIOs on Teensy4.1

    I have searched the forum, but I can't seem to find an xls that lists out the pin mapping for the MIMXRT1062DVJ6 I have found a detailed pinout by KurtE. However, I need an extra column that maps the actual pin on the chip to the Native, including those that are not being used. Is this available...
  2. J

    Access to more GPIOs on Teensy4.1

    Paul Thanks for your help it is much appreciated, and helps tremendously. For the prototype I can use less pins to make it easier to access pins that are easier to get to. As for using mux or extenders, for my application this would not be fast enough as I am using the 600MHz and the 3-5 clock...
  3. J

    Access to more GPIOs on Teensy4.1

    Looking at a project that needs 100 dedicated GPIOs to monitor state changes. They would be set as pull-up interrupts, and then a few other GPIOs for control/comms with a host Teensy (code already written and working). MIMXRT1062DVJ6 datasheet says that the chip has 127 GPIOs (124...
  4. J

    Teensy 4.0 SPI Clock Speed

    SPI Clock Speeds OK, like all digital problems there seems to analog gremlin. Thanks to some of the replies, and one asking for logic anlayser outputs, it seems I can not reproduce the issue. Using the code SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(8000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); without any follow on...
  5. J

    Teensy 4.0 SPI Clock Speed

    I am working with the Teensy4.0 and compiling in both Arduino IDE and using Visual Studio with Visual Micro plugin (shame the debug does not work!!!) Arduino 1.8.13 and TeensyDuino 1.53 Anyway using SPIClass to communicate on SPI channel0 to a DAC8775 development board. The SPI links are very...
  6. J

    Programming Teensy 4.0 in a Windows10 VirtualBox machine

    Revised process for programming Teensy via VirtualBox Windows Machine OK scrub that. The timings in the usb.c seems to be a red-herring! I have done further testing and have found the following. The Arduino IDE or Visual Studio via Visual Micro sends the HEX to the Teensy Loader after it has...
  7. J

    Programming Teensy 4.0 in a Windows10 VirtualBox machine

    Programming Teensy via a VirtualBox Windows machine Paul, thanks for the reply. I have amended that line to read usb_reboot_timer = 500; Plus ensure that the Teensy is connected through the VM Then when press Compile/Upload watch for the upload prompt and then review the VM USB inputs and...
  8. J

    Programming Teensy 4.0 in a Windows10 VirtualBox machine

    I am working on a Mac using VirtualBox. The VM is running Arduino IDE 1.8.13 and TeensyDuuino 1.53 Plugging in the Teensy into the USBC on the MAC it does show in the VM and is accessible. However, when you go to programme it, it times out. But now the Van Ooijen Technische Informatica Teensy...
  9. J

    Teensy 4.0 External Power

    I am using Blink, as this is not a code issue but a hardware one. When the Vin is powered by VUSB (ie PAD connected) the Teensy works 100% and shows in the IDE monitor. Cut the pads and connect the positive feed via Vin, and not VUSB, and the Gnd from the external power is connected to board...
  10. J

    Teensy 4.0 External Power

    I am having issues power the Teensy 4.0 from an external source to the USB ie VUSB. I have cut the pads to separate Vin from VUSB. I have then applied 5v to Vin and I get nothing from the Teensy. Probe the 3.3v pin and there is 3.3v there. If I remove 5v from Vin, and then apply 3.3v to the 3.3v...