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  1. D

    Cant get FreqCount to compile on Teensy 4.1

    Thanks Paul. Great explanation. Don
  2. D

    Cant get FreqCount to compile on Teensy 4.1

    I am not familiar with the second library directory and how it got there. In the past I have always had my libraries in documents/arduino/library Which library should I be using and should I rename the other one?
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    Cant get FreqCount to compile on Teensy 4.1

    I am new to the Teensy world but have been an Arduino user for many years. I recently downloaded the latest version of the Arduino IDE and the Teensy 1.5.9 add-on. I was able to load and complie the very basic LED sketch but my next project that I want to work with is FreqCount. I can not...
  4. D

    Increasing ADC reading speed

    Thanks Don
  5. D

    Increasing ADC reading speed

    Is there a library that I need to include for the analogReadFast? Don
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    Increasing ADC reading speed

    Thanks for your informative reply. I was not familiar with the analofReadFast. I will have to look into that. Don
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    Can the Teensy 4.1 handle 5V TTL serial on the UART?

    Please disregard, I found out on another forum that the TTL output that I want to interface to is in fact 3.3V Don
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    Can the Teensy 4.1 handle 5V TTL serial on the UART?

    I am porting an application from an Arduino Mega to a Teensy 4.1. This application communicates to a 5 volt TTL serial port. Can the Teensy 4.1 handle this or do I need a level shifter? Don
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    Increasing ADC reading speed

    I am working on porting an application from an Arduino Mega to a Teensy 4.1. One of the most important requirments is to monitor several ADC inputs and react as fast as possible if one of them exceeds a preset level. When I did the Arduino Mega sketch I found some information in Simon Monk's...