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  1. gruvin

    BUG: PlaySdRaw on Teensy 3.6 -- crashes

    Oh wow! OK. Will do. Will edit this reply with results. EDIT: Yup! Fixed. You're a rock star! :-) Thanks!
  2. gruvin

    BUG: PlaySdRaw on Teensy 3.6 -- crashes

    Thanks for the reply! This is great. Well yes ... except that is, a) using sdPlayWav (not buggy in the first place) *and* the sound libraries are designed to allow calling playSd* without waiting for the previous sound to finish. The currently playing sound is simply stopped and the new one...
  3. gruvin

    BUG: PlaySdRaw on Teensy 3.6 -- crashes

    Thanks for the offer. Here is a minimal test sketch, which can be used to produce the crash without any external input ... #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> #include <CapacitiveSensor.h> // GUItool: begin automatically generated...
  4. gruvin

    BUG: PlaySdRaw on Teensy 3.6 -- crashes

    Thanks for the reply! I didn't know there had been an update since 1.3.1-beta. I must need to subscribe to something somewhere? I'll check it out today and update this thread with my findings. EDIT: Have now tested with Teensyduino 3.2. No change. Same bug. The SD library itself (with SDIO)...
  5. gruvin

    Wiki Coming - Please link worthy posts

    Don't ya just hate it when life gets in the way of the fun stuff? :-P (I'm brand new around here. No offense intended.)
  6. gruvin

    BUG: PlaySdRaw on Teensy 3.6 -- crashes

    Played around with this some more. Can't seem to find any way around it. Is there anything I can do to help find or procure a fix? Thanks.
  7. gruvin

    BUG: PlaySdRaw on Teensy 3.6 -- crashes

    BUG: Teensyduino v1.3.1-beta3 :: PlaySdRaw on Teensy 3.6 crashes Howdy Background I recently backed the Teensy 3.5/6 campaign, as my first foray into the Teensy world. I have 2x Teensy 3.6 boards and later, a Teensy 3.2. All very cool, especially the great library code! A great deal of work...