Search results

  1. R

    New lwIP-based Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1

    Solved the problem.
  2. R

    New lwIP-based Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1

    Okay, I will try reloading teensyduino.
  3. R

    New lwIP-based Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1

    This was compiling fine yesterday, before I foolishly allowed Arduino to update itself and the libraries.
  4. R

    New lwIP-based Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1

    /Users/rhyde/Documents/Arduino/libraries/QNEthernet/src/QNEthernet.cpp: In member function 'bool qindesign::network::EthernetClass::begin(const IPAddress&, const IPAddress&, const IPAddress&, const IPAddress*)': /Users/rhyde/Documents/Arduino/libraries/QNEthernet/src/QNEthernet.cpp:225:45...
  5. R

    New lwIP-based Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1

    Just updated my arduino system. Big mistake. QNEthernet compile is now complaining that it can't to static case of 32-bit unsigned to IPADDRESS. Any ideas?
  6. R

    Tooting my horn--The Book of I2C

    Hi All, Just want to mention that my new book is available from No Starch Press: The Book of I2C.²C-Guide-Adventurers/dp/171850246X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2062OAVI9Y5H1&keywords=The+Book+of+I2C&qid=1663860980&sprefix=the+book+of+i2c%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-1 This book...
  7. R

    Run mbed-os on Teensy 4.0?

    Thanks, that looks interesting. I've played with FreeRTOS on the Teensy. It's a bit painful as all the Arduino library calls have to have synchronization calls around them. That's the thing that cool about mbed, i2C, SPI, Ethernet, etc, are all reentrant and efficient (don't block use of CPU...
  8. R

    Run mbed-os on Teensy 4.0?

    I am following up on this thread to see if any progress has been made on getting mbed to work on a Teensy 4.x. The 4.0 and 4.1 really beg for an RTOS (with good HAL support, especially I2C and SPI).
  9. R

    Future Teensies!

    Deleted. Figured out the problem.
  10. R

    Teensy 3.2 soldering jig

    As best I can tell, the problem lies in the fact that there is a considerable amount of assembly language code (Webster/HLA/MASM) on this site. The virus checker cannot identify the compiler used to produce the executables, so it generates a false positive result on the whole website. There is...
  11. R

    Teensy 3.2 soldering jig

    Hmmm... Specifically downloaded premium trial of Malwarebytes and I got nothing from it.
  12. R

    Teensy 3.2 soldering jig

    I've just gotten a dozen or so (different) PCBs back, each of which does a single data acquisition or control function and makes that information accessible via Ethernet. Each of these boards has a Teensy 3.2 (5v operation is nice, don't need the speed of the 4.0) on it. In the past, I've...
  13. R

    Teensy 4.0 Breakout Kit

    Put the order information on your website :)
  14. R

    Teensy 4.0 Breakout Kit

    Boy, I'd love to find where you can get those flex boards done for 50 cents each. I just priced a bunch (okay, slightly larger) and they were $25 each.
  15. R

    Ethernet Watchdog board based on Teensy 3.2

    I recently had the need to attach an Ethernet-based watchdog board to a couple of computers controlling a (research) nuclear reactor. Search though I did for a COTS product, I was unable to find something that was: 1) Failsafe operation (you would think watchdog timers would get this right, a...
  16. R

    Annual IDE update and SPI fails

    I figured it out. I had to delete the Arduino SPI libraries before the Teensy libraries would take effect.
  17. R

    Annual IDE update and SPI fails

    Every year or so I make the mistake of updating the Arduino IDE and Teensy code. Every time it breaks my SPI code. I've completely forgotten what I did last time to get the proper SPI library installed to use SPI0, SPI1, and SPI2 on a Teensy 3.5/6. What am I missing here? (all my existing code...
  18. R

    Teensy Loader having problems on Mac OS High Sierra

    Some files work, some do not. Here's one of the source files that is giving me problems. (Note: will only be around about a month as of 1/8/2018; can't figure out how to post zip files here).
  19. R

    Teensy Loader having problems on Mac OS High Sierra

    Just got a new iMac Pro running Mac OS High Sierra. Teensy loader seems to work only once. The second time I upload code the Arduino IDE often complains that "the compiler quit with no error message". Quitting Teensy loader and recompiling fixes this problem (well, at least for one iteration)...
  20. R

    Weensy 3.6 now available

    I do have a small number of boards that require a single cut and jump. I'd let them go for $15 plus shipping.
  21. R

    Weensy 3.6 now available

    When the next batch arrives I might make a small number available. Probably around $25. Personally, I don't want to get in that business, but if there is sufficient interest in a group buy I could manage it.
  22. R

    Weensy 3.6 now available

    I've played around with a half-dozen solutions (including adding a shift register to provide OE bits so I can programably set the direction). In the end, I think that my final solution is to build two small breakout boards (same size and pinout as the Adafruit TXB0108) that make those 8 GPIO...
  23. R

    Weensy 3.6 now available

    I actually made a small two-side PCB to plug onto the Weensy in place of the Adafruit Level Shifter. For the ten boards or so that I will ever build, that's going to work out just fine. As for a more generic solution for the Weensy 3.6 PCB, the correct solution is probably just to run the 3.3V...
  24. R

    Weensy 3.6 now available

    After researching the whole bi-directional level shifter issue a bit, I think that I've come to the conclusion that for the Teensy I'll have to use separate input and output buffers for the GPIO pins. I suspect the simplest solution is the following. Further comments? Keep in mind I'll be...
  25. R

    Weensy 3.6 now available

    Thanks, I will redesign that part of it. I've had only one issue to date, but most of my I/O is slow and/or unidirectional, which is why I've probably gotten away with it. The one problem I've had has been with the J2_38 pin (legacy name, just a GPIO pin). It works great as an output pin, not so...
  26. R

    Weensy 3.6 now available

    The Teensy 3.6 is an open-source/open-hardware (Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution International license) board that provides I/O expansion and breakout capabilities for a Teensy 3.6 module. The Weensy 3.6 offers the following features: Open Hardware design based on Creative Commons 4.0 license...
  27. R

    A DMX-controlled Christmas Tree

    Another Picture Here's a picture at night; I'd post a video, but 30 seconds is nearly 60MB. Probably a bit much...
  28. R

    A DMX-controlled Christmas Tree

    I combined a Teensy 3.2, the PRJC OctoWS2811 board, a MAX 481 chip (based on the design here:, Paul's Octo library, Chris & Ward's DMX library, Light Factory v2.18 (DMX lighting control program), and 75 fixtures ornaments each containing an...
  29. R

    setMOSI (et. al) on Teensy 3.6?

    Someone ought to update this page: to reflect reality. On a similar topic, what's the trick to accessing different I2C ports? Wire3.begin() doesn't work and the Teensy I2C page doesn't mention anything. (also, is i2c_t3-master really limited to using...
  30. R

    setMOSI (et. al) on Teensy 3.6?

    Thanks, that did the trick.
  31. R

    setMOSI (et. al) on Teensy 3.6?

    I'm trying to move the SPI calls to the MOSI2, MISO2, and SCK2 pins on the Teensy 3.6: #define SPICS 43 #define MOSI 44 #define MISO 45 #define SCK 46 SPISettings WeensySPI( 2000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0 ); In setup: pinMode( SPICS, OUTPUT ); digitalWrite( SPICS, 1 ); SPI.begin()...