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  1. mjs513

    Section type conflict and other memory error

    Think that says it all. Running out of room. Should double check that file is actually being erased - never checked that.
  2. mjs513

    USBHost Bluetooth pairing with Mobile device

    Using @KurtE's ArduinoBLE library modified for the teensy(See post #4) is the closest we got, if I remember correctly for using a BT dongle. Don't think we ever did anything with BT serial data using a dongle. It been a while.
  3. mjs513

    Section type conflict and other memory error

    @joepasquariello is correct but besides that the sketch does not compile as shown. However with that said I modified the sketch and saw the same thing as you. Issue is probably with parseFloat, never had luck with that. With that said I played around a bit and used atof after reading in data...
  4. mjs513

    Experiment: Wondering on T4.1 supporting SDFat on SDIO2

    @KurtE Decided to wire this up and give it a try. Setup pretty much mirrors yours. MTP does let you see both drives no issues. However 1. Copying files from SDio1 to SDio2 fails. Seems to copy entry but data is corrupted - incomplete. 2. Copying files from PC to SDio2 works and files open...
  5. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Thats strange seems to be working for me. Did you use the updated sketches I had for MotionCal?
  6. mjs513

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3

    Sorry - not sure what happened but heres the link:
  7. mjs513

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3

    Think you may be out of luck except to send the issue to Paul on the core? According to the .h file and this it came from google code repo which doesn;t exist anymore but this shows that Paul updated it. But anyway here is the link...
  8. mjs513

    Transmit / Receive Telemetry from Teensy 4.1 and XBee

    That is correct. Just remember its a 3.3v device.
  9. mjs513

    Transmit / Receive Telemetry from Teensy 4.1 and XBee

    Take a look at this and this
  10. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    @russellkt Spent some more time on this and got my library working with the AtomS3R. All files for using the Library with the S3R and the files for working with the builtin lib have been posted to:
  11. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Ok finally finished playing. Give this sketch a try - also draws a compass. NOTE Updated sketch
  12. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Strange - mine was steady. PS looked at your sketch and did see where you included the accel caibration. You also didn't include a few things that you need. Will give it try a bit later - have a few things to do outside programming right now.
  13. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Did you recalibrate the magnetometer
  14. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Nope. Forgot o post it: scroll down to the downloads section
  15. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    It’s ximu3. Think the link is in post #1
  16. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    @russellkt Received my Atoms3r and been playing with it. Finally got it figure out. But for some documentation of whats going on. 1. Took apart the case to determine chip orientation instead of guessing. 2. Looking at the datasheets for pin1 /axis orientation and putting in NED Coordinates...
  17. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Was wondering about that when I saw it in firmware for the m5stack - didn't see it on the schematic though.
  18. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    You can try begin like this: imu.begin(Serial) or imu.begin(&Serial) forgot which format it wants. Will print out some debug info - may give you a clue
  19. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Right now they are hard coded in the library. To change them your will need to go into the utilities directory and edit 2 files. Edit BMM150_defs. at about line 162, you will see: #define BMM150_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS UINT8_C(0x10) //was 0x13 and you can change the default...
  20. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Sorry you couldn;t getting working with the M5Unified library. The effort I put here was a generic library for the BMI270/BMM150 sensors using the internal attached to a generic microcontrol. The video shows that its fairly stable and response to sensor movements. I don't have one of the atom...
  21. mjs513

    SerialFlash usage SPI1 startup stops Touch function on SPI ILI9341

    Yep thats a better approach so that static bool begin(SPIClass& device, uint8_t pin = 6); actually work the way it is suppose to.
  22. mjs513

    SerialFlash usage SPI1 startup stops Touch function on SPI ILI9341

    @defragster Wondering if its an issue with tri-state buffer or possible of needing resistors on the cs lines. Remember this:
  23. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    @russellkt Think the issue is really with their implementation. Did you ever give my library a shot.
  24. mjs513

    Update CMSIS-DSP library

    Yeah did it while ago - can check this thread out on I was able to get it working:
  25. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Well if you want you can always give the library I posted here a shot on the board you have - should still work. Good luck with the AHRS.
  26. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Just a quick follow up. Looks like what you are getting is raw data that hasn't been scaled yet you have to call void BMI270_Class::getConvertParam(imu_convert_param_t* param) const { param->mag_res = 10.0f * 4912.0f / 32760.0f; param->temp_offset = 23.0f; param->temp_res =...
  27. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Sorry but it took me a while to sort through their library. First thing is there axis orientation is setup up different than mine but with that said they already do the realignment within in their library so you do not need to change it to match what is in my sketch. So you code should just...
  28. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    was looking at the wrong one. Can you post your code so I can give it a try and see what you did. Because the data you posted is showing accel and gyro data as well as magnetometer data. May not get to it to later today as in middle of doing a few things. ps. Motioncal only gives you...
  29. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Well you are going to have a have a slight problem. Th atoms3r is a ESP32-S3 microcontroller not a teensy and does not have a BMM150 and BMI270 sensors on board. The motioncal examples I have are for dual serial on a Teensy which in theory could get adapted to run on a ESP32-S3. But again -...
  30. mjs513

    Servo library doesnt work in Teensy 4.0

    I think this answers my question on the PWMServo detach method
  31. mjs513

    Servo library doesnt work in Teensy 4.0

    That's strange indeed. I thought so as well but..... Since when I looked on the drop down for the Teensy 4.0 the servo library is not found. Only the one from arduino. However, if I looked at the installed core it does show up. Other thing is not sure why PWMServo is not working. Note I...
  32. mjs513

    Servo library doesnt work in Teensy 4.0

    Interesting = looks like Servo library should work as well: Something strange - have to look more in the morning.
  33. mjs513

    Servo library doesnt work in Teensy 4.0

    Never really used detach() method. Just gave it a try and sure enough same error. Looking at the lib looks like a bug. Looks like it trying to mess with avr timer flags - I think // muck with timer flags if (pin == SERVO_PIN_A) { attachedA = 0; TCCR1A = TCCR1A & ~_BV(COM1A0) &...
  34. mjs513

    Servo library doesnt work in Teensy 4.0

    Just tried it as well out of curiosity on a Windows 11 PC using IDE 2.3.3 and getting the same error message but it does make sense as the Servo library is the one that comes bundled with Arduino so its focused on arduino boards. Here is there compatibility list...
  35. mjs513

    Teensy 4.1

    I do not think you are going to be able to find a "fault tree" analysis for any of these boards especially if you are planning a formal PDR. I have never seen one. You would have to generate one on your own from scratch and not sure where you would start. A lot of things will probably be...
  36. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Haven't used it yet in any projects but based on testing using Madgwick Fusion algorithm seems to work well. With the other filters I tested I never fine tuned the gains for the combo so jury is out with using those but expect them to work when the gains are tuned.
  37. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Let us know how it works out for you. Oh, by the way I ordered a set of these cables from Amazon to make it easier to connect to the Teensy:
  38. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    Ok found my Frams. Not picking up the FM2510-G for some reason - might be bad, Is picking up the other 3 Filesystems Selected with '2 {number}' command: FS #0 Present=Yes Size=640 kB Name=PROGRAM FS #1 Present=Yes Size=45 kB Name=DMAMEM FS #2 Present=Yes Size=29 GB Name=(null)...
  39. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Thanks Kurt. Almost forgot. I put together a sketch that combines several AHRS methods that can be tested with the MPUT-9250 or the M5Stack Board: // Set filter type: // 0 = Madgwick implementation of Mahoney DCM // 1 = Madgwick Gradient Descent, in Quaternion form // 2 = xxxxxxxxxx // 3...
  40. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Lets talk calibration now that I slept. 6-point Calibration: Back in 2018 while experimenting with using @brtaylor's uNav INS code @Don Kelly developed a 6 point cal tool for the MPU-9250 which he updated in following posts. I have since updated it to use with the my changes for the...
  41. mjs513

    Using BMM270 Accel/Gyro and BMI150 Magnetomer Sensors with Teensy 4.x

    Lately been trying to consolidate/organize my IMU efforts and decided to grab a couple of new sensors that are used on the Nano Sense V2, the BMI270/BMM150 specifically. For reference Sparkfun has a BMI270 sensor and Waveshare has a BMM150. However found that M5Stack has a single module with...
  42. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    a few other memboards we put together Index List: Filesystems Selected with '2 {number}' command: FS #0 Present=Yes Size=640 kB Name=PROGRAM FS #1 Present=Yes Size=45 kB Name=DMAMEM FS #2 Present=Yes Size=29 GB Name=(null) Info=SD Card FS #3 Present=Yes Size=512 kB...
  43. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    will give it a try:Upadate MTP internal filesystems info: Storage List, 15 Filesystems store:0 storage:10001 present:Yes fs:2000AF78 name:"" fsname:"PROGRAM" store:1 storage:20001 present:Yes fs:2000B044 name:"RAM1" fsname:"DMAMEM" store:2 storage:30001 present:Yes fs:20009960 name:"SD...
  44. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    Ok for those of you interested here is some output from the mods so far Note other than reconfiguring haven't looked at code yet but looks like RAM1 and prog storage is off. Also SD card not detected (micromod sdio) RAMDISK Storage 46080 bytes RAMDISK Storage 1536000 bytes failed SD Storage...
  45. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    Ok will wait patiently to see how it gets handled in the new API :) oops just noticed the link Think if I/we realized this earlier probably would have opted to do this from the start. Actually think it was the other way around if I remember right. Would agree to a point but you also want to...
  46. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    Just a bit of warning about use of "Store" or StorageID. From what I remember its only really demonstrated in mpt-test-integrityV2. Why was this? As mentioned in an earlier post the storage index is automatically placed on the first "storeargeID" created. So if you create first a SD card...
  47. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    Just tried by adding a RAM and PROG disk - so got to 11. Think 16 is more than enough!
  48. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    Morning - still working on coffee. You know don't think we ever realized that we could do that. So gave it a try and seems to work no problem. Looked at the change in code size and doesn't appear to be much difference. Using LittleFS_SPI for NAND and flash Memory Usage on Teensy MicroMod...
  49. mjs513

    MTP file size limits.

    Yep that got it - completely missed that. Thought it was the other way around should have know. Right now trying to get a couple of Bosch sensors working with the Teensy.