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  1. N

    External Jack Input Teensy Audio shield

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    Momentary Buttons Work Sporadically When Connected To Battery. 100% On USB

    Without a pullup resistor the input pin is connected to nothing(floating), its state is undefined and influenced by different factors. Simply put, the wire attached to the pin acts like an antenna. By adding an external pullup resistor or enabling the internal one, the input pin's state is set...
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    Momentary Buttons Work Sporadically When Connected To Battery. 100% On USB

    You definitively need pullup resistors on those pins!
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    Teensy 4 and TouchScreenUSB

    MacOS 10.13.6, Arduino 1.8.12, TD1.51beta1 Tried both the touchscreen examples on T4 and indeed the T4 crashes after executing the commands, so I suspect there might a problem with the TouchscreenUSB.release command. After the crash T4 is unresponsive and needs to be put...
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    Teensy Wavetable Synthesis example

    Well I think that's your error. You don't need to drop anything anywhere since the AudioSynthWavetable class is included in the teensyduino audio lib. So now you have 2 copies of the AudioSynthWavetable class on your system which results in a "redefinition of 'class AudioSynthWavetable' error"...
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    Values get cut short from esp8266 Huzzah to Teensy 3.6

    teensy code: In setup() you need to add the pinMode command to configure pin 13 as an output or the led will not work. In loop() change Serial.write to Serial.println(to send an ASCII representation of the binary value). esp8266 code: Remove the double quotation marks used in the Serial.write...
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    Snooze.h not working with Arduino 1.8.11 and Teensyduino 1.50

    @llamero There is nothing wrong about your setup, v6.3.4 of the Snooze lib seems to be broken. The author(Duff) knows about it and mentioned he would be working on it. see:
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    Do not want to add to the confusion but did a get info on both files and there are some differences. file size creation date enable app nap option I consider for myself this problem fixed but if you want to get to the bottom of this I will gladly help troubleshooting. Sadly my HighSierra...
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    I have no idea either. But I fixed the problem by copying 1.50 installed in Arduino 1.8.10 to Teensyduino Catalina 10.15 version.
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    iMac12,2 OS X 10.13.6 (17G10021) Catalina 10.15 version -> show package content -> double click result:
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    No errors in the console.
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    No, the Teensy Loader window does not appear. There is no process "Teensy" visible in the Activity Monitor.
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    Previous post was referring to iMac12,2 OS X 10.13.6 (17G10021) different system, different result: MacBookPro8,2 OS X 10.13.6 (16G29) The Catalina 10.15 version runs without crashing, also after a system reboot. I can compile & upload.
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    The Catalina 10.15 version runs without crashing, also after a system reboot. I can compile but not upload. Opening Teensy Loader... Unable find Teensy Loader. (p) Is the Teensy Loader application running?
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    1.49 runs fine with arduino 1.8.10 as does 1.50. But cannot install 1.49 on arduino 1.8.11 which I think is normal since arduino 1.8.11 is only supported by td1.50. Plain 1.8.11 does not crash. After a reboot of the mac it still works fine. After installing TD1.50 it still doesn't crash. I can...
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    Same behaviour with 1.50-beta1.
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    I spoke too soon. After shutting down both macs and have a good night sleep, today arduino crashes on startup on both systems. Process: Arduino [917] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: cc.arduino.Arduino Version...
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    Teensyduino 1.50 Released

    MacBookPro8,2 OS X 10.13.6 (16G29) iMac12,2 OS X 10.13.6 (17G10021) Arduino 1.8.11 & TD1.50 is running fine on both systems.
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    Unable to wake Teensy LC using Snooze

    To recap the problems found so far with v6.3.4. Tested with TLC, T3.2 & T3.6. The following does not work: -enabling the pullup resistors via SnoozeDigital.pinMode() -wake from digital pin -wake from timer Wish you a speedy recovery.
  20. N

    Unable to wake Teensy LC using Snooze

    It might actually be a better idea to download v6.3.3 of the Snooze lib and install it in the user library folder instead of downgrading TeensyDuino. Snooze lib v6.3.3 ->
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    Unable to wake Teensy LC using Snooze

    This was only meant to enable the pullup resistors, not as a fix for the Snooze lib. See @defragster's previous post. You must completely remove your current TD1.49 install of the Snooze lib before installing TD1.48. If you don't, the TD1.48 installer won't be able to handle the change in the...
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    Unable to wake Teensy LC using Snooze

    Tested the code and indeed it does not work. Upon further investigation I found 2 issues. First: The following does not activate the internal pullup resistors. digital.pinMode(21, INPUT_PULLUP, RISING);//pin, mode, type digital.pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP, RISING);//pin, mode, type You...
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    Unable to wake Teensy LC using Snooze

    The internal pullup resistors are enabled so you need to connect pin 21 or 22 to GND. Unplugging the wire will then create a rising edge.
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    Input for Audio Shield

    Try this:while (!Serial && millis() < 2500);
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    Input for Audio Shield

    @theczar1987 A few few remarks concerning your code: The queue is 128 words(samples) long, not 256! In your code the queue1.playBuffer() command is executed once per loop/sample. It should only be executed once every 128 samples. You need to read your sensor at the same sample rate as the...
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    FFC 8 pin, HFW8R-1STE1LF (teensy 4 bottom SD connector) obsolete.

    Yes, see:
  27. N

    FFC 8 pin, HFW8R-1STE1LF (teensy 4 bottom SD connector) obsolete.

    I am afraid not! The part you linked is the straight version and has a different footprint than the right angle version. see: and click Product Drawing for the footprint.
  28. N

    Single cycle wavetable, transients and spiking.

    LOOP_PHASE_LENGTH doesn't look right, subtracting a negative number with unsigned integers doesn't make sense in this case. This seems to remove the artefact:((uint32_t)2048 - 1) << (32 - 12), // MAX_PHASE ((uint32_t)2047 - 1) << (32 - 12), // LOOP_PHASE_END ((uint32_t)2047 - 1) << (32 - 12)...
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    changing patchcords in the loop?

    Your switch statement is being executed every iteration of the loop which means you are constantly un-patching patching the cord. The switch statement should only be executed once for every button press!
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    RA8875 from Buydisplay

    Autocenter is now working for the internal font & the RA8875 lib supplied fonts. Thanks.
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    RA8875 from Buydisplay

    void RA8875::setCursor(int16_t x, int16_t y, bool autocenter) autocenter does not work anymore. (tested with the internal font) Still works fine with the TD1.49 supplied lib.
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    Issue accessing class properly in AudioSynthWaveform array

    @tele_player I think being precise or pedantic as you say, is important to avoid confusion or misunderstandings, especially when dealing with technological stuff. Thanks for the clarification.
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    Issue accessing class properly in AudioSynthWaveform array

    Yes, like this.AudioSynthWaveform* waveform = new AudioSynthWaveform[4]; See following thread for a complete example:
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    Teensy 4.0: SD card problems/errors

    You could also use the c_str() StringObject Function. File dataFile =, FILE_WRITE);
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    changing patchcords in the loop?

    Use connect() & disconnect() on existing audio connection objects by adhering to the following: Instantiate all possible AudioConnections needed in the project(in the global scope, as usual). Multiple sources to one destination is ok. In Setup() disconnect all AudioConnections except the ones...
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    CS42448 board update for T4 pinouts and improved performance

    Just for the sake of correctness. Your statement is only valid for T3.x. On the T4.0 the audio lib runs @ 44100Hz.
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    kiCad Footprints

    Not mine and not tested. audio shield symbol in teensy3.lib audio shield footprint in teensy.pretty
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    "pocket operator" style teensy effects board - design review

    If you blindly copied the revD schematic without checking the SGTL5000 datasheets, pretty sure you've got it wrong. Checked your schematic.pdf file. The connections of your I2S datalines need to be swapped. Correct wiring: T4 pin7 OUT1A -> SGTL5000 pin26 I2S_DIN T4 pin8 IN1 <- SGTL5000...
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    Teensy 3.1 USB_MIDI NRPN Support

    NRPN & RPN are fully supported by the 3 midi libs. Have a look at Examples/Teensy/USB_MIDI/TransmitEverything.ino
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    teensy 4 sgtl5000 connections

    There's an error in the audioshield revD schematic. You need to swap pin 7 & 8 on the T4 side. see:
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    Using W25Q256 on Audio shield

    Both /RESET and /HOLD need to be connected to 3.3V.
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    Teensy LC I2C communication issues

    Did you connect the 3 address lines to GND?
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    Adafruit RA8875 the Sumotoy libray and the Teensy 3.6 = distorted graphics

    tft.setFont(INT);ortft.setFont(INTFONT) //sumotoy;depending on which lib you use.
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    Teensyduino 1.49 Beta #3

    @mjs513 beta3 with changes from post #25 running at the default 22MHz showing 284ms changed to 18MHz and now showing 275ms unmodified beta3 @17MHz -> 246ms @18MHz -> 248ms @19MHz -> 256ms Problem resolved, thank you very much!!! It might be a good idea to change the MAXSPISPEED for T4 in...
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    Teensyduino 1.49 Beta #3

    Located the problem in SPI.cpp around line 1281 changed CCM_CBCMR = (CCM_CBCMR & ~(CCM_CBCMR_LPSPI_PODF_MASK | CCM_CBCMR_LPSPI_CLK_SEL_MASK)) | CCM_CBCMR_LPSPI_PODF(2) | CCM_CBCMR_LPSPI_CLK_SEL(1); // pg 714 // CCM_CBCMR_LPSPI_PODF(6) | CCM_CBCMR_LPSPI_CLK_SEL(2); // pg 714 back to...
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    Teensyduino 1.49 Beta #3

    It is indeed very strange. The display i'm using is the 4.3" from buydisplay. I even wonder if it has anything to do with SPI because in my main application I also use the SPI1 bus to read the contents of 10 shiftregisters(74hc165) @2MHz. The time to read the shiftregisters is about 33usec both...
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    Teensyduino 1.49 Beta #3

    Did some more tests and USB Type does have some influence. With this new test I get opposite results #include <SPI.h> #include <RA8875.h> //teensy4 SPI0 RA8875 #define TFT_CS 10 #define TFT_RST 9 // 255 = unused, connect to 3.3V #define TFT_MOSI 11 #define TFT_SCLK 13 #define...
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    Teensyduino 1.49 Beta #3

    The slowdown is clearly visible on the display. Changing clockspeed.c does not resolve the slowdown. Yes, I'm sure about 2940ms. But that was yesterday. Today the times vary around 2300ms, which I really don't understand. After investigating a little further I noticed changing USB Type has an...
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    Teensyduino 1.49 Beta #3

    T4 @ 600MHz With this example beta 3 is about 10x slower than beta2. 2940ms vs 283ms. #include <SPI.h> #include <RA8875.h> //teensy4 SPI0 RA8875 #define TFT_CS 10 #define TFT_RST 9 // 255 = unused, connect to 3.3V #define TFT_MOSI 11 #define TFT_SCLK 13 #define TFT_MISO 12...
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    Teensyduino 1.49 Beta #3

    T4 @ 600MHz using this RA8875 lib: to draw 2 different types of screens. With TD1.49b2 screen1 takes about 23ms to draw screen2 takes about 65ms to draw With TD1.49b3 screen1 takes about 180ms to draw screen2 takes about 450ms to draw The screens take about...