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  1. 8

    Extend micro USB port on Teensy LC

    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately I have about 2mm in front of the usb port. I will need an alternative wiring to get an external jack.
  2. 8

    Extend micro USB port on Teensy LC

    I'm using a Teensy LC in a project and want to make the micro USB port available on the project case. Unfortunately I can't move the Teensy LC into a position that works. How could I attach a cable and route the port to another location? I see the GND, D+, D- AND VUSB pads on the bottom of the...
  3. 8

    Converting 5v to 3v3 to read 5v keypad matrix

    I'm interfacing a Teensy LC with a 5 volt device that has a 4x4 matrix keypad. I want the Teensy to be able to read the keypresses. I measured the keypad matrix as pushing each row to 5v at 2Khz. My thought was to connect 8 Teensy input pins to the 4x4 matrix. When a matrix row goes high (5v)...
  4. 8

    USB host and 20 pins (output only) that are 5v tolerant

    That's an interesting solution I may try out. Thanks.
  5. 8

    USB host and 20 pins (output only) that are 5v tolerant

    Hi Paul, you are right, I am still getting used to these issues. i need to be able to output 5 volts on 20 pins and have good USB host support. I'll check out the 74HCT245. Thanks
  6. 8

    USB host and 20 pins (output only) that are 5v tolerant

    Hi I'm still learning about all the options available. My project needs to interface with a 5v device through 20 output pins and also support USB host. I have a Teensy 4.1 that has great USB Host support but it is not 5v tolerant. I am going down the route of using a lot of level shifters. Is...
  7. 8

    Teensy 3.3v SPI to 5v digital pot - write only. Do I need to worry about voltage?

    Hi Paul, thank you for this info, it's very helpful. I have a couple more questions about the 5v intolerance and ground. I attached a drawing to illustrate. The Device has buttons. Normally they are closed by connecting a line to ground. I am doing it on the Teensy by connecting the line to an...
  8. 8

    Teensy 3.3v SPI to 5v digital pot - write only. Do I need to worry about voltage?

    I'm a new electronics hobbyist learning the basics. I'm controlling a 5v MCP42100 digital potentiometer from a Teensy 4.1 via SPI. My Teensy 4.1 is 3.3v and not 5v tolerant. I have to run the MCP42100 at 5v. What do I need to worry about if the SPI connection is write-only, using just CS, MOSI...