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  1. Theremingenieur

    Audio library, I2S DAC oversampling?

    You are welcome! Glad that I could share some of my modest experience.
  2. Theremingenieur

    Audio library, I2S DAC oversampling?

    @manitou: Do you feed the PCM5102A with a master clock on the SCL pin or do you only connect bit clock, data, and frame sync, letting the PCM5102A’s PLL do the rest? In the latter case (which works very well for me), it’s crucial to connect SCL to GND. Don’t leave it open to prevent parasitic...
  3. Theremingenieur

    Eclipse Arduino Download Manager for Teensy

    You are welcome. Perhaps, the Teensy upload scripts will one day learn from bossa (an open source tool to flash ARM MCUs), used by Arduino’s ATSAMD based boards and their clones how to auto detect the port where the beast hangs. Uploading to a Seeeduino XIAO goes without upload_port setting, at...
  4. Theremingenieur

    Eclipse Arduino Download Manager for Teensy

    After much struggle with Sloeber and its maintainer, Jantje, I simply gave up. Now developing on platformIO inside VScode for almost 2 years. No regrets. It simply works, and not only for Teensy.
  5. Theremingenieur

    Audio library, I2S DAC oversampling?

    Good advice! It looks like they have the Burr-Brown logo:
  6. Theremingenieur

    Audio library, I2S DAC oversampling?

    Ok, I stand corrected. I was pretty sure I had seen it marked as obsolete in a distributor listing. But from a technical point of view, only 16bit without internal over sampling filter, it is at least outdated. I’m really fascinated by the PCM5102A. Got breakouts with pins from China at around...
  7. Theremingenieur

    Audio library, I2S DAC oversampling?

    The PCM5102 does 8x over sampling internally. You can even choose between 2 filter algorithms, either for flattest frequency response or for minimal delay. And it will use 24bit of the up to 32bit which one can send over i2s. Feeding it only with 16bit is a waste and will not allow to reach the...
  8. Theremingenieur

    Adjusting the Teensy MIDI device name

    At long term, I suggest trashing Win10 and move over to a Mac.
  9. Theremingenieur

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #5

    I’m afraid you will be disappointed, Paul. 11.1 has by default still the red background. To protect myself from getting eye cancer, I replaced it manually...
  10. Theremingenieur

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #5

    And everything works still in the (only hours old) Big Sur 11.1 beta 2 :
  11. Theremingenieur

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #5

    As I said in msg#40, the same applies to the 11.1 beta which is running here and which allowed me to take the screenshots of a working Teensyduino installation. But I second Paul, it's a waste of time to test at least with early Apple betas. I've too often seen that things were newly introduced...
  12. Theremingenieur

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #5

    Thank you! It's not because just I am a Mac user, but as I wrote above, odds are good that parts of the PC market will be overtaken by M1 based hardware in 2021/22. From my experience, at least on Intel based Macs, you can at 99.99% be sure that if something runs in Big Sur, it will also run in...
  13. Theremingenieur

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #5

    Can't confirm. Had Teensyduino crashing once on opening, but that problem disappeared after a reboot. Now opens consistently and launches the teensy loader as expected : Edit: Teensy loader can also be launched without problems from PlatformIO, still in Big Sur 11.1 beta :
  14. Theremingenieur

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #5

    I strongly oppose against dropping Mac support. It looks like the new Apple Silicon based hardware will rather boost their market share: Seen how the "little" M1 outperforms...
  15. Theremingenieur

    Teensy 4.0 ADC analog input multiplexer

    Yes. If all the common standards for noise free sampling are respected like clean grounding, low source impedance, and in some cases depending on the signals to be sampled a LPF with a corner frequency < fs/2 to avoid aliasing, are respected.
  16. Theremingenieur

    Teensy 4.0 ADC analog input multiplexer

    Depends on the loop timing, which means that depends on how time all the code in the loop() + occasional additional interrupts need. I'd suggest for the sake of clean (noise free) results and fixed bandwidth, that you start with the idea of a fixed sample rate, i.e. using a timer to trigger the...
  17. Theremingenieur

    Future Teensy features & pinout

    I fully second MichaelMeissner’s post #190 After having swallowed the disappointment that future Teensys will have rather less integrated analog stuff like DACs and ADCs an never offer satisfying resolution and low noise, my personal opinion tends now to omit specific peripherals on the small...
  18. Theremingenieur

    Making WebUSB Work with the Teensy - What is PluggableUSB?

    If this can be a way to easily distribute firmware updates and other configuration information to Teensy based products out in the wild, I'd be interested, too!
  19. Theremingenieur

    Teensyduino 1.52 breaks AudioOutputPT8211

    I think that the PT8211 stuff can and will be fixed when FrankB reads this discussion. But I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use the PT8211 for new projects, this chip is not longer produced and what one is getting on the market today is only remaining old stock as long as supplies last...
  20. Theremingenieur

    method to addd a transistor to 4.0 or 3.2 to boost a pin output to 5v

    Look at the schematics of the Teensy LC board. It has a logic level converter IC 74LV1T125 on board which brings the 3.3V output of pin 17 up to Vin (5V) level :
  21. Theremingenieur

    Pulses counting in intervals with teensy 3.2

    All you need to calculate the values for the resistors R1 and R2 are given in the schematic from To use these formulae, you have to analyze the input signal first and determine two voltage levels. A lower one which is low enough to identify for sure a true low input level, and a...
  22. Theremingenieur

    Feasibility: 14 analog inputs -> 3.6 -> USB MIDI

    1.) Without extra soldering to access inner pads or pins, you'll have directly access to 21 analog pins on the outer row on breadboard. 2.) There are no limits in the number of analog ports which can be read. But you'll have to understand that most Teensy boards have only one or two internal...
  23. Theremingenieur


    There is no minimum order quantity. More details here:
  24. Theremingenieur


    What do you mean exactly by "it doesn't work" ? If you have a bare, never programmed MK20DX256 (Teensy3) and a known working boot loader, the first question is : Is it recognized as a USB raw HID device when you connect it to a computer? If yes, where is the problem? Compile and upload the test...
  25. Theremingenieur


    Not enough information. On which Teensy is your project based? Some are for example finicky about starting the Xtal oscillator if the PCB layout does not correspond to the NXP guidelines. Others are unhappy when the power supply does not ramp up quickly enough. A floating reset pin can also...
  26. Theremingenieur

    MacOS version of teensyloader disconnecting regularly

    I had similar issues with a buggy USB serial driver (kext) installed on my Mac once. It was an OEM version of the CP2102 driver. Removing the kext file manually fixed the problem.
  27. Theremingenieur

    What is the R used for in a const char definition?

    The R allows to assign text "as written", you don't have to care about adding escaped new line codes.
  28. Theremingenieur

    Planning to use PID to control servo tied to carburetor throttle to manage engine RPM

    1800 RPM are only 30 revolutions per second. Thus, you'll get 30Hz from the crankshaft rotations or 30 x 150 teeth = 4500Hz counting teeth. That makes things much easier :) Basically, that can be done, many ECUs do it in a similar way (among lots of more sophisticated functions) to stabilize...
  29. Theremingenieur

    Display refresh Latency

    Using 1MHz I2C speed, a 50% ping-pong buffer and DMA (with a self-tuned version of the i2c_t3 library and hand written rendering code instead of using a gfx lib with overhead), I could get a refresh rate of a little more than 60fps on a 128x64 OLED with a Teensy LC. Thus, it should also be...
  30. Theremingenieur

    map() function improvements

    I just wouldn’t use the map() function which obviously produces rounding/truncating errors but rather calculate once by hand the required coefficients and implement the linear conversion function y=m*x+c with the desired precision. The map() function does theoretically the same, but it fails in...
  31. Theremingenieur

    Teensy4 with PCM5100 i2sslave, no sound

    The PCM5100 series generates itself the master clock from the incoming bit clock. But that latter has to be provided, that's why the Teensy has to be the master.
  32. Theremingenieur

    Teensy4 with PCM5100 i2sslave, no sound

    There is no reason to make the audio output a slave because then, the Teensy would expect getting the clocks from the external device but your DAC does not provide these. This DAC is already a slave which makes that the Teensy must be the master. If you had used a cheap 8$ logic analyzer, you...
  33. Theremingenieur

    Teensy 4.1 Beta Test

    Thank you, @Robin, for that statement! It makes things better understandable. In ever case, nobody will (hopefully) blame PJRC who does, as usual, an excellent work!
  34. Theremingenieur

    Teensy 4.1 Beta Test

    Mine was shipped by PJRC on April 28th. Turned around for several days in SF, then took a week to make it to LA where it was last scanned on May 17th. Thus, far from arriving here in France - deeply disappointed by USPS.
  35. Theremingenieur

    Pulses counting in intervals with teensy 3.2

    That’s not the purpose of the freqcount library which expects clean logic levels. To count your signal, you’d have to add some external circuitry, for example around a LM331 comparator where you could add a multi turn potentiometer to set a trigger level.
  36. Theremingenieur

    Soundfontdecoder compatible with Teensy 4.0?

    The error messages seem to point towards a problem (among still multiple library instances present on your hard disk -> fais le ménage !!!) in celesta_samples.h, line 3. I'd do a differential diagnosis by checking if the same sketch works with the original flute sample.
  37. Theremingenieur

    Soundfontdecoder compatible with Teensy 4.0?

    First thing would be to do as suggested : and then to post the details here ;-)
  38. Theremingenieur

    Teensy 4.1 Beta Test

    Congratulations! Mine is obviously still on the way. The USPS tracking shows that it turned around in San Francisco for 3 days before it took it 1 week to make it over to Los Angeles...
  39. Theremingenieur

    Teensy 3.6, SD Card, missing time in milliseconds

    I guess that small delays at each write add up until every 6.8s, a kind of overflow occurs, especially since this Arduino tutorial code is highly inefficient. An improved approach could be: - not opening and closing the file each time you write, but defining a data acquisition period before and...
  40. Theremingenieur

    Teensy 4.1 Beta Test

    There are already 41 IO pins brought out in the normal DIL raster. The additional Ethernet pins and some of the bottom pads which are primarily intended to solder additional flash or RAM memory chips could also be reconfigured as IO pins. I think that there is more than enough.
  41. Theremingenieur

    Custom board using MKL04 - yield problems

    This 70us pulsing might be coming from the MKL04 not running the PJRC firmware? That's the business model of PJRC, everything is free and/or open source, but the MKL02/04 boot loader has to be bought from them already flashed with the (not open) firmware (Paul's magic sauce). A "virgin" MKL04...
  42. Theremingenieur

    Teensy dev-platform 4.8.0 for PlatformIO is out! 🚀

    @ikravets: I don’t know much about other happy Teensy users, but after you have already made the first fantastic step with the new PlatformIO.ini configuration GUI, go perhaps one step further and add drop down selectors for the different CPU speed, compiler optimization and USB options, similar...
  43. Theremingenieur

    Inconsistent readings on T4 A0

    Please understand that these ADCs are SAR ADCs. Which means that (short and simplified) the time is counted which the input voltage needs to charge or to discharge an internal capacitor. Thus, the ADC input pin does not have a constant impedance but the latter varies over the sampling and...
  44. Theremingenieur

    SV Filter - Higher resonance / self oscillate?

    The following article describes the basics of the digital state variable filter and how to transform it easily into an oscillator by making the damping zero:
  45. Theremingenieur

    Strange behavior between I2C master and slave

    I had repeatedly memory and heap issues with strings, more depending on the number of strings than on their length. It looks like the String class allocates an enormous overhead of dynamic memory. Since I discovered that, I modified almost everything to use char arrays.
  46. Theremingenieur

    Teensy dev-platform 4.8.0 for PlatformIO is out! 🚀

    Didn't notice, thanks for the hint! I'm amazed!
  47. Theremingenieur

    Teensy dev-platform 4.8.0 for PlatformIO is out! 🚀

    I’ve switched over from Sloeber/Eclipse which was great during long years towards PlatformIO about three months ago, for the following reasons: - The Sloeber addin has problems with MacOS Catalina and the maintainers were unfortunately not motivated to solve relatively simple problems like...
  48. Theremingenieur

    Read Endless Potentiometer

    The atan2f() function returns values from -pi to pi. So, if you want to convert this range into the 0 to 127 midi interval, you'll have to add pi first to make it cover the interval [0;2pi] and then scale the result to your desired interval.
  49. Theremingenieur

    Future Teensy features & pinout

    I’d also vote for double rows in 0.1” spacing with the most common and Arduino pin out-alike signals on the inner rows, so that bread boarding in the classic Teensy style (perhaps even 3.2 or 4.0 pin compatible) could be done by only soldering pins there. Those who need more, specific, or less...
  50. Theremingenieur

    audio library class

    First, you should revise your spelling - “Pubic” member functions are perhaps not what you are really looking for... :D Second, take a look onto the graphic design tool for the audio library. After selecting and placing an object from the left column, a description of its public member...