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  1. Po Ting

    audio library wakes up teensy from hibernate

    Hello, very thank you I've never used RTC in T4 before, and not used in my project, what extra hardward/software or library setup is needed? Do you have an example such as blink working with minimal hardware, or using systick like snooze used to?(for lower wake up interval less than second)...
  2. Po Ting

    audio library wakes up teensy from hibernate

    Sadly the snooze isn't fully supported in T4 IMO, not sure if it would be there later, or does anyone had a solution?
  3. Po Ting

    T4.0 DMASPI not working:

    I have no idea how ARM C7 works or why 😂😂 , Just accidentally found the solution somewhere in another DMA library. So glad I can keep my DMASPI as it is much faster. My code probably would work fine in my previous 3.6 and LC hardward, just... DMAMEM, thought that would always be necessary (or...
  4. Po Ting

    T4.0 DMASPI not working:

    referring to "" not sure what bug but removing "DMAMEM" in "DMAMEM byte address[DMASIZE];" fixes the problem.... and makes the LED updates will report later if all else works
  5. Po Ting

    T4.0 DMASPI not working:

    Hello community, I am applying the old code with DMASPI to use apa102 in T3.6 and LC, to T4.0, But I cannot get the DMASPI to work with T4.0. Here is the sketch ino file and used DMASPI library, The test results are: The strip did update normally...
  6. Po Ting

    Multiple SPI at the same time

    Wow cool, that essentially gives SPI almost DMA speed but not messing with all the DMA thing Thanks for the tip :) , I don't know we could just attach interrupt with the spi.tranfer() function. Though I just completed the coding to use T4 DMASPI with your modified version yesterday😂😂 Meanwhile...
  7. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    It's been a long time and I finally have some time to seek to move my POV project from T3 to T4 I have to redig into old codes and things and test them on T4😂😂 @mercyful : the refresh speed could be higher if you use DMA with SPI, OctoWS2811 with enough hack could work on parallel apa as if it's...
  8. Po Ting

    Need advice on PCB manufacturers

    I'm using JLCPCB on most of my project, because China is close to me... much cheaper shipping available. I believe PCBway is also located in China, they provide near same service (PCB/assemble/3DP/CNC....) not sure how they are related but pricing seems a lot cheaper on JLCPCB in many ways. My...
  9. Po Ting

    Snooze not working with any T4.x on TD1.56

    Okay :( I saw it's not updated for some time, With "Serial" chosen it's not working properly with and will reset before going through setup(); The old version of snooze without the USBserial-snooze block can still work with "MTP_experimental" used so its fine with my old LC sketch, I guess I...
  10. Po Ting

    [posted] Venti-POV v2.0 80HD

    Thank you :) I'm planning on updating the project using Teensy 4 this year Should I post on a new thread, or reply under this thread?
  11. Po Ting

    Snooze not working with any T4.x on TD1.56

    Hello, not sure if this is related problem Snooze examples (this case: Snooze\examples\deepsleep\button_hold_wakeup ) not compiling with T3.6/LC/T4, with USB Type: "MTP Disk experimental" chosen , while choosing the default "Serial" it's fine...
  12. Po Ting

    Teensy 4.0 & battery

    you're right, your wires should work I use a MCP73831 to charge my portable teensy device, made with LC, connection is similar with your picture above, However you can test the connections separately to make sure that works well :)
  13. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Sure, why not I did made some version using teensy LC and its fine. using SD card/apa102 It would be restricted to its SD reading speed, but still can use DMA for apa102 drawing could reach up to 40 pixels and still have some good enough POV effect for flowart
  14. Po Ting

    Teensy 4.1 NON default SPI pins possible?

    Hello, I use nRF24 module a lot too, the library is fine with LC, but I've not tested with T4 yet. Not sure if the RF24 library did recognize it as using SPI pin, or soft SPI if the latter, 600mhz bit bang could possibly be too fast for your nRF module, you try to compile your code at...
  15. Po Ting

    T4.0 Sleep modes

    tested with another example here using onboard LED for feed back #include <Snooze.h> SnoozeBlock dummyConfig; SnoozeSPI sdCard; SnoozeDigital digital; SnoozeTimer timer; SnoozeUSBSerial usb; SnoozeBlock config_teensy2(usb, timer); SnoozeBlock config_teensy(usb, sdCard, digital); void setup() {...
  16. Po Ting

    T4.0 Sleep modes

    SnoozeTimer timer; SnoozeUSBSerial usb; SnoozeBlock config_teensy2(usb,timer); Serial.println("ready to sleep"); timer.setTimer(2); Snooze.deepSleep( config_teensy2 ); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("waked, good1."); delay(2000); timer.setTimer(4); Serial.flush()...
  17. Po Ting

    T4.0 Sleep modes

    SnoozeUSBSerial usb; ... ... #if defined(__IMXRT1062__) SnoozeBlock config_teensy40(usb, digital, compare, alarm); Hi, I'm still testing too so I cannot give a concrete answer, but looking into the examples code above, its always has the object "SnoozeUSBSerial", not sure why and without it...
  18. Po Ting

    MTP Responder Contribution

    hadn't following for a while, I did this before with T3.6, an external button interrupt was used to break flag. it should break after a button is clicked and a mtpd.loop() is returned I never know if that was healthy to the SD, no problem to me so far while (globaltime < 3000) { //...
  19. Po Ting

    MTP Responder Contribution

    Yes it already could. However SDIO interface is not avail in teensy 3.2, so it will transfer file at a significant slower rate.
  20. Po Ting

    [posted] Venti-POV v2.0 80HD

    First my codes, should need to use some my specific libraries, (though if I remember correctly, the same library with 1.8.7 compiles too) this was the full folder of my used version and libraries, and this was the .rar of my code when the post was published. it should work(compile) with...
  21. Po Ting

    [posted] Venti-POV v2.0 80HD

    hi alezarate, Sure, I shall publish my work in a while. You are correct, I'm just not yet convinced if I can't find any commercial value with my design It didn't gave me much over two years :) just very fun flowing with it and showing to my friend I'm currently switching my job from flow art...
  22. Po Ting

    [posted] Venti-POV v2.0 80HD

    Hi Frank, you can find an older version for arduino nano here : currently I'm not planning on publishing Teensy version of code yet, however you can find many other code here...
  23. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Hi Janezek, yes both the youtube links is visit-able, I'm just not sure what's the glitch but I see it clearly now the data transfer rate or even frame per second could do something to the ws strips at early version, causing ugly flickering , not sure if yours do the same your second video...
  24. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Hi Janezek, not sure what your glitch is like, can you be more specific? or is there a normal group to compare with? I saw you have 1531 pixels, if you're using ws pixels you might need to care for power supply and refresh rate, It is not strange when static color like CRGB::Blue won't glitch...
  25. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Thanks, hope you have progress on your work too! at first I've think ROM at chop is not enough so I focus on using a SD, very well established library, and seek on ROM chip but not successful its quite enough on T3.6 or T4 but not at T3.1 or arduino For everyone: here's another record of the...
  26. Po Ting

    Need help on using SPI library

    Hi, My code attachment on #3 should work, please give it a try I no longer use the TLC5947 or TLC59711 driver in my later version of POV. but the library and code should work, you may look into it and see the code, the SPI of the driver is different and works 12bit for a LED, if you don't...
  27. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Hello, Happy new year community :) I have did another build of POV ( is this still POV anyway? lol) for a drum. featuring Teensy LC and 4m (1m*4) of apa102(60pixel per meter) in parallel of meters. time-coding is so flexible for any kind of performance : It can make some time-specific and...
  28. Po Ting

    MTP Responder Contribution

    Hello, following also, had anyone successfully tested MTP on teensy 4.0? Thanks
  29. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    I use some of a elapsed microseconds and use other things to do that, and check if time is favored or not before, or DMAshow(), whatever draws the LED this part of my unsigned long targetmicros = 0; elapsedMicros nowmicros; all other variables are accordingly, with my lines...
  30. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    @Janezek I suggest using octows2812 library, available at PJRC website libraries which splices your LED chain into 8 parallel chains and uses DMA for maxima speed but you'll need more setup on hardware connection , more wires to solder but shouldn't be a problem
  31. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    @abrownmn : did you meet any problem using with the hardwares? Not sure if cap/resistors matter, I did add a 47uF between my power battery teensy have enough cap on the board and apa102 were pretty robust and don't need extra cap to work fine, adding some 470R between apa102 data<-teensy MOSI...
  32. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Sorry to interrupt, sharing my work on POV :) Here's my latest POV, 36 pixels with Teensy LC setup, surely it should run well with Teensy 3.6 I think? I'll do that later in JULY. I've completed adding on nrf24 module into my POV and achieved wireless synchronize, while MTP cannot be used with...
  33. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    @abrownmn : freezing sounds like a power supply bug, if you have your image squeezed, you can adjust settings yourself for a good effect. I recommend at a speed that repeats letters "ABCD..." less than 40 units a second, and compact pictures "a face, pikachu or something" not more than 20...
  34. Po Ting

    Looking for a start on choosing RF module

    Hello, Its been nine months,I've completed adding on nrf24 module into my POV and achieved wireless synchronize, and also a easy version as a hand LED-stick. I can also recommend nRF24 module for anyone looking for wireless option. :D it works with my teensy LC module, while MTP cannot be used...
  35. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    apa102c and apa102 (or sk9812 from China clone) those use SPI wires are probably all usable with FASTLED library with apa102 setup, if you were looking for a source, I know the origin company contact of the Intellectual design in Taiwan.
  36. Po Ting

    Teensy LC with nrf24l01 Issue

    Hello, did you make it well? Now I have trouble using nrf24 with SD card on the same SPI port of LC :\ So looking around if anyone meet this problem too.
  37. Po Ting

    SD Card on SPI1 - T3.5

    hello, checking in here. Sorry for reviving, just thinking about the same thing : the libraries were hard-coded to SPI0 and need work to use in SPI1 in my case I probably will be fine to use SD card with SPI1 and nRF24 with SPI. (teensy LC is it, otherwise I use SDIO too) both can begin() and...
  38. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    glad it worked, switch your line from FastLED.addLeds<APA102, data, clock, BGR >(currentLED, totalLEDs); to FastLED.addLeds<APA102, data, clock, BGR, DATA_RATE_MHZ(8)>(currentLED, totalLEDs); should do the job, otherwise update your FASTLED library? I don't know what QR code could let beer...
  39. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Where did you went wrong, does it compile? or just not showing intended picture at all? you have a working example so the hardware should be fine I guess, however your example from adafruit doesn't use FASTLED. I guess you should define your SPI clock speed as I didn't see it above ...
  40. Po Ting

    DAC/ADC reference inconsistency

    @Paul Thanks I didn't notice the 6-bit / 12-bit DAC were different modules. I first see the comparator used as wake up source in snooze library, and can use some DAC reference voltage to compare. At teensy LC datasheet 2.2.6 or Table 2.7, at 46 page /876, I see LC have both 6/12bit DAC modules...
  41. Po Ting

    DAC/ADC reference inconsistency

    Hello, not sure if this question related, I see DAC could be used as a comparator source from datasheet. though DAC cannot use AREF as a reference, can DAC work as an analog reference, externally, with some extra wiring from DAC to AREF?
  42. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Not sure if 2020 strips were available yet but I did source mine here. Last year they seems to be on tesing and not widely available. You can also find details of Fritzing apa102 LEDS on this post "" the footprint and...
  43. Po Ting

    Teensy LC with nrf24l01 Issue

    my LC&nrf works fine with direct power from 3.3V on LC and pin 8,9 as CE/CSN, 11,12,13 as SPIs, 15 as IRQ. I first thought it was related to capacitors , but not all cases? my code first didn't work as reciever but works fine as transmitter by accident I discover this: I don't sure why, but...
  44. Po Ting

    Teensy LC with nrf24l01 Issue

    Hi guys, I recently just met some problem with that related, from my experience the nrf module could not run faster than 8Mhz, I once had a uno run at 24Mhz, that divides to 12Mhz to SPI I guess? and the module can do not more than successful begin(), other function that wait for any data...
  45. Po Ting

    MTP Responder Contribution

    @sschiesser I think something key was written in the MTP library, but the library is relative simple to edit guess you can probably modify somewhere in "" like changing line 37 : SdFatSdioEX SD; to SdFat SD; Also I didn't find call of...
  46. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    it is safer and stabler as they work on different voltage by datasheet. If you don't shift the level, you have to take your own risk that they don't work as intended By far I didn't meet any level-related error by direct driving apa102 with T3.6 SPI pin signals. ( and they both powered directly...
  47. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    if you had extra buttons or time to work on, you can make the brightness adjustable after programmed. I use such settings to swap between daylight and night. I plan to solder all the possible parts on my own designed PCB, so I had to avoid tricky IC packages :( QFN or apa102-1515 is by far the...
  48. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    @masterslave wow, there are so many new pixel shops today :\ guess thanks to widely available pixel strips, and the maker culture. not yet,:p:p I'm investing on my low-power radio pairing model with nrf radio, in fact just coding right now. I consider motion sensor a less needed feature in...
  49. Po Ting

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    @masterslav if your program is not needed to upload for your user, you don't need to leave the button reachable otherwise, you can line the program pin from the board out to ground through some other push button /location, so it's easier to access
  50. Po Ting

    [posted] Venti-POV v2.0 80HD

    @embedded-creations thanks for the link! It's useful for anyone would make their own POV I use my own board for many reasons, preferred density/count and size, there is also special designed route so the resistance by trace is same to each LED, stripped-LED can easily see decay of brightness...