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  1. A

    Purpose of MKL02Z32VFG4

    Thanks for the reply. "In the case of T_4.x the bootloader chip is actively involved in power on of the 1062 MCU chip." Is this the same for the Teensy LC and 3.2 ?
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    Purpose of MKL02Z32VFG4

    A couple of questions: The PJRC website says the MKL02Z32VFG4 bootloader chip is "for DIY Teensy LC, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6 Projects". The Teensy 4.0 ad 4.1 are not mentioned. Does the MKL02Z32VFG4 also work with the Teensy 4.0 and 4.1. Once the Teensy has been loaded with an image using the...
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    OctoWS2811 - Teensy4.1 - Use RGB and RGBW

    OctoWS2811 LED Library - Changing parameters while running Can the OctoWS2811 LED Library parameters be modified at runtime? All the examples show the configurations set at compile time. For example, if there are settings that are loaded from EEPROM at power-up that set the number of pixels...
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    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    Some medium scale and most large scale productions houses will have PCB X-ray inspection capabilities on their shop floor. If not they outsource it. Its pretty common, not just for retrospectively analysing failures, but also for ensuring ongoing production quality (sample and X-ray inspect...
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    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    Agreed. Castellation would be the best option. The Micromod M.2 connector is not that easy to route around as it is a high-density focal point for a lot of tracks - really needs a 4 layer PCB to be efficient, but with castellation on all 4 sides a 2 layer PCB could be used. There is a lot of...
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    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    It surprises me anyone would be using a product in a production/commercial environment that has a 3 to 5% failure rate on arrival - that failure rate indicates production flaws that may cause the parts to fail in the field over time. Its time that PJRC stepped-in and developed a Teensy 4.1...
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    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    The concern from a long term use perspective, is if there is a high failure rate on delivery, then it is possible that the ones that do work are actually marginal and could fail in the field. After all, we have learned that they are supposedly getting a 100% pin test before leaving the factory...
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    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    It would be interesting to see inside Sparkfun's manufacturing facilities. Placing 100 pin BGA packages requires a more diligent approach to quality and testing than regular surface mount manufacturing. For example, production batches should regularly have samples x-ray inspected to ensure the...
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    Teensy MicroMod

    That's alarming. Was this a one-time experience or is this a common problem? Fabricating PCB's with high density BGA chips is problematic at the best of times, and without X-ray inspection equipment it is very difficult to establish if the production process its reliable. I wonder if Sparkfun...
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    Teensy MicroMod

    We like the the Teensy concept for low volumes as its much quicker to get a product out without having to place a large pin-count BGA. I'm going to do my first board using the MicroMod and see how well it works for us. David
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    Teensy MicroMod

    Kurt, thanks so much. That's brilliant. I had started on something similar. Is it possible you could share the .xlsx file? It would be great if PJRC could release a Teensy 4.1 equivalent with a high density connector that lends itself to SMT assembly. Something better supported and better...
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    Teensy MicroMod

    I just wanted to confirm that the Sparkfun Teensy MicroMod board is a Teensy 4.0 for the purposes of software development. The Sparkfun documentation is poor, and they do not respond to technical questions. I'm assuming that even though their documentation doesn't mention for example all 7...
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    Teensy 4.1 Cannot access Internal SD card

    The project I created is called Teensy_4.1_SD_Card_Test.ino. The only text in the .ino file is an exact cut and paste of the CardInfo code from: The only change I've made is: const...
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    Teensy 4.1 Cannot access Internal SD card

    Paul, Thanks for the tips. With the Teensy 3.5 in a similar situation I modified the SERIALn_RX_BUFFER_SIZE definition in each of the underlying libraries (I got that advice from this forum somewhere), but see in the 4.1 the serial libraries are not setup in the same way. I wasn't aware of the...
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    Teensy 4.1 Cannot access Internal SD card

    Thanks for the feedback. I made that change then hit another Error: Arduino: 1.8.15 (Windows 10), TD: 1.54, Board: "Teensy 4.1, Serial, 600 MHz, Faster, US English" C:\Users\David\Documents\Arduino\Teensy_4.1_SD_Card_Test\Teensy_4.1_SD_Card_Test.ino: In function 'void setup()'...
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    Teensy 4.1 Cannot access Internal SD card

    I'm trying to get the internal SD card on a Teensy 4.1 working. I have used the examples that Paul suggested at: When I run the CarfInfo.ino example, I get the error messages listed below. The only modification I made was to uncomment...
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    T4.1 Ethernet Library

    Thanks. Working now.
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    T4.1 Ethernet Library

    Hi. First time using Ethernet on Arduino. I have a Teensy 4.1 with the Ethernet adaptor provide by PJRC. I'm using Teensyduino Version 1.53 and Arduino 1.8.13 I've downloaded this library ( but need a few tips to get it going. I've installed the...
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    New Stepper Motor Library

    I've used this library in the past with a Teensy 3.5 and had great success with the project. Any update on compatibility with Teensy 4.1? It would be great to have the additional processor speed combined with the on-board Ethernet functionality.
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    Mapping OctoWS2811 pins on Teensy 4

    Hi, I'm just clarifying that I really can use ANY combination of pins on a Teensy 4.1 for use in the OctoWS2811 library. For example: const int numPins = 20; byte pinList[numPins] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}; I do have an application that may...
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    Teensy 4.0 with OctoWS2811

    OctoWS2811 with Teensy 3.1 Will the Teensy 4,1 also work seamlessly with the OctoWS2811 PCB and Teensyduino 1.52 ? I'm assuming the 60K EEPROM emulationn that applies to the Teensy 4.0 will also apply to the 4.1? thanks
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    Large SPI Transfers on Teensy

    Thanks Kurt for your reply, I'm proposing to use a Teensy 3.2, but I have some 3.5's here as well if there is any benefit. I don't need to receive any data for this project. You mention that "There is a version of the API, that allows you to use an experimental eventReponder object". Is that...
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    Large SPI Transfers on Teensy

    Hi. This is my first use of SPI on a Teensy (and Arduino). I will be burst transferring 1134 bytes approximately 60 times per second at 2.5MHz. I'm assuming that if I use SPI.transfer to send 1134 bytes (about 4 milli-seconds) that I'm effectively blocking code execution (apart from interrupt...
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    How to use Octows2811 and SPI ?

    Hi, I'm also planning to use the OctoWS2811 library with a separate SPI device attached. My device simply needs MOSI and SCK, and doesn't require the MISO or a CS line. There is no return data. The standard Teensy 3.2 SPI pins are: SCK 13 (alternate 14) MOSI 11 (alternate 7) MISO 12...
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    Teensy 3.2 Code Doesn't Reliably Run on Teensy LC

    Hi, Thanks for the tips. Paul, I tried compiling without USB support but that didn't resolve the problem. Are there ways to assess RAM consumption from the Arduino environment ? Functionally the code is all compiling and running OK, except for the I2C OLED display glitches. The code itself...
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    Teensy 3.2 Code Doesn't Reliably Run on Teensy LC

    I recently designed a simple device based on a Teensy 3.2 that uses an OLED display via I2C. The software was based on the Adafruit SSD1306 and GFX library. The hardware interface to the OLED display is simply the SDA and SCL lines with 4K7 pull-up resistors. There are no other devices on the...
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    Castellated PCB Pads

    Thanks for the suggestion. We could do that, but it kind of defeats the purpose of what we are try to achieve, which is an accelerated PCB design for non-complex low-volume products. Often they are as simple as a customized front panel interface. I don't really want to throw an engineer at...
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    Castellated PCB Pads

    We are starting to use more Teensy's in low volume commercial products, as the saving in development time outweighs the component savings of placing a conventional MCU on the board and creating firmware from scratch. However we try to maximize the use of surface mount components as we have 2...
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    New Stepper Motor Library

    Hi Luni. That is excellent, especially the ability to reverse the motors by providing a negative speed. Is it possible yet to change the target position as well while the motors are moving? I'm also curious which stepper drivers you are using in that video.
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    New Stepper Motor Library

    Luni, I didn't initially realize that I could create multiple controllers that could operate motors independently of each other. My system is very different from a CNC application, and the motors need to operate completely independently of each other. This seems to be working now that I have...
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    New Stepper Motor Library

    I also agree this is a great library, and I can see that they commands that are exposed have been well thought out. In my case I am using it to position the azimuth and elevation of a tracking antenna for fast moving things like UAVs. The azimuth motor can be commanded to any position via a...
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    TeensyStep build errors

    I'm running Arduino version 1.6.12 Is there a risk that by updating to 1.8.7 that any of my previous projects will not compile ?
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    TeensyStep build errors

    Hi. I ereceive the same error: error: 'KINETISK_PIT_CHANNEL_t' does not name a type KINETISK_PIT_CHANNEL_t* channel = nullptr I'm running Teensy Installer Ver 1.31. I assume I need to update to a later version. I ran the Teensyduino 1.44 installer, and it is asking me to "Choose Arduino...
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    Reference for using SD Card on Teensy 3.5

    Ah! Of course sin is a reserved word (sin/cos/tan). So I changed that string name to InputString and declared it outside of the main loop. Unfortunately that didn't fix the problem. No data or files are being written to the SD card. #include <SdFat.h> SdFatSdioEX sd; // Log file. SdFile...
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    Reference for using SD Card on Teensy 3.5

    Yes, the TeensySdioDemo.ino sketch does work.
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    Reference for using SD Card on Teensy 3.5

    I've posted an example below using SdFat and the SdFatSdioEX mode which I understand is the fastest mode on the Teensy using the 4 bit parallel interface. I've assume I can ignore the need to set the chips elect to BUILTIN_SDCARD when using SdFatSdioEX. The code creates a file then checks...
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    Reference for using SD Card on Teensy 3.5

    I'm about to use the onboard SD card on a Teensy 3.5 for the first time. Is there a definitive reference for this anywhere for both sample code and which libraries to use? I have found multiple posts on which library to use, such as this one from PaulS suggesting using the SD-master library...
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    Serial Output Buffer Size

    Thanks. Didn't even know that extension existed !
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    Serial Output Buffer Size

    This seems to be a common requirement for many users. We're a commercial business, and hate modifying libraries, as history shows that when you transfer the project to another PC, and the programmer changes, the customised settings get forgotten, and the result is a lot of pain and heartache...
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    Teensy Not Starting Without USB Monitor

    Thanks Paul, We continued the development on the project, ignoring the issue and stayed connected to the USB. The problem still existed when we disconnected the USB. After quite a bit of further development work we started testing without the USB connected and it all worked fine this time. We...
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    Serial Output Buffer Size

    Is Teensyduino serial port output buffer limited to 64 bytes as with standard Arduino? I would like to have an output buffer size of several hundred bytes, so that I can write some periodic large bursts of data. In this case using Serial3 thanks
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    Teensy Not Starting Without USB Monitor

    Hi, I have just put together a small project using Teensy 3.2 with Arduino. The Teensy is powered by a 3.7V LiPo, and the PCB trace has been cut to remove the USB bus power. The problem is that my sketch will not run unless I have plugged the Teensy into the USB port and have started the...