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  1. F

    Modbus and ADC programs work independently but fail to run when combined

    Needed the ads1118.begin() in setup. I looks like it is in the library and I assumed it would be called when a read ADC read function was called but it isn't.
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    Modbus and ADC programs work independently but fail to run when combined

    Nevermind, after further work I found the problem.
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    Modbus and ADC programs work independently but fail to run when combined

    I have two programs, one for a modbus master and the other to read the TI ADS1118 ADC each one works as expected. I combined the programs together into a single program and the ADC part seems to fail on SPI but, again independently they both work fine. I added debugging serial prints and it...
  4. F

    MODBUS RTU communication

    Does this library include CRC check calculation? And what about Endian (big or little)?
  5. F

    Simultaneously output to multiple serial ports

    Nevermind, changed the sample rate and that made it a lot faster! Thanks Paul!
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    Simultaneously output to multiple serial ports

    Ok i changed the buffer size and the prints are quite fast but the program is slow in the ADC function i guess... Can you see anything that would be slowing it down to about 1 second for the function to run? // Function to read pressures and temperature from the ADS1118 void...
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    Simultaneously output to multiple serial ports

    I'm doing a lot of serial writes to USB and three other real ports and it seem to slug down my program. What are good settings for buffer, size? What are the min and max?
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    Simultaneously output to multiple serial ports

    Is there a method to send the same data out to three serial ports simultaneously?
  9. F

    Help with compile error

    this program compiled and ran just fine and now it won't and is giving these errors: D:\ChuckW\Arduino\Projects\Ads1118\Ads1118.ino:19:19: error: no matching function for call to 'ADS1118::ADS1118(int)' 19 | ADS1118 ads1118(CS); | ^ In file included from...
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    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    ok, thanks. I had to uninstall and reinstall it to be able to compile, it was stuck and lost all of the boards in the manager. Thanks for all of the help!
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    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    What do you use to develop?
  12. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Now Arduino is stuck and says downloading index: package_0.60.3_index.json. I rebooted my computer and am getting the same message.
  13. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    ok thanks i'll do that. So i shut down arduino and restarted it. Did a reload and it said it was compiling and uploading in the message line but there were no compiler messages and it acted like it was hung. I did a user abort, shut down arduino again, restarted and it worked this time and now...
  14. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Aw damm, somehow the board got changed to Arduino SAM under tools/board. I never work with that or any arduino board (only teensy 3.2 or 4.1) and it always is set to Teensy 4.1. I'm starting to think 2.3.3 is still buggy. Sometimes the settings change and i have to look over settings i would...
  15. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Yeah something is wrong, it's not reading the hardware correctly, no matter what the input voltage i get maxed out readings i.e. 32768 bits
  16. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Thanks Joe! yeah I saw that, I am using teensy. So just now I added #define CORE_TEENSY in the ADS1118.h to see what happens and now it compiles again. Is the SAMD reference a problem? Like I said, nothing changed that i know of in the lib? Baffling. Now i guess i need to see if the hardware...
  17. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Hi @joepasquariello and/or all. I used the ADS1118 lib last year and it worked with the changes Joe helped me with in this post. But now i'm writing a new program and it is not compiling so I went back to the basic example that also worked and now i have errors compiling. As far as i know...
  18. F

    Teensy 4.1 SD card interface

    Kurt thanks again!
  19. F

    Teensy 4.1 SD card interface

    Basically my problem is I made a PCB and used 10,11,12,and 13 for my AD converter, CS is 10. Now I'm concerned that is going to conflict with the SD as I want to write the AD info to the SD.
  20. F

    Teensy 4.1 SD card interface

    Correction, I have used SD on the teensy 3.2 and am moving to the 4.1. Isn't SDFat now integrated into SD? Which do you suggest?
  21. F

    Teensy 4.1 SD card interface

    Thanks Kurt, so i can wire up another SPI device to the external pins and not worry about interfering with the SD? How does the Teensy know to use which set of pins? Is it defined in the SD lib?
  22. F

    Teensy 4.1 SD card interface

    Does the teensy 4.1 SD card slot use the external pins 10,11,12,13? Or are they available for use independently by another device(s)?
  23. F

    Read uart status register Teensy 4.1

    Where is the reference manual you refer to?
  24. F

    Five Pin Socket

    Cutting or filing is not an option when using an assembly house and ordering a large quantity of stuffed boards. Anyway, thank ya'll for the suggestions!
  25. F

    Five Pin Socket

    Does anyone know where I can get a 5pin header socket that will fit between the two 24 pin headers for the on/off thru Vbat pins for socket mounting a teensy 4.1? I'm only finding connectors that fit too tight.
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    Teensy Quick Reference: Code Examples, Tips and Tricks

    Good information but this is needing an update.
  27. F

    Teensy 4.1 Ethernet pins + socket

    Do you have a 5pin socket,(or a source) that will fit between the on/off...Vbat when the two 24 pin headers are installed?
  28. F

    ILI9341 Touchscreen ... different names

    Did you get this solved? I'm thinking of trying this screen...
  29. F

    Teensy 4.1 fuse location

    well that's not the problem, something is shorted and pulling the 5v down to about 2.5v and there is no 3.3v. I'm just going to order a new replacement.
  30. F

    Teensy 4.1 fuse location

    Nevermind I found in the Teensy 4.1 Doc. Thanks
  31. F

    Teensy 4.1 fuse location

    Where is the fuse located on the 4.1 board? i think i have blown it\ somehow.
  32. F

    Suggested ADC component

    Is there a library for the part? LTC1863L/LTC1867L, I am not finding it in the Arduino Lib Manager?
  33. F

    Out Pins defination

    Thank you Paul.
  34. F

    Out Pins defination

    On the 4.1 teensy there are pins labeled OUT1, OUT1D etc. What are these pin designated for and can they be used for digital pins or anything else?
  35. F

    Serial UART programming

    Thanks Joe and Paul. Joe, will FlasherX work with a 4.1?
  36. F

    Serial UART programming

    I was wondering if it is possible to upload a program to the teensy 4.1 via one of the serial UARTS?
  37. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Joe, sorry for the delayed reply, yes it is working and I am getting accurate data! Thanks for your help.
  38. F

    Teensy serial uarts voltage levels

    So the SPI levels will be different for 5v and 3.3v devices or is SPI at set predetermined voltage levels?
  39. F

    Teensy serial uarts voltage levels

    Is this the same for SPI inputs? If i have a ADC powered by 5V will I need to level shift the MISO and what about the CLK signal?
  40. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Thanks for the help. I guess I missed it in the .h file.
  41. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Thanks! It compiled but I still have these warning messages in red:
  42. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Joe You are correct but in the GIT there is a code change recommended by Christopher Mailer in the issue #12 to make a change in the Lib. Change the #if defined(__AVR__) to #if defined(__AVR__) || defined(CORE_TEENSY) and that should allow it to run on a teensy. Apparently this is not...
  43. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    Can someone using 4.1 try this and see if you have the same problems? @PaulStoffregen do you have any suggestions?
  44. F

    Teensey 4.1 and ADS1118

    I am trying to use the ADS1118 ADC. I am using the ADS1118 Library included in the examples with arduino, The program won't compile and is giving me the following errors. The example program is ads1118example.ino. I tried the code change recommended...
  45. F

    Teensy4.1 special features + additional pins

    Nevermind found on your git
  46. F

    Teensy4.1 special features + additional pins

    Kurt, can you post a link to the spreadsheet? I must have an old version it doesn't have this view.
  47. F

    Teensy serial uarts voltage levels

    Thanks for the answers!