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  1. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Hi @Pio, can I ask the purpose of the two resistors R7, R8? In my experience with buttons, all you need is a SPST switch connected on one side to the Sense pin, and the other to ground, using the internal pull-up resistors on the Sense pin. In fact I've not needed to connect buttons to power...
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Thank you so much for explaining this!
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Hi again @Pio, I have a question about the op-amp version of the circuit. I understand that RV1 controls the gain of the op-amp. I also notice in your simulation, if you change the expression pedal from 10K to 50K, the voltage can spike super high instantly if RV1 is not adjusted prior to...
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Got it - didn't realize that in a mono jack S&R are shorted, but of course they are. But, there's always a way. A digital switch/relay SPST NC could be put at this junction for a foot switch: Then in software for a foot switch, the switch could be opened. Thanks for the tip on the parts!
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    @Pio. Ok, first of all, absolutely brilliant! You are so far ahead of my understanding and I start to get what you're doing here. Just fabulous! I wonder if a digital pot could be used for RV1? Something like this: Ideally, I'd like...
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Fantastic ideas! In fact I was headed that way thinking about using a relay or an analog switch IC, which sounds similar to what you suggested. Probably an analog switch would be the way to go because it’s solid state and then I could implement the protection circuits @Pio suggested above...
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Hi again @Pio, just a question on the inputs - it looks like T and R are both connected? Am I understanding the schematic correctly? I guess I'm not clear on how this could work then? Is this circuit meant to somehow handle if T/R is flipped to R/T in the pedal somehow? Sorry if this is obvious...
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Absolutely incredible @Pio - seriously you've been so incredibly generous with your wisdom and your time! Honestly, your response is an absolute wealth of information!!! I will go through it slowly to understand it as well as I possibly can. I can't thank you enough! One quick response - the...
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    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Yes, pretty much! But this will be built into an existing fader unit I already make. Many thanks for the link! Those pedals look great!
  10. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Hi @Pio, I really appreciate your time in explaining all of that, plus the demo link. Very cool. I want to be able to reverse the pin definitions in software, and not rely on an external switch if possible. I don't see the circuit above being reversible without an actual hardware switch, as the...
  11. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Yes you are right, for the polarity issue where Sleeve and Tip are reversed in the pedal. However, many pedals have the Tip and Ring reversed - which is wiper and positive. In past that made it so you could only make a hardware device work with one or the other, unless you had a physical...
  12. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Also, sorry, one more question - I was planning to change the definitions of ADC and 3V3 pins in software to accommodate the main expression pedal wiper implementations. But I don't see how this can work with the schematic above. The shottky's are one way valves, so wouldn't that cause a...
  13. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Hi @Pio, I really appreciate the time you took to share the schematic. Would it be asking you too much to take me through the purpose/function of the components? I'm pretty clear on the capacitors - C1 is just to filter jitter from the ADC, and C2 is to stiffen the 3.3V supply - correct? I'm...
  14. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Well I'm looking at that schematic I posted and I can see the two 47R resistors are not doing anything useful - if T & R are shorted, they will not current limit anything. I can be a little dyslexic/confused about this sort of thing. Of course as parallel resistors with one being 0R the 47R does...
  15. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    OK, here's my first attempt at a schematic for the concept. I would welcome your (even harsh) criticisms. This needs to be bulletproof. Pins 14 and 15 were chosen because they can act as both digital and analog pins, allowing for T&R functions to be flipped. The capacitors, 100nf and 1uF...
  16. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Just to add one more thing - I need to also protect in case someone plugs in a switch-only pedal instead of an expression pedal. Expression pedals use potentiometers; switch pedals are just switches on/off. The switch-only pedals use a 1/4" mono jack, and if someone plugs a mono jack, I don't...
  17. T

    Universal MIDI Expression Pedal

    Hey all, was considering adding a pedal input to some MIDI faders that use a Teensy 4.1. I'd like the pedal input to accommodate lots of different pedals if possible. But as many of you may know, some pedals reverse wiper/positive, and this can't be fixed in software. Or can it? I read a...
  18. T

    How to Configure 0.6" OLED Full Color Display for Teensy 4.x

    I think that's a good approach. I have also asked a couple companies that make this screen to see if I can get a schematic from them for an external module, since they already make one, albeit too large - that would be the ideal situation. I'll keep this thread updated with what I find out...
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    How to Configure 0.6" OLED Full Color Display for Teensy 4.x

    Thank you @skpang. I saw that 12V and was confused because this screen can be powered from 3.3V. So I assume there must be some voltage tripling circuit. In the tentative schematic I only included what was in the data sheet, which obvs is missing vital info. Much appreciated.
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    How to Configure 0.6" OLED Full Color Display for Teensy 4.x

    So I found another data sheet for (ostensibly) the exact screen - I imagine there's probably just one maker of this one and it looks the same. That's an assumption tho. Here's a link to that datasheet: Here's the relevant...
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    How to Configure 0.6" OLED Full Color Display for Teensy 4.x

    So, question, do we think the bare screen already has support for SSD1357? Or the backing PCB module needs to have a chip that works with it? Sorry if this is obvious. Also, in the data sheet from @Angelo, what product exactly is this for? It seems to be for an IC chip for a screen that...
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    How to Configure 0.6" OLED Full Color Display for Teensy 4.x

    Thank you guys - for the data sheet (@Angelo) and the wisdom (@BriComp)! I so appreciate it! @skpang I appreciate that link and I'll check it out. I'll spend some time with the data sheet and see if I can start to understand how to handle this - but this would be a first for me, so any kind...
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    How to Configure 0.6" OLED Full Color Display for Teensy 4.x

    Hi everyone, I'm doing a project where I want to use a very tiny OLED screen, just 0.6", that is also full color. The screen comes as a bare screen, or with a module. It would be trivial to hook it up using the module, but the problem is space is at a premium. I don't understand why these...
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    Compiler Exit Status 1 - But No Errors

    I never got as far as you did. For no reason I can explain, it just started working normally - the bane of troubleshooting. I appreciate your efforts to track this down.
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    Compiler Exit Status 1 - But No Errors

    Now you may mock me and laugh. When I turn on the verbose compiling, it exports the binary fine. Tons of messages, but the binary is there. No need to even post it all here as there's no error. When I turn the verbose compiling back off, it still compiles fine (now). As if the act of turning...
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    Compiler Exit Status 1 - But No Errors

    Will try, and report back. Thanks!
  27. T

    Compiler Exit Status 1 - But No Errors

    Thank you. I literally have an app labelled "Teensyduino" so I'm not sure what you are saying. It is a tool, an app, for me, on my Mac. But thank you. I've been compiling binaries with this system for awhile and this is the first time this has popped up. I don't have any AV running. And yes it...
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    Compiler Exit Status 1 - But No Errors

    I neglected to add - I'm using Arduino IDE 2.x. I just tried exporting the compiled binary using Teensyduino and it worked. I mostly stopped using Teensyduino because the sketch is very large and I get constant out of memory errors on Teensyduino. In any case, I'd still love to know how to...
  29. T

    Compiler Exit Status 1 - But No Errors

    Hi all, I've got a weird one - I'm just trying to export a compiled binary, and there's no error messages shown, but "exit status 1", and no compiled binary appears. If I just try to compile with the check mark, it compiles fine, no exit 1 code. In fact I can also upload to a Teensy 4.0 no...
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    Hi, I just wanted to follow up with this thread. I bought the USB sniffer Paul suggested and used it. For the one board that never revived, it shows power consumption of 0.497A with nothing hooked up besides the Teensy. No LEDs, no screen, no faders, nothing. So I think this tells the tale...
  31. T

    Question about Regulator Enable & Termination

    Thank you Paul, fair enough. The data sheet for the regulator is this one: Texas Instruments LP38692MP-3.3/NOPB The wording is here: I have used the one above, but at the time I was just connecting the enable pin to the VIN, so I was not turning it on with the Teensy. But now I'd like to...
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    Question about Regulator Enable & Termination

    Thank you. My experience with them has been the same - I've connected the Teensy digital pin to the "enable" pin on the LDO, and turned on the digital pin, and it's worked fine in a PCB setting. The reason for the question is, I want to make sure I'm doing it right. It's going into a product...
  33. T

    Question about Regulator Enable & Termination

    Hi, in some data sheets for small onboard regulators, they mention you must "terminate" the regulator enable pin either "actively or passively." I'm wondering exactly what this means. I'm assuming some kind of resistor to ground? I've got some Teensy projects where I used a Teensy digital pin...
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    Hi jmarsh, thank you so much. I didn't fully understand your reply. The cable will be attaching to the Teensy, with the micro-b socket. Wouldn't that fall under your second case, needing a pull UP? Thank you, Mike
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    Thank you so much for the ideas and the links. I really appreciate it. The issue isn't even so much "can I get this to work" - yes already with an adapter I can - but if I have to add some complicated additional soldering and cable cutting and shrink wrapping, this adds considerably to assembly...
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    yes - clients have clamored for USB-C connectors. So I used to do what you are showing above, but then people feel it is not "future proof" etc for a product, and they are turned off... So while the above connector is great for prototyping and DIY stuff, in a product people want USB-C...
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    I really appreciate that BriComp, thank you. Would I have issues of the Teensy not being the main USB host? I would need to solder to the underside of the Teensy, right? I’d reaaally like not to have to solder onto the bottom of the Teensys if possible, as I'd have to do these for dozens, and...
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    Thank brain is melting...I can't figure out something so's all so incredibly complicated. I'm also worried if I roll my own connector with the link you shared, would it be safe for consumers? I'm not an EE...hence my desire to find something already correctly implemented...
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    Thank you for the reminder - I tried the cables I have both ways, but they didn't work. If I buy new cables, what do I specifically look for? It's not like they advertise "we install the 5.1k resistors on both sides." Thanks, Mike
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    Thank you so much! I will check out this solution and post back. If anyone has any other ideas I’m all ears. Thank you again! Mike EDIT: OK checked it out; just wondering if there's any commercially available cables for this? While I can "roll my own," isn't this a common need? Also...
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    Issues Connecting Teensy 4.0 to Newer Macs with USB-C

    Hi, I'm still struggling with this. I had some custom internal short connectors made, USB-C to USB-uB, and still no joy. These are the second round from the manufacturer, and they are supposed to transfer data and power, and supposedly have whatever internal resistors are necessary. But they...
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    Yes that does help! That's fantastic information! Thank you!
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    I'm using a heavy duty step up/down does 230-115 and vice versa, although right now in the photo the wall wart is covering the 115V plugs, which are hidden below it. I'm an American but I live in the UK :)
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    Oh! You just helped me figure out what's gone on with those boards EXACTLY! The flux was corroding over several hours/days! OMG that makes so much sense!'s also why they were working fine before I sent them out to customers, and also why they went bad after a short period of...
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    It doesn't have temperature's one of the older ones, and uses some kind of induction heating (I forget how it works). I can say, with a large tip, it gets very hot, and with a smaller one, hot enough... Thanks so much for your expertise! Mike
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    Hi Paul, yes, that's exactly right. I have tried soldering without any additional flux, but it just doesn't seem to flow well, and I don't get good joints. And I heat both the component lead and the pad simultaneously... Here's a pic of the Kester I've been using the last 3 years (1lb roll...
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    Thank you so much for the recommendation Paul. I really appreciate it. I haven't actually used that Bohool solder yet - only the flux - I've been using Kester 63/37 the whole time. I will check out what you shared. I have 3 lbs of the Kester at the moment - Kester should be OK though, right...
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    I can cautiously say it looks like the issue has been in fact as suspected: unclean, "no clean" flux. The previous units that I reported as "working," but not working with buttons as expected - this was user error. I didn't think about the fact that since faders were not connected, there were...
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    New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized

    I will buy one and use it. I do have a multimeter; I guess I thought the point was moot if the board wasn't working right, since from same USB on brand new M3 MacBook Pro, other units work fine. I will check 3.3V power on one of the defunct boards and report back. I'm assuming you just mean...