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  1. T

    audio input on Teensy 4.1

    The first thing is to condition the audio signal so that information about its behavior is not lost. This circuit to condition the audio signal on pin A2 of your teensy is a good start. Try this code: #include <Audio.h> AudioInputAnalog adc1; // A2 pin teensy 4.1...
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    4 wire fan speed control

    The relay is just a switch for the power supplied to the fan. This is the simplest example I can reduce the controller I built to: int PINRELEFan1 = 39;// Fan1 PWM int PWMControlFan1= 33;// Fan1 Rele int SALIDAPWMFan1 = 1; // RPM base = 759 RPM, Noctua NF-F12 industrialPPC- 3000 PWM...
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    4 wire fan speed control

    The first step is to define how you are going to power the fan. For safety, it is convenient that you can turn it off or on at any time. To do this you can use a relay board, there are 2, 4, or 8, depending on what you want to connect. There are already relay boards that work with 3.3V...
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    4 wire fan speed control

    Is there a difference between using a PWM pin with default frequency? analogWrite(fan_control_pin, 50); Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), counter, RISING); // Yellow Wire And with modified frequency...
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    4 wire fan speed control

    You can control the fan power with a relay. And with that you can control the on and off of the fan. You can isolate the PWM control pin of your MCU with a 1N4148 diode Implemented the control on a teensy 4.1 and a 5" 800x480 FT813 TFT
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    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    I have seen that the SD library that is installed with any version of teensyduino is improved with layers of the SDFat library. The GDSTx library for EVEx displays that I have worked on is based on the library for gameduino 23x, that library has layers of the original SD library of the Arduino...
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    SdFat SDIO for Teensy 4.0

    A year after the strong adjustments, the fine adjustments begin. I think that the library has all the necessary updates to work without problems with teensy 4.1, some points had given me problems, but I think I have finally been able to overcome them. The library is 100% functional. The touch...
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    If you allow me, I would like to take another approach. Let's think that you are the one who is going to guide me in connecting the parts of the project. Disconnect everything and tell me step by step how I should connect the screen to the teensy. Starting from all the parts that we are going to...
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    By the way I use a USB 3 port on the PC. Now I am building the prototype of a fan controller that I will install on the PC to better regulate three pwm fans. I will use a 5" NHD FT813 screen
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    Something I haven't mentioned before and I apologize for that. Normally powering the teensy 4.1 via microUSB cable gave me problems a while ago. Not only did I see it on the T41, I saw it on an STM32F429 Disk-1 board and an Nucleo-STM32F767 board. When I tried to connect a 5" NHD FT813 screen...
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    teensy serial port problem Win 11

    Connect your teensy 3.6 to the PC with Windows 11. Press the reset button for about 15 seconds. You will see that the red LED will start flashing. It is a reset that deletes the recent program in memory and leaves it with the factory program
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    Did the library work with your 4.3" screen?
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    Share some photos to see if the settings work as they should, and to be able to adjust something else in case something goes wrong. For the Riverdi 5" BT817 display. I used this bracket:
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    The timing table on the 4.3" BT817 is different than the 5" BT817. I updated the GDSTx library with the table corresponding to the TFT that you have, it is in the datasheet. Since there are 14 parameters, of which 8 have a maximum, minimum and recommended value, I chose to assign the recommended...
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    Ok, apparently it must be something in the library. In the congif.h file, what configuration did you use? Did you modify any variables? For teensy 4.1, this is what the library has when it is downloaded from the repository: #ifdef TEENSYDUINO #define SizeEVE 74 // NHD...
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    Errors using BT817 EVE4 display sample program from arduino to Teensy 4.1

    Very good TFT you have achieved. Let's see if from a distance we can get it to work with that teensy 4.1. Please, the first thing is to upload some photos of your TFT-teensy arrangement, to see how you want to connect it. You must take great care of the flexible cable of that type of TFT. If...
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    GDSTx Library Incompatibility

    So you can now see data on the serial monitor with the GD.begin() call?. Brilliant. Waiting for more information about your project PD: Just by using "SD" in the line "SdFs SD", wow, what a thing!
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    GDSTx Library Incompatibility

    When fixes were implemented in the GDS Tx library, you mentioned that you were building a (taking your own words) "audio vectorscope for displaying oscilloscope art". Indeed there are some incompatibilities between the SD.h, Audio.h and SdFat.h libraries; which overlap with GDSTx.h. In my case...
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    View a file from an SD card with Teensy 4.1 and Gameduino and FT812:

    In theory yes, you just have to consider that the advanced instructions for EVE 2/3/4 are not available, such as PlayVideo, or rotation only 0 and 1. The FT800/FT801 chips have a maximum pixel resolution of 480x272. In the config.h file, you must set: #define SizeEVE 0...
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    View a file from an SD card with Teensy 4.1 and Gameduino and FT812:

    Great that it worked. Please share in the forum some pictures of your TFT working, for me it is feedback, since I can indirectly see how the library works in other variants of EVEx and it allows me to improve the library. A while ago I tried to get a screen like the one you have, but...
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    View a file from an SD card with Teensy 4.1 and Gameduino and FT812:

    The library already includes all the instructions to access the teensy 4.1 SDIO reader. It is not necessary to define anything externally. Using GDSTx and the most recent SDFat library, the example to load an image from a microSD card installed in the teensy 4.1 is: #include <GDSTx.h> void...
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    View a file from an SD card with Teensy 4.1 and Gameduino and FT812:

    I was putting together the PCB to connect to a Teensy 4.1, a 5" NHD FT813 screen, specifically this TFT: NHD-5.0-800480FT-CSXP-CTP, just arrived yesterday afternoon from Elgin, IL. After connecting a few things on the PCB... Example: SdInfo Remember, you must have the SdFat V2 library...
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    View a file from an SD card with Teensy 4.1 and Gameduino and FT812:

    You are welcome. I see that you are using another of the variants, GDT4Xv134. I think there were two other experimental ones before GDSTx. Have you modified the time table of the TFT variants that the library has to adjust it to your FT812 screen?. I mean, have you modified any function in the...
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    View a file from an SD card with Teensy 4.1 and Gameduino and FT812:

    It's been a while since I saw anyone use the GDTeensy4X library. It was a first experiment. For more than three years there have been improvements in the library. The most recent version is GDSTx. Starting from a base, you point out that when drawing primitives it works without problems...
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    Export Restrictions for Teensy 4.1?

    In Mexico, to order a Mouser Teensy 4.1 I had to fill out a questionnaire before they would allow me to buy it. Sparfun has a section indicating the export restrictions to which some of its items are subject. Fortunately my teensy 4.1 is with me, helping me monitor the liquid cooling of my...
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    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    What does the "b side" of your project look like, where all the components come together?. I don't know, maybe a loose wire somewhere?
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    Trouble initializing custom sdcard

    I am in the process of adding the R-pi Pico board that has two SPI ports to the GDSTx library for EVEx displays. On the Teensy 4.1 board it was enough to use the SDIO reader. I have been able to access the second SPI port with these lines in the SdInfo example: // SDCARD_SS_PIN is defined for...
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    my SDfat code - good in 2017 but won't compile now?

    You are right Paul, just as very fast and high-capacity microSD memories have emerged, it is also a fact that these small memories have practically disappeared and the ones we have left can no longer be used as before. My shield gameduino 3 that accompanied me so much, I had to put it in the...
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    my SDfat code - good in 2017 but won't compile now?

    The FS.h warning is in the SdFat.h file, on line 448, I think it can be omitted by adding a line like this: #if __has_include(<FS.h>) #define HAS_INCLUDE_FS_H // #warning File not defined because __has_include(FS.h) #endif // __has_include(<FS.h>) So far I have not seen any errors in the...
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    my SDfat code - good in 2017 but won't compile now?

    In my case, I use IDE 1.8.19 because it is the version that does not give me errors with sketches that have many tabs. The IDE 2.x has given me a lot of headaches. In case of tracking down an error in the code it is easier, the excesses of help in version 2.x end up not helping PS: I made the...
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    my SDfat code - good in 2017 but won't compile now?

    TD = teensyduino The SDFat library was updated by Greiman a few years ago to make the library more compatible with SDIO, around the time of the release of Teensy 4. He redesigned several functions of the library and since these new changes were quite profound, he decided to name it SdFat beta...
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    my SDfat code - good in 2017 but won't compile now?

    Try this: #include <SdFat.h> // grieman's SdFat_beta, unmodified #include <SPI.h> SdFs SD; FsFile inputfile; // input data file FsFile outputfile; // output results file To start access to the...
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    SD card initialization

    Can you upload a photo of the arrangement you want to use with your Teensy 4.1 board? So we can give you an idea of the problem you are experiencing.
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    It looks great, responds very well to adjustments on the fly.To verify the display settings, please use the following code: #include <GDSTx.h> void setup() { GD.begin(); } void loop() { GD.Clear(); GD.cmd_testcard(); } Upload a photo of the result on the screen, to verify if the time...
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    Yes, personally, I have encountered this behavior several times: the wiring, just one wire that fails is enough. But, let's go in parts: 1) Please share some photos of the way you have the 20 pin flat cable connected to your teensy Short cables should be used. The flat cable that comes with...
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    Great, THX. I checked the additions in GDSTx for the BT817-7" screen, using the 5" BT817 screen and to my surprise it works very well, even though the dimensions of the screen in theory are 800x480, internally the BT817 chip easily supports the resolution of 1024x600 px!!!, I know this because...
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    @Turby: The BT817 chip in 7" screens corrects the problem of non-square pixels. This is the timmimg table, left: 7", right: 5" GDSTx updated! #define SizeEVE 74 Share us some pictures of your TFT (by the way: my next BT817!, yeah!)
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    It's good to know that you chose this type of screen, you really went to the top of this type of TFT's: 7" is really quite a challenge. The BT817 chip should work without problems, it seems to me that the times between the 5" BT817 with which I did the tests and the 7" BT817 should be...
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    I hope it is useful and thanks for the comments, they are greatly appreciated. What do you think that to contribute a grain to your great project, allow me to continue answering in this thread, since the hardware you want to use is similar to the one I have on my desk at the moment. Regarding...
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    As I see that they do not answer something concise, I sign up to answer you. As I told you before, you can use the library for gameduino 23X, some modified or modify it to your liking. In this case I suggest GDSTx, I've been fine-tuning it for a while and I think it can help you very well...
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    [queued] Engine Monitor - Teensy 4.1 & 3.6

    Try this: GDSTx library NHD 4.3" FT813 + Teensy 4.1 Allows you to use the teensy 4.1 SDIO reader to handle jpg, avi, assets, cells, and audio files; using the latest SdFat library. It is a modification of the arduino 23X library, which allows you to use the SDIO reader from teensy 4.1, it is...
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    SdFat SDIO for Teensy 4.0

    A couple of functional tests with teensy 4.1 and the SdFat 2.2.2 library MicroSD: Canvas GoPlus 256 Gb GDSTx with Teensy 4.1, FT813 7" TFT and SdFat 2.2.2
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    Gameduino 3x with Teensy 4.0

    It's not the gameduino-dazzler shield, I've been waiting for the opportunity to get one for a while now. Hopefully and there will be fortune this 2023. The array I'm testing on is a 5" TFT NHD FT813, with a teensy 4.1
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    Gameduino 3x with Teensy 4.0

    It's been a while since I touched the base library used in the project. Let's see: - I downloaded the library from the repository. I have a 5" NHD FT813 screen installed in a teensy 4.1. Wiring: 3.3V GND TFT-CS-10 SCK-13 MISO-12 MOSI-11 BL-GND BL-VCC to 3.3V AMS1117 regulator The first...
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    Gameduino 3x with Teensy 4.0

    Please, can you share the modified library that you are using? I have a screen with a FT813 chip and another with a BT817 chip at hand to check the errors it generates when compiling with a teensy 4.1 board
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    Gameduino 3x with Teensy 4.0

    I've been studying this library for a while so that it can work with other EVEx chips and boards faster than AVRs and above all, to take advantage of the SDIO reader of teensy boards through the most recent version of the SdFat library. The library for gameduino 23x (GD2 for friends) works...
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    Future Teensy features & pinout

    Since wish dates are approaching... Would it be possible for the new teensy to come with a USB-C connector instead of the usual microUSB?
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    OLED, TFT, or what? Looking for suggestions on display...

    You must consider several aspects: - Resistance to the occasional drop of water, and you must protect the MCU and wiring very well from water seepage - You must firmly solder the components - If possible, try to make the main cover only have the screen installed, the MCU should go on a separate...
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    OLED, TFT, or what? Looking for suggestions on display...

    IPS LCD: Riverdi BT817 3.5" with industrial grade capacitive screen. For these types of demands, a device with better features must be considered. The 5" version recently arrived on the workbench and I was very impressed with the performance with the teensy 4.1, I am seriously considering...
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    Linker issue about gettimeofday() on Teensy 4.0 with FreeRTOS

    I think that the new toolchain must have something, since this function: _gettimeofday, was not defined in the previous GNU. So I think that some libraries must have it enabled. Is it possible to bypass the use of that GNU toolchain function, to use the custom version of such a function, so...