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  1. L

    Can't get my Teensy 4.1 to read Anmbest EC11 rotary encoder AT ALL

    I FIGURED IT OUT! :-) The problem was in these lines: attachInterrupt(0,PinA,RISING); // set an interrupt on PinA, looking for a rising edge signal and executing the "PinA" Interrupt Service Routine (below) attachInterrupt(1,PinB,RISING); // set an interrupt on PinB, looking for a rising edge...
  2. L

    Can't get the "guitar" example to output to USB?

    Aha! Thank you! It works now.
  3. L

    Can't get my Teensy 4.1 to read Anmbest EC11 rotary encoder AT ALL

    Hello all! I am trying to use one of these "Anmbest" brand rotary encoders: ...with the tutorial from: I'm using a Teensy 4.1 as...
  4. L

    Repurposing the 1/8" jack on the audio shield to be a Line In jack

    I'd like to repurpose the 1/8" jack on the audio shield to be a Line In jack. Should I be able to simply "cross-wire" the left/right/ground pads adjacent to the headphone jack to the left/right/ground pads on the Line In header? Would this be a bad idea? Is there a "cleaner" way to do this...
  5. L

    Can't get the "guitar" example to output to USB?

    Stumped on this one. Took the "Guitar" example and lightly edited it for USB audio output: $ diff /Applications/ Documents/Arduino/GuitarUSB/GuitarUSB.ino 19c19 < AudioOutputI2S...