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  1. H

    Teensy 4.1 Beta Test

    Unfortunately I live in a non EU country. So, the whole customs trouble still exists. btw. Teensy4.1 @ sparkfun is sold out
  2. H

    Teensy 4.1 Beta Test

    Has anyone from Europe already received the beta board (except the pre beta tester)? Mine has been in Belgium for a week now and is not moving anymore. I think I will order a Teensy 4.1 from sparkfun, with shipping by Fedex or UPS - no USPS this time.
  3. H

    Custom teensy 3.6 not work

    FE1.1S DP1 (11) connected to MK66 USB0_DM (H2) FE1.1S DM1 (10) connected to MK66 USB0_DP (H1) doesn't look right
  4. H

    Teensyduino 1.45 Released

    Can confirm it's fixed in 1.46-beta5.
  5. H

    Teensyduino 1.45 Released

    same/similar error here on a new computer with windows 10. If I change the size of the window, the surface will be displayed again normally. Prior to the Teensyduino installation Arduino loaded normal. Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at...
  6. H

    How to connect Teensy 3.2 with Rx TGY-IA6C for flight simulator

    The pdf file in the zip from above shows Teensy 3.3V to RX VCC. I guess the creator of Velocidrone tested it and it works just fine.
  7. H

    How to connect Teensy 3.2 with Rx TGY-IA6C for flight simulator

    Teensy 3.2 TGY-IA6C GND GND 3.3V VCC Pin 0 S.BUS
  8. H

    Teensy 3.6 Power supply

    It's what I would expect. In front of the voltage regulator is a diode which adds an additional voltage drop (about 300 mV).
  9. H

    Is this teensy3.2 ref schematic correct ?

    I tried to explain why a second schematic exits, which is a little different. So... the board itself is not outdated. For the github repos, the one with the eagle files is up to date - the one with the kicad files i don't know. But i think both should be good (except the wrong 0.1 uF capacitor...
  10. H

    Is this teensy3.2 ref schematic correct ?

    There are 2 different boards. 1. The Teensy 3.2: The schematic for this is: you can buy the board in the PJRC store. But there are no gerber or similar pcb data published. 2. The Teensy 3.2 DIY Reference Board...
  11. H

    Old version of Teensyduino (1.21)
  12. H

    Teensy 3.6 whit 74hc595 - Pinout and power

    I think 74HC595 is the wrong chip for this application. It has to do with the minimum input high voltage for 74HC595 pins. The minimum input voltage is calculated with 0.7 * Vcc. With 5V supply, the input voltage should be > 3.5V but the max output from a Teensy 3.6 is 3.3V. 74HCT595...
  13. H

    How to Access Back-side Teensy Pins?

    eagle design files for the "Teensy 3.2 breakout board R3":
  14. H

    Possible to connect this to a Teensy 3.2?

    This library doesn't support the display, the library is for displays connected trough the SPI bus but the linked display is configured for 8 bit data bus.
  15. H

    Pin count discrepancy.

    The MK66FX1M0VLQ18 is split into two symbols. The first symbol contains pin 1 - 72 and the second symbol pin 73 - 144. In Ultra Librarian one can switch between the symbols with the "View Previous" and "View Next" buttons.
  16. H

    Clever spam bots

    Yes and after some time they edit the post. example:
  17. H

    Does VBAT accept 4.3V?

    maxell ML2032 coin cell (lithium manganese dioxide) max (charge) voltage: 3 - 3.3V operating voltage: 2.5V (Teensy 3.5 VBat minimum voltage is approximately 2V) data sheet:
  18. H

    Legacy Libraries

    Legacy is the old Arduino-1.0 library structure. Arduino 1.5 introduced a new extended library structure: There is no problem with Legacy libraries. But perhaps the support will be dropped at some point in the future.
  19. H

    Question on digitalWrite, on SPI bus (T3.5)

    I have a Teensy 3.1 here with a 1k pull up @ pin 1. pinMode(1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(1, HIGH); pull up connected to measured voltage @ pin 1 3.3V 3.3V 5V (Teensy VIN) 3.3V It looks like the measured pin voltage can't get higher than VDD. Maybe it's the same with Teensy 3.5 and...
  20. H

    Question on digitalWrite, on SPI bus (T3.5)

    Yes this is what I meant. But I've never tested it with OUTPUT, only with OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN, and on Teensy 3.2 - don't have a 3.5.
  21. H

    Question on digitalWrite, on SPI bus (T3.5)

    Can you measure the voltage in high state? I think there is an internal leakage path to VDD in the mcu and you can't pull the pin voltage higher than ~4V.
  22. H

    Question on digitalWrite, on SPI bus (T3.5)

    For pins in open drain mode: Data sheet specifies the min and max pull up voltage with VDD (3.3V).
  23. H

    Teensy Loader problems

    Windows 10 Creators Update / Arduino 1.8.1 / Teensyduino 1.36 with the new teensy_post_compile.exe: it works. Windows 10 Creators Update / Arduino 1.6.5 / Teensyduino 1.26 beta1 with the old teensy_post_compile.exe: compiles, auto upload doesn't work Windows 10 Creators Update / Arduino 1.6.5 /...
  24. H

    Teensy Loader problems

    Yes. Windows 10 Creators Update (Build 15063) / Arduino 1.8.1 / Teensyduino 1.36
  25. H

    Teensy Loader problems

    I have the same issue after upgrading to "Windows 10 Creators Update". Before the Windows update the Teensy auto upload worked as expected. Now one hour later with the update installed, auto upload doesn't do anything and I have to manually press the program button each time.
  26. H

    Issue with clock on DIY Teensy

    The Teensy core library sets the internal capacitor for a crystal with a load capacitance of 8-10pF. Is the load capacitance of your crystal higher, then use external capacitors. For a crystal with 18pF load capacitance, external 22pF caps are recommended. Crystal for Teensy...
  27. H

    Issue with clock on DIY Teensy

    I have no idea... but what I would try to do: - add a pullup resistor to Reset - connect 3.3V to Vbat/pin 21 or solder the dual diode on the pcb Teensy pins 3 and 4 are not UART TX/RX, they are CAN BUS TX/RX
  28. H

    OLD TeensyDuino V1.18
  29. H

    Windows virus sanity check

    File name: ImageConverter565.exe Detection ratio: 0 / 61 File name: ImgConv.exe Detection ratio: 1 / 60 Antivirus Result Update AVG SCGeneric.HZL 20170504...
  30. H

    Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 Schematic Posted

    I think this is the wrong fuse type. It's a "one shot", non-resettable fuse which must be replaced once it has been activated (blown). The fuse used on Teensy is a resettable PTC/PPTC. Not confirmed, but I think it is Bourns MF-FSMF050X.
  31. H

    Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 Schematic Posted
  32. H

    Teensy 3.2 + Adafruit NXP Precision 9DoF Breakout + Teensy Fusion Library?

    The FXOS8700 accel has two inputs for I2C address selection. Prop shield sets them to GND and the Adafruit board to Vcc. So, on the Prop shield the I2C address is 0x1E and on the Adafruit it is 0x1F. You need to change the I2C address in the NXPMotionSense library. Same for the gyro.
  33. H

    Custom Teensy LC with MK02 accepts bootloader but no USB

    Just FYI, there is a simpler solution to detect missing wires ("airwires") in Eagle. Click on the Ratsnest button and the status bar shows the total number of remaining air wires. Nichts zu tun = nothing to do 1 Luftlinien = 1 airwires
  34. H

    Does Teensy 3.2 Have Two SPI Modules?

    only one SPI module
  35. H

    To connect power socket

    You need to connect it like this (and cut the VIN VUSB pad): The picture shows a Teensy 3.2 but it's the same for Teensy 3.6
  36. H

    Teensy 3.2 with USB and external power

    Did you see that the max continuous current for the BAT54C is 200mA?
  37. H

    Help with custom Teensy 3.2

    polygon / ground plane in eagle 7.7: select the Polygon tool paint a polygon in the pcb designer to connect it with an already existing signal, like GND: right click on the polygon border and select Name, enter the signal name (the polygon must include one pin or pad with the same signal)...
  38. H

    Teensy 3.2 with USB and external power

    green: VUSB blue: VIN red: cut
  39. H

    Help with custom Teensy 3.2

    No diode needed, connect 3.3V to pin 21 (VBAT). Keep the capacitor close to the microcontroller pin.
  40. H

    Issues with Serial1/2/3 on teensy 3.2

    Use a higher sample rate in pulseview
  41. H

    Crystal PCB design for custom Teensy

    I think the connections to the crystal are not connected to the correct crystal pads. Probably mixed up top and bottom view. Check again with the datasheet. PCB layout: Add a GND guard ring on the top layer and connect the 2 free pads from the crystal to GND. The Inner plane is not needed...
  42. H

    Custom Teensy LC with MK02 accepts bootloader but no USB

    Open the board window, go to Tools -> Statistic... and search for "unroutet (airwire)"
  43. H

    Teensy 3.6 CAN LIN Board

    One other thing, the CAN bus termination resistor is between CANH and CANL.
  44. H

    Teensy 3.6 CAN LIN Board

    looks good CAN RX and TX need a level converter. Best way is to use an IC like: Texas Instruments SN74LV1T34 For 5V to 3.3V, SN74LV1T34 Vcc connects to 3.3V For 3.3V to 5V, SN74LV1T34 Vcc connects to 5V
  45. H

    Teensy 3.6 CAN LIN Board

    In the new schematics, Teensy VIN is connected to 3.3V. LIN transceiver min. VBB is 6V (max 27V). It won't work with 3.3V. CAN transceiver min. VCC is 4.5V (max 5.5V). It won't work with 3.3V. Connect LIN transceiver RX pull up resistor to 3.3V and not 5V. Teensy 3.6 is not 5V tolerant...
  46. H

    Weird A6 behavior on Teensy 3.1

    On Teensy, Serial is USB Serial and the first HardwareSerial port (pin 0 and 1) is Serial1.
  47. H

    Teensy 3.6 with SSD1963 7" TFT LCD

    I would start here: or better on you computer: <Arduino install dir>/hardware/teensy/avr/libraries/UTFT/arm/HW_Teensy3.h with the USE_USER_PORTS definition enabled // SET WHICH PIN DEFINITIONS TO...
  48. H

    Serial Protocols, Links and Suggestions Wanted

    Off topic: Serial5 transmit pin for Teensy 3.5 and 3.6 should be 33.
  49. H not working with WIZ820io & Micro SD Card Adaptor

    I don't have the WIZ820io & Micro SD Card Adaptor. Same code and same wiring works for me with both Teensy connected to a single PC: You could test an alternate pin for Master RX: connect Master pin 27 to slave pin 1 unsigned long...
  50. H not working with WIZ820io & Micro SD Card Adaptor

    The slave code sets the LED (pin 13) High. So the left board in the picture is the slave? But in the description you wrote that the Teensy with the WIZ820io is the Master? The wiring shows only a connection from Slave RX to Master TX - the Slave can't send data to the Master.