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  1. F

    Name of this cable for grounding two PCBs?

    Thanks! "ring terminal" is what I was searching!
  2. F

    Name of this cable for grounding two PCBs?

    Does anybody know the name of this cable for grounding two PCBs (it has the same connector on both sides)? I need it for my schematic design but dont know where to find it.
  3. F

    Teensy 4.1 usb audio out. How?

    Ah perfect. I was searching for it. Maybe rename it it to WavFilePlayerUSBOutput?
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    Teensy 4.1 usb audio out. How?

    thanks. I got it working. I think it would make sense to include a example in teensyduino.
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    Teensy 4.1 usb audio out. How?

    I try to get my Teensy 4.1 to output audio to usb. The following code doesn't work. Teensy appears as usb audio device on MacOS, but I can't hear any white noise when I select it's input. #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> //#include <SPI.h> //#include <SD.h> //#include <SerialFlash.h>...
  6. F

    [Tutorial] How to use PlatformIO / Visual Code Studio for Teensy

    Thanks for mentioning! I completely forgot that Windows doesn't have Python preinstalled. At least Visual Code Studio notifies during PlatformIO installation if Python is missing and offers to install it. I unfortunately can't update the original post anymore.
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    [Tutorial] How to use PlatformIO / Visual Code Studio for Teensy

    I only recently discovered PlatformIO and I’m so happy about the improved workflow and features compared to the editor of Arduino. No more slow app launch, having auto complete, much better UI and being able to install useful editor extensions is awesome. I stupidly always thought PlatformIO...
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    Future Teensy features & pinout

    I honestly think that there is a bigger market for a new board with more IO compared to another teensy in same form factor with "just" a speed upgrade. The current teensy lineup already offers a wide range of small form factor boards including a 600Mhz microcontroller which is still faster than...
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    VisualGDB Visual Micro non-Arduino IDE experience

    I can't comment on either, but did you try PlatformIO for Visual Studio Code? It's an extension and works perfectly for me and my also rather larger Teensy projects. Installing it is as easy as selecting the PlatformIO extension inside the Visual Studio Code extension library. After that you can...
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    Future Teensy features & pinout

    My request for a high density board for a future Teensy is specifically because I think a dual core Teensy would allow for much bigger projects. There will be no other microcontroller on the market that is this fast and I can see many people use it for larger projects. I think for smaller...
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    Future Teensy features & pinout

    I really like the connectors of the Arduino Portenta. Having regular pin headers on the side and 80 pin high-density connectors on the bottom of the pcb. I really wish the new Teensy adapts this format as I want to see a teensy with more IO. Having a super fast dual core teensy will allow for...
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    Future Teensy features & pinout

    I'm curious how the dual core will be realized (the i.MX RT1170 has both a 1ghz and 400mhz core). Will it be two main loops or will one have to upload two firmwares/address both cores separately?
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    Teensy MicroMod

    Strange that the release is hold off (by sparkfun?). The new Raspberry Pi RP2040 got announced alongside MicroMod boards.
  14. F

    New Teensy 4.1 DIY Synthesizer

    Nice project! :) I would suggest to not call it shruthi. Even thought the original shruthi inspired you, this synth has nothing to do with it. Calling it shruthi 2 suggests this is related to mutable instruments or shruthi or is the successor of it.
  15. F

    16x Oleds, 16x encoders and 16x buttons. Best way to connect all of them?

    Thanks. I guess the difference will be so small that it's completely unnoticeable If I think about it I might continue using the 4076. The pcb will be cleaner as it doesn't require pull up resistors for each button and it's halve as many ICs. 4067 is 16 channel, 165 8 channels. .
  16. F

    16x Oleds, 16x encoders and 16x buttons. Best way to connect all of them?

    Thanks for your input. someone suggested, that I should rather use 74HC165 shift register for reading the encoders and buttons as it's faster.
  17. F

    Teensy 4.1 usb host: Provide own external power

    I want provide usb devices connected to Teensys 4.1 usb host with my own external power. Can I simply connect my external 5v power to the VBUS?
  18. F

    16x Oleds, 16x encoders and 16x buttons. Best way to connect all of them?

    Hi, I’m currently working on a midi controller with 16x OLED displays (128x32), 16 encoders + 16 buttons. I’m planning to use the Teensy 4.1. What’s the best way to connect all of them without having too much delay? I was thinking of using 2x 74HC4067 as multiplexer for reading the encoders, 1x...
  19. F

    UDP Ethernet Connection to the Behringer X-Touch

    I want to build a midi controller. As a interface I would want to use the Behringer X-Touch, which has motor faders, displays and encoders. Based on the attached pdf it seems that the X-Touch and its faders, encoders and displayed can be controlled via a UDP connection and network messages...
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    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    Nice :) I had some more time to try my midi sync code. After some minutes all my devices start to get out of sync. I suspect that some midi clock ticks don't get send. Could it be that the usb midi receive interrupts cancel sending some of my midi clock ticks?
  21. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    Okay I found the cause of problem: Both Elektron machines have audio interfaces built in. In the settings of these maschines it's possible to either select "Overbridge (the audio interface) + USB Midi" or "USB Midi only". If the option with Overbridge is selected, the device reports it's midi...
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    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    @PaulStoffregen: Should I continue posting my discoveries and problems here or should I open Issue reports on Github? I don't wanna spam the forum, but maybe more people will see it here? Two of the Elektron devices are still causing problems and aren't detected as MIDIDevice. The enumeration...
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    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    It seems that it finds the endpoint correctly, but doesn't create it's pipe because MAX_PACKET_SIZE is too small. In USBHost_t36.h I changed MAX_PACKET_SIZE to 512 and RX_QUEUE_SIZE to 256 and all Elektron devices + OP-1 get detected. Not sure if these are the perfect values as I don't know much...
  24. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    Update: I activated debug mode and connected one of the Elektron devices directly to the Teensy. These are the messages: sizeof Device = 36 sizeof Pipe = 96 sizeof Transfer = 64 power up USBHS PHY port change: 10001803 connect begin reset port change: 18001205 port enabled end recovery...
  25. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    I tested 13 different midi devices. 8 get detected perfectly: Arturia Beatstep Pro Arturia Keystep AS-1 Nord Lead A1 Eventide TimeFactor Eventide Space Ableton Push Generic midi interfaces 5 Midi devices don't get detected at all. No MIDIDevice instance, no productID/vendor ID and no midi...
  26. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    Okay. I will receive my teensy tomorrow. I will report how things will work out with that many devices connected. I now instead create 13 MIDIDevice instances. My two hubs have 13 max ports and I will only connect midi devices to them. Like that: //Simplified to just 4 devices for this...
  27. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    Thanks. I think I finished my Initial sketch of all midi routings I want. I also added some NoteOn/Off routing. // … setup() … loop() void digitaktClock() { Serial.println("Digitakt Clock"); sendDigitaktRealTimeMessage(digitakt.Clock); } void digitaktStart() { Serial.println("Digitakt...
  28. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    Okay perfect. I will try it after I get my 3..6 :) I might be blind but I can't find a way of sending midi clock to the usb devices. I only find functions for receiving/handling midi messages from usb midi devices..
  29. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    Sorry for asking again, but would this work with the library? - Generating a midi clock with the teensy and sending it to 11 usb midi devices via a connected usb hub. - Receiving notes via a usb midi keyboard and sending it to 2 usb midi devices.. Both at the same time and without any...
  30. F

    Teensy 3.6 USB MIDI host development status

    I didn't follow the latest updates on the 3.6 usb midi library. Does the library now support usb hubs so that I could connect several usb midi devices?
  31. F

    USBHost_t36: Midi send?

    I'm consindering buying a Teensy 3.6 and use it with a usb hub to sync all my 11 midi usb devices via usb midi clock. I read somewhere in a post from february that the USBHost_t36 library is experimental and doesn't support send via usb midi. Is this still true? Also: Could the number of...
  32. F

    Teensy 3.0 speed and how to connect many leds, buttons and potis?

    Okay. I answered most of the questions myself :) However I'm still facing the problem of driving 32 one color + 40 bi color leds (these) with the Teensy. As you said, driving this many leds with 3.3v 120ma drops the brightness to much. I thought about using constant current LED sink driver...
  33. F

    Touch sensing: sliders, rotary, etc

    Did anyone experimented more wit it? I'm really interested in adding a touch slider to my teensy.
  34. F

    Hello World Teensy 3.0 without Teensyduino

    Could you maybe describe how I can archive the same on my mac. I currently use arduino to program, but would love to use another text editor. I know that I could use the arduino setting "external editor", but I don't like to run arduino as separate app. I want to use Chocolat for Mac, which...
  35. F

    Teensy 3.0 speed and how to connect many leds, buttons and potis?

    Thanks (: Yes the potis will be 10k. Can I anyhow get more current for the LEDs? Could I maybe connect the 595 VCCs to the power of the power jack (on pdf 1)? I plan to connect a 5v power supply. But I also want the LEDs to light, if the Teensy is only connected via USB… :/ And did I...
  36. F

    Teensy 3.0 speed and how to connect many leds, buttons and potis?

    Thanks! :) Here is the link to the schematic as pdf: Link
  37. F

    Teensy 3.0 speed and how to connect many leds, buttons and potis?

    Awesome thanks! I just bought the 3.0 :) I „finished“ the schematics for my drum sequencer and I would love to finally start to design the board. However I’m not sure, if I connected everything correctly. It is my first schematic and two months ago I never really touched electronics (except...
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    Teensy 3.0 speed and how to connect many leds, buttons and potis?

    Okay,sorry :) So I try to build a small midi drum sequencer which controls and sequence an external drum expander (a drum synthesizer without sequencer and sound parameter knobs, but midi input). There are two midi ports connected to tx and rx. The sequencer sends 24 midi clock ticks in every...
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    Teensy 3.0 speed and how to connect many leds, buttons and potis?

    Thanks :) 6. Pit Timer seems to be the same as the timers on arduino/avr, right? Are they as precise as arduino timers? 7. I'm a bit confused about adding external power supply to 3.0. How much volt should I add? And If both usb and external power is supplied, what happens, if I disconnect...
  40. F

    Teensy 3.0 speed and how to connect many leds, buttons and potis?

    Hi, I'm working on a drum sequencer with 60 knobs, 40 buttons and 80 leds… I currently prototyp it with an arduino mega2560, but I consider to switch to a Teensy 3.0 or Due… I would prefer the Teensy for it's smaller size, but I'm not sure about it's speed and i/o connections… 1. Is the Teensy...