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  1. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Thanks:) There're a few pics in this thread: Zeus-Commander SP-16 MIDI step & pattern sequencer The rails are from an old eurorack enclosure I had lying around. Only the front panels, bottom and rear are new, the rest is reused material. If I would start from scratch I probably would take a...
  2. G

    Dedicated controller for soft synth that also reflects current settings

    Mapping fx parameters to encoders can be done with the CSI project (Control Surface Integration), if you are just getting started this is probably the best approach. Both MIDI and OSC can be used with this, which one to use depends on your preference and the complexity of your setup. When I...
  3. G

    PoE powered OSC controller for Reaper DAW

    Thanks:) It should be relatively easy to adapt the OSC part of the code to your project. The display part is tied to 4D Systems displays although the principle can of course be adapted for use with other displays. Good luck with your project!
  4. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Congratulations on your acquisition! That's some seriously nice kit :-) The board certainly is small. If you plan on having a batch made, let me know as I would like to participate.
  5. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Is it your intention to have these boards assembled somewhere or do you want to solder them yourself? It seems to me that to keep the board small one would use SMD. Are there any issues combining the touch circuit and the analog PID control on the same board, i.e. any special layout considerations?
  6. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Maybe if you limit the power / voltage and are ok with slower response. On the web there're some examples where people use a battery to power the fader, this will limit the current drawn. I found that with full power the faders will overshoot and oscillation will occur. For the use case of...
  7. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    If I'm not mistaken Penny & Giles is the gold standard when it comes to (motor driven) faders:) They're probably more expensive than the N series ALPS I used but it could be worth it if one can achieve perfectly synchronous (slow) movement of multiple faders. Glad you mentioned the touch...
  8. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    I kind of like the idea of making the PID control analog as it get's rid of any loop timing problems. How do you intend to implement this physically, groups of 8? It would seem to me that using an ADC and DAC for controlling 8 faders would make a nice module with SPI interface which enables high...
  9. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Thanks for providing the schematic. I'll stick to my pwm approach for now, maybe in the future when I want build another device with motor faders I'll use this approach. It would interest me what the 'big boys' like SSL are using for motor control. When I revisit the code I plan on creating some...
  10. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Very interesting development! It does really seem to run smoother than the pwm drive. Two questions: What would be required to create a setup for 16 or even 32 faders ? How do you tune the PID parameters for the faders?
  11. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Here are the settings I use with the Teensy 3.6: //initialize faders and analog reference analogReference(EXTERNAL); analogWriteResolution(12); for (int i=0; i<8; i++){ pinMode(faderMotorUpPin[i], OUTPUT); pinMode(faderMotorDownPin[i], OUTPUT)...
  12. G

    Schematic Capture and PCB Design

    I also use KiCad for my designs, it works very well for what I need to do. If you want to use it too take some time to learn the keyboard command shortcuts, it makes the design process a lot easier and faster.
  13. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    The component details are in the schematics. KiCad is free software so you can download it to view the schematics and pcb layout. The PCB's were made by Eurocircuits. You can get pcb's from China for a lot less but I then you'd have to order a minimum of 5 pcs and I didn't want to burden the...
  14. G

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    Yes it does, this was one of the reasons to use touch sensitive faders. Be aware that building a panel like this only makes sense for specific purposes, you won't be able to beat the price of commercial controllers or even digital mixers. As this panel is PWM controlled I wouldn't recommend it...
  15. G

    midi controller

    The midi controller library is hardly used by anyone here and it's use is not actually recommended. See the Using USB MIDI page for info on how to connect many pots & buttons. Also have a look at the "Many_Knobs_Buttons" example provided with the Teensyduino installation (Menu: File > Examples >...
  16. G

    Syncing midi clock across several outputs

    I'm not sure on the exact syntax as I only receive clock in my application. Assuming that you declared a serial midi as shown here: MIDI library and looking at the USBMidi syntax shouldn't it be MIDI1.sendRealTime(MIDI1.clock) ?
  17. G

    Syncing midi clock across several outputs

    You'd need to setup a running clock using a timer. This essentially runs independent of the other functions and sends out clock pulses to all serial port simultaneously.
  18. G

    OSC controller for Reaper digital audio workstation (DAW)

    Probably, but I don't know for sure. You'll have to delve into that yourself.
  19. G

    OSC controller for Reaper digital audio workstation (DAW)

    Both and the MIDI USB capabilities. If you want to do anything with MIDI the Teensy is an absolute no-brainer. My OSC controller doubles as a MIDI controller for hardware synths, it can receive bulk program dumps and store them on SDcard so I can display program names and parameter values for...
  20. G

    OSC controller for Reaper digital audio workstation (DAW)

    Thanks:) You might also want to check out my thread on a PoE powered OSC controller: PoE powered OSC controller for Reaper DAW Updates to the project will be added to that thread.
  21. G

    Teensy 3.6 SD card - saving/loading structs?

    I think there'd be no, or a very limited, market for it so it wouldn't make sense. In it's current incarnation the sequencer is large and very expensive, the motor faders, switches and displays add up very quickly and currently the market is focussed on small and inexpensive devices. Good to...
  22. G

    Teensy 3.6 SD card - saving/loading structs?

    That's quite an ambitious project, good luck pulling it off! Currently it's one of a kind and there are no plans to turn it into a product. The current version is designed to be DIY friendly and turning it into a product would require some serious redesigning beyond my capabilities.
  23. G

    Teensy 3.6 SD card - saving/loading structs?

    Thanks :) The sequencer is pretty much finished, I recently added a step record mode (also multi channel) and the serial MIDI ports are also working. I used the SDFat library in my code: #include <SPI.h> #include "SdFat.h" .. SdFatSdioEX SD; File dataFile; Perhaps this could explain the errors...
  24. G

    Teensy 3.6 SD card - saving/loading structs?

    Perhaps the code from my sequencer project is of use to you, see : Zeus Commander SPS-16, MIDI step & pattern sequencer The full code is available there, here's the save/load part: // save current program to card at selected location void saveProgram(int index){ int structSize=0; int...
  25. G

    PoE powered OSC controller for Reaper DAW

    Open Sound Control (OSC) is an IP based protocol developed as a 21st century successor to MIDI. Unfortunately it didn’t really take off (yet?), there are few Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) that support OSC and if they do it’s often not generic support but more like a ‘MIDI learn function’...
  26. G

    Multiple MIDI Serial Inputs?

    Yes, I did this with my sequencer, albeit with a Teensy 3.6 but that shouldn't matter. I declared two MIDI ports: MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial5, MIDI1); MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial6, MIDI2); and made the handlers point to the same functions...
  27. G

    [posted] AMC8 - Automated midi controller (Hui Protocol)

    Congratulations on finishing your project and good luck solving the remaining issues!
  28. G

    Simple guide to coding for OSC control via serial (from Teensy)?

    Can't help with the serial part as I use ethernet but I do have some code that might be helpful with respect to the OSC part: OSC controller for Reaper digital audio workstation (DAW). There are functions in there for receiving bundles and or messages, parsing the content and for sending messages.
  29. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    Which fader control mode do you use? TARGET or FOLLOW? Have you tried the other mode to see what the difference is? I'm sorry but I can't help you with the tuning other than giving some general advice. It took me some time to get it right for my setup and it still needs some finetuning. You...
  30. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    If it's always the same fader that's behaving badly then I would check the wiring. I can't determine what the actual problem is from this video, there's too much going on. Limit it to a single fader or have all faders do exactly the same thing. You have to take a step back and systematically...
  31. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    I don't understand what you're saying. How can the faders jump to a position without getting a move command? BTW I don't have a facebook account so I can't watch the video. With regards to tuning the fader control, I'm afraid you'll really have to read the PID without a Phd article referenced...
  32. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    It's actually in the Teensy usbMIDI library but it's not documented. I found a description is this thread. I use something I copied of the net: void sendNRPN(uint16_t parameter, uint16_t value,uint8_t channel) { usbMIDI.sendControlChange( 99, (parameter >> 7) & 0x7F, channel)...
  33. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    Sorry, I don't know anything about Protools or Studio One as I use Logic and Reaper. Why do you send the same data to two controllers? Isn't that supposed to a NRPN controller where the value is split over two MIDI bytes? But like I said, I don't know how Protools is controlled. Logic uses the...
  34. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    Yes, if the values are stable and the touch is OK it is time to test the motor control. I would suggest to set the faderMove for a particular fader to 1 (true) if there's incoming data from the DAW for that fader. All faderMove values can be reset if the data had been sent to the panel. You...
  35. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    Good to see you're making progress!
  36. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    So far, so good but why not check the other 4 faders? Reading the faders is not dependent on whether the H-bridges are connected. just add Serial.print(faderTouched[i]) to the print statements. Is the value stable, if the fader is touched do the numbers change? You should be able to set the...
  37. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    Of course it does, if Gain[i]=0 then after the map all values will be 1023. Forget about faderTarget[i] for now, important is if the values in faderValue[i] are correct and if the touch signals are correct because if they're not the PID control will not work correctly.
  38. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    Yes, exactly. faderMove is a boolean, it should contain 0 for faders that don't need to move and 1 for faders that need to move (it should work though because 500 is >0). You really have to start with reading the faders, not with sending something to them. Uncomment the serial.print lines in...
  39. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    What do you mean by values from midi? The first thing is to ensure that all the faders send correct values to the master and that the number matches (fader one on the panel matches the index 0 in the array). The timer is just like the sinceFaderRead timer, you can make a copy of it (variables...
  40. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    right now in using: " value = map(value, 0, 127, 127, 0);" can i just do?: "value = map(value, 0, 127, 1024, 0);" i map it allready coz my faders r assembled opposite way Yes (1024 should be 1023). i did not understand what you saying about changing names... do you talk about the "int Gain"...
  41. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    thats my master code: It looks like the gain values are transmitted as NRPN controllers. The faderpanel expects values ranging 0-1023 so you would need to map the incoming data range to 0-1023. my midi fader value is the "int Gain" so should it be like this ? : If you just changed the name it...
  42. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    You should change it to 1000000, that's how it's configured now, the 400000 is from the earlier version with the test panel.
  43. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    First, always connect the pull up resistors to 3.3V when using a Teensy 3.6! Second, a too high value of the pull up resistors cannot damage a Teensy (a much too low value could). The best way is to use an oscilloscope to check the shape of the pulses, that's why I asked if you have (access to)...
  44. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    4k6 seems a bit high to me, master and slave are on the same board but still why not use a something like 2k2 or 1k8? Do you have (access to) an oscilloscope so you can check the I2C signal to verify that the rise time is sufficiently low (120 ns for 1MHz)?
  45. G

    Reading pots in Teensy 3.6 and midi

    The ResponsiveAnalogRead library is commonly used to smooth the analog input, works like a charm. See the 'Many_Button_Knobs' example in the Teensyduino install (File > Examples > Teensy > USB_MIDI).
  46. G

    MIDI Faderbox fader choice

    No, there's no problem. It is true that the analog input is shorted to ground when the slider is at the bottom end but that's not a problem because it is an input and there's no current flow from an analog input to ground.
  47. G

    MIDI Faderbox fader choice

    The (internal) pull up resistors are only relevant for digital inputs. A standard value for this application would be a 10kΩ lineair slide potentiometer. ALPS and Bourns are widely used. The exact type would be dependent on your specific application (build) and budget. The 'Many_Button_Knobs'...
  48. G

    Receiving double digit numbers from Pure Data to Arduino over OSC

    I came up with this function for extracting an index from an OSC path: int getAddresPartAsIndex(char* addres, int position){ int number=0; // function will return -1 if the position doesn't exist or doesn't contain an integer char* addresRest=addres; char*...
  49. G

    motorized fader controller teensy 3.6 issue

    This is the code I currently have in the master: // get fader values and touch status void getFaderData() { size_t idx; int incomingFaderValue[16]; // int touchCount=0; ZeusPattern...