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  1. O

    T4.1 damaged, doesn't function properly

    From my original email to Paul: Could you guys help me out? I will get it sent to PJRC if you are out of ideas.
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    SD card questions

    I was asking about the best way to initialize the SD card and how I could get max performance out of it. I also had asked if overclocking the Teensy itself (not the SDIO) would make any difference.
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    SD card questions

    As you said, that definitely sounds challenging. I don't write linker scripts so I can't try. Also I've wanted to talk about #1 and #2 again. I tried using the SdFat_Usage sketch and the only begin() functions which work are the two using SdioConfig(). If I try to use SdSpiConfig() in any way I...
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    SD card questions

    Now I realize the challenge that comes with loading programs from an SD card... It's basically forcing you to make an executable format from scratch and that isn't easy lol.
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    SD card questions

    I know C/C++ will give you the address of the array/malloc just by referencing it. Do you mean it won't give you the exact address or something?
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    SD card questions

    I get it 😉 I did figure out it runs in Thumb mode (that's kind of why I was confused on my last post along with the endianness). So couldn't I just read() x number of bytes into an array/vector/malloc() and then execute it like that? Or are there other possible ways?
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    SD card questions

    It seems this works... maybe? I hope it's not causing undefined behavior. void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); char a[]="\xfe\xff\xff\xea"; ((void(*)(void))a)(); Serial.println("this shouldn't be reached"); } void loop(){}
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    SD card questions

    Also, about #4: Could I read the code into a standard array or malloc() array, and then use __attribute__ ((section (".ramfunc")))? Or is there any other way users have proposed?
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    SD card questions

    Oh... I was confused, sorry Yup, I did before I got my T4.1. Never found anything about SD being the same as SdFat. I guess I'll have to switch libraries now.
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    SD card questions

    I tried putting the SdFat_Usage begin() functions into my code and they don't work. sdInitErrorHalt shows SdError: 0x1, 0xFF. So those don't work. Again, I don't want to use anything in SD.h.
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    SD card questions

    Any possible examples of code for my questions? (the ones which can easily be answered) I want to use the SdFat library, not SD. I meant the MCU, not SDIO.
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    SD card questions

    I got a T4.1 for Christmas (yay! should have posted about it though) and I've been messing with the SD card slot. I want some guidance on how to write code with the SdFat library. Which ways can I properly initialize the SD card for T4.1? Would overclocking (the microcontroller) make any...
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    More knockoffs.

    Well why should you use AliExpress anyways??? 70% of what's put up for sale there is Chinese crap.
  14. O

    Hello 👋

    I've looked at the PJRC Store already and there is definitely a LOT of interesting information! There are a lot of different things I want to do with Teensy, so I know to do whatever I feel like. :D I probably won't have a Teensy for a while though, so I'm researching what I could do. Also, I...
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    Hello 👋

    I'm new here. I joined since I am intrested in working with Teensy boards. I already have an Arduino Mega (actually, it's Elegoo's compatible board from their kit, which semms to be super popular on Amazon) that I got for last Christmas. For some reason, my IP adress was banned before I ever had...