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  1. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Thank you! Would the need for a termination resistor change if I'm tapped directly into the CAN lines vs. going through the OBD port? Reason I ask, is for now I'm testing on a Dodge vehicle via OBD2. For the real application, it'll be connected to the CAN on a standalone ECU made by Haltech. I...
  2. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Well after a bit of trial and error I THINK I have had some success with the USB can debugger. I set it to 500Kbps, and sent the request for coolant temp as @skpang mentioned: ID:7DF Data:02 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 I got back a response as shown in the screenshot. I couldn't get the left click...
  3. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Thank you Paul - My USB CAN analyzer just showed up, going to see if I can get anything to read through that first then will report back. Much appreciated.
  4. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Thank you, please excuse yet more ignorance from my side - the CAN device has some traces you can cut to change the configuration. It looks to me like these are more for setting read/write/read only mode etc, but also sounds like they pull certain pins to ground. Would cutting one of these...
  5. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Thanks Paul, I checked - vehicle connected, no USB power to Teensy. I measure 40.5 ohms. No different with vehicle ignition on vs. vehicle ignition off. So do I just need to add a 120 ohm resistor into the cable as pictured in the attachment? Or does my 40.5 ohm reading suggest something else...
  6. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Fully connected to the vehicle? I measure 120 ohms between the high and low wires at my RS232 plug, without the OBD section connected. I measure 32 MegaOhms between either can wire and GROUND.
  7. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Thanks again all. To answer the questions: Please see attached screenshot on how I've got it wired, with the pins etc. @jimmie - where in this would I need to attach the resistor please? would it be between pins 3 and 5 on the RS232 male plug? I'll try swapping the CAN lines and see if that...
  8. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Thanks guys! I did not manage to get anything using my original sketch updated to 500. Will report back on how it goes. I did just measure between the can H and can L pins on my adapter (where it connects to the OBD2 cable). I got a 120 ohm reading so I'd presume that means my adapter already...
  9. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Thank you Mark! I will get one of those CAN analyzers. Will also see if I can get your sketch to work with my setup - thank you. That's a great question on the port data speed, as of now, not very confident. From the info I've been able to piece together, I believe the vehicle uses two separate...
  10. T

    Teensy 4.1 with CANBUS adapter and flexcan t4 - no CAN data stream?

    Hi all, I've got a teensy 4.1 board and a dual canbus transceiver from tindie ( For starters, I want to read the canbus stream from a vehicle through the obd2 port. I've got the necessary cables and adapter, and them...