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  1. K

    usbMIDI library confusion ...

    Thankyou, Paul ... ... Yes, it is set to "COM9 Serial + MIDI (Teensy4.1)" And I have just checked the USB Type: and it seems that the IDE update removed the USB Type selected previously, which I have now corrected. And I'm pleased to say that it now compliles properly. Thanks again. Kenneth
  2. K

    usbMIDI library confusion ...

    For quite sometime, it seemed that code produced via the Arduino IDE used usbMIDI without a usbMIDI.h include. However, since I upgraded to the Arduino IDE v2.0.3, this seems not to be so, and the code below: void setup() {//1. Declare usbMIDI Event Handlers: usbMIDI.setHandleNoteOn...
  3. K

    Teensy 4.1: from MIDI to Serial + MIDI

    Thanks, Pete. I take it your VPO is Hauptwerk? I've used both the 3.X and 4.X Teensys over the 5 years that I've been developing my current instrument. I had to change over to the 4.1 when I added extra buttons & LEDs to look after Stepper functions. Have you ever used the PJRC Timer utility...
  4. K

    Teensy 4.1: from MIDI to Serial + MIDI

    Thank you Paul. Kenneth Spencer
  5. K

    Teensy 4.1: from MIDI to Serial + MIDI

    Good afternoon (just!). I have had my Teensy 4.1 working very satsifactorily, for two or three years now as a USB MIDI device in my Virtual Pipe Organ (VPO). However, thus far compilation has been set to "USB Type = MIDI". The MIDI messages pass both ways, Input & Output to/from the Teensy. I...
  6. K

    Teensy 4.1 solder pads for USB ...

    Unfortunately the T4.1 has been lost to sight as it has been hidden inside the working project since 2020-ish and I have had no need to look at it again. So I can't at the moment supply and photographs or advice, but I soldered my connections as decribed in my posts, and all has worked...
  7. K

    Teensy TimeLib question ...

    Thank you Paul, for that reply. It is what I expected, so I will see what I can do with the TimeTeensy3 code. I have already examined that code, but I think that by default it relies on getting the time with the upload as it doesn't pick the time up otherwise. So I will have a second look. In...
  8. K

    Teensy TimeLib question ...

    Thank you Ed ... ... the issue is not really keeping the Teensy Time going. It is the fact that only if the program is started by an upload from the IDE does the TimeLib appear to collect the time from the host PC and using for getting the correct time. Following a startup under those...
  9. K

    Teensy TimeLib question ...

    Good afternoon all. I have been experimenting with the TimeLib library example with a view to displaying the time & date in an application I am devloping. I find that I can get TimeLib to synchronise with the host PC correctly and hence display, and keep up with the PC time. However, that...
  10. K

    Teensy 4.1 solder pads for USB ...

    Thanks alot for that, WMXZ! I spotted the tiny circular pads for D+ and D-, and they are fine as they are labelled. And thanks for pointing out the GND connection for the PC-USB-Black wire. Looking closely at the board, I think that the PC-USB-Red wire will go to the pin, unlabelled on the...
  11. K

    Teensy 4.1 solder pads for USB ...

    Good morning all. I have been using Teensy 3.2 micro-controllers for a project very successfully. For various reasons, I have to solder the PC-USB cable to the reverse of the board (mainly, no room for a USB plug), and I have done that successfully several times with no issues, as the pads are...
  12. K

    Getting a Teensy 4.1 to work ...

    Thanks for the prompt replies, both Paul & Kurt. I'm pleased to say it is now working. I sort-of suspected that it was to do with the version of Teensyduino that I was using, as I did not have the Teensy4.1 in the Boards list. It didn't occur to me straight away though, because when I read...
  13. K

    Getting a Teensy 4.1 to work ...

    Good afternooon. I have used Teensy 3.2s for more than 2 years, and have four or five of them involved in quite a large MIDI project. They work well. However, I recently purchased a Teensy 4.1 as I need more pins. Unfortunately I cannot get the Teensy 4.1 working at all. It is recognised by...
  14. K

    ILI9341 on Teensy 3.2 using I2C (SDA & SCK) only?

    Thanks for the reply, Mark. But you've described excatly what I am already doing! I really need to free up just a few more pins, hence my question. But OK - looks as though I will need a Teensy 3.5/6 or better still a 4.1. Thanks Kurt! I think I'm going to have to stick with my current design...
  15. K

    ILI9341 on Teensy 3.2 using I2C (SDA & SCK) only?

    Good morning. I have the Teensy 3.2 driving the ILI9341 fully satisfactorily (display only, no touch functions required at present). But I wondered whether there is any way in which I can reduce the pin-count by using the SCK and SDA (well actually the SDI on the ILI9341) pins only, in a...