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  1. S

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    @TomChiron I picked this up from amazon, and it was as easy a plug & play can get. Tiny receiver that i wired into the Teensy 4.1 Host USB pins. Libraries read it with no issues I can tell so far.
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    ILI9488_t3 Library 'ambiguous' error?

    Your 'guess' was correct. If I changed the value of 0 to another pin number (non-zero) then the original constructor works, as did the casting of the original #define value of 0 that was being seen as a pointer. Thank you for the suggestions.
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    ILI9488_t3 Library 'ambiguous' error?

    Understood KurtE. I'm no compiler expert, but shouldn't the error have also happened for the first tft1, since it also does not have a cast to an uint8_t for the first argument to it's constructor?
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    ILI9488_t3 Library 'ambiguous' error?

    I using two ILI9488 display wia two hardware SPI connections on a Teensy 4.1. Creating two instances (one for each display) fails when providing the first display constructor with #define'd pins numbers, but fails for the second display. It will succeed if I provide the constructor with actual...
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    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    @TomChiron, Yes, that sounds like it might be a good alternative technique with the least R&D involved. If the proprietary USB dongle/keyboard doesn't need any type of pairing (which would require some interaction on the Teensy's part) then it could be basically plug & play, then using the...
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    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    I'm working on a Teensy 4.1-based project with a touch LCD display (among other things) that requires text input from the user. I was planning to use the USB Host connectors on the T4.1 to connect a USB keyboard, but would like to avoid having to plug a keyboard into my project if possible...
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    Missing pin descriptions for Teensy 4 on web site documentation...?

    This is all good info, thank you all. When you are all mentioning the "online card" (, I can see that that has a correction at the bottom. The page to which I'm referring ( and the PDFs to which that points...
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    Missing pin descriptions for Teensy 4 on web site documentation...?

    Thank you Michael. Knowing that the pinouts between the T4 and T4.1 are the same helps. Yes, I figured that the cards sent out to people could not be updated automatically ;) In addition to the updating of the web page info, a couple other suggestions for the documentation I'd like to make...
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    Missing pin descriptions for Teensy 4 on web site documentation...?

    Looking at the documentation for the Teensy 4.0 pinouts on, there appears to be a few missing: MISO 1 (MISO and MISO2 are present) CS1 (CS and CS2 are present) Alternates for the SPI pins do not appear (ghosted green blocks), yet they do for the Teensy...
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    Suggestion for movement detection to resume from low power

    (looks up vibration switches....) That looks more like what I should be using. Thank you. I've spend a lot of time looking for 'motion detection' devices and it all seemed like overkill. What I really needed was to look for 'vibration' sensors. Thank you for that!
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    Suggestion for movement detection to resume from low power

    I am working on a replacement remote control for my media devices. I'd like my Teensy 4 to be in a low power state as possible until it is moved. I see many motion detections devices out there for detecting north, gps and acceleration, etc. I'm wondering if there is something much simpler for...
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    [posted] Custom Keypad with Teensy

    I finally completed my first Teensy project. It's a custom keypad in a vertical format for use with graphics software alongside a Wacom tablet. It uses a Teensy 4, a micro SD Card and 3.75" TFT LCD Display to show the more common macros and functions matching color coded keycaps. The Teensy uses...
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    Sending data into Teensy 4

    Thank you. The Protocol Buffers material look interesting also, but the simplicity of the serial option might be just what I need for this project.
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    Sending data into Teensy 4

    Thanks jdriedger. I was unaware that I could communicate with serial over the same USB being used for other things. That does look like the simplest method.
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    Sending data into Teensy 4

    I have a Teensy 4 running an application that has some settings that are read at startup. The C++ code contains those setting in the source. I would like to be able to modify the settings without having to recompile/upload the source each time. I have considered storing those settings on the...
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    "error sending reboot command (HID)"

    I've brushed away as much as possible to narrow down this issue. At first glance, it seems very similar to a posting someone else made on the forums regarding Blinkie code "fixing the problem", but I suspect that it is a coincidence. @ Frank B: No hubs involved, also tested with different ports...
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    "error sending reboot command (HID)"

    Yes, only one Teensy 4 is connected. Wiring is unchanged, lengths, cables, hardware setup. It was working fine, then after one compile this message began appearing. Sometimes (maybe one in 10 times) the Blink example will succeed, then my other code project might works once, then continuously...
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    "error sending reboot command (HID)"

    I've begun seeing this error command ("error sending reboot command (HID)") when upload to a teensy 4. It happens approximately 90 times out of 100, with the other ten occasions working successfully. Both platformIO and Arduino IDE have the issue. The TeensyLoader (v1.49) appears when expected...
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    USB Type: Keyboards vs. Serial? What does it do?

    Suggested solutions have resolved the issue... @defragster--Windows 10 OS, Teensy Loader 1.49. I can confirm some of the timing issues you mentioned--Drilling into some of the keyboard libraries revealed that I had to place a tiny delay of 1 ms in the keyboard library to get everything to work...
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    USB Type: Keyboards vs. Serial? What does it do?

    I've been having some difficulties with getting a compile to succeed for a Teensy 4 when my code utilizes the Keyboard library. The code only successfully compiles (when it includes the command (Keyboard.print("A")) if the Arduino IDE menu item "USB Type:" is set to "Keyboard" instead of...
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    strange issue with "'Keyboard' was not declared in this scope" error.

    A minimal Teensy 4 Sketch in the Arduino IDE consisting of using the function: Keyboard.Print("Hello"); ...yields an error message of "....Multiple libraries were found for "Keyboard.h"...." and 'Keyboard' was not declared in this scope Changing the Arduino IDE menu "Tools/USB Type:" from...
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    Issue using PWM output on Teensy 4

    Gibbedy: According to the LCD docs, it should be fine with a supply from 3-5volts so I expect is would not be because the teensy 4 is 3.3v. defragster, I am not certain of the expected current of the LITE pin, but it does seem to work fine if it is held at 3.3v (full brightness) with no issues...
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    Issue using PWM output on Teensy 4

    Gibbedy: According to the LCD docs, it should be fine with a supply from 3-5volts so I expect is would not be because the teensy 4 is 3.3v. defragster, I am not certain of the expected current of the LITE pin, but it does seem to work fine if it is held at 3.3v (full brightness) with no issues...
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    Time delay betwene pin_mode() changes necessary?

    I've been playing with a small matrix keypad with diodes and the Teensy 4 and keypad library. A small test application I wrote that works fine on an Arduino Pro Micro was behaving differently on the Teensy 4. On the Teensy 4, the code (basic usage of Keypad library) works fine without any...
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    Issue using PWM output on Teensy 4

    I am attempting to control the brightness (via the LITE pin) on a 3.5" LCD TFT (HX8357 based) display with a PWM output from a Teensy 4. Previously, I was able to do this on a SparkFun Pro Micro using: #define TFT_CS 10 #define TFT_DC 9 #define TFT_RST 8 //MOSI in on Teensy 4 Pin 11 #define...
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    Having problems getting started with Teensy 4.0 and Arduino IDE...

    I have done a fresh install of the Arduino 1.8.10 IDE, followed by an install of the TeensyduinoInstall.exe 1.48. I am using a basic sketch that compiles with no issues. Arduino menu: Board is set to 'Teensy 4.0' USB Type is set to 'Serial' (There are no other options present) Port is...