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  1. C

    Does readSynchronizedContinuous() require calling isComplete() first to check if data conversion is done?

    In ADC_Module.h, it seems it only reads adc register and doesn't do sanity check. int analogReadContinuous() __attribute__((always_inline)) { #ifdef ADC_TEENSY_4 return (int16_t)(int32_t)adc_regs.R0; #else return (int16_t)(int32_t)adc_regs.RA; #endif }
  2. C

    Does readSynchronizedContinuous() require calling isComplete() first to check if data conversion is done?

    In ADC library example: synchronizedMeasurements.ino In void loop() { // You can also try: // result = adc->analogSynchronizedRead(readPin, readPin2); // result = adc->analogSynchronizedReadDifferential(A10, A11, A12, A13); result = adc->readSynchronizedContinuous(); // if using 16...
  3. C

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Hi, I have a project that has to use both SPI and LED functions on Teensy 4.1 ( I already used SPI1, and SPI2 pins at back side seems not easily accessible). Based on front side pin layout, it seems pin 13 is used for both SPI and LED, and there is no extra pin can be used for SCK. This is...
  4. C

    Teensy 3.5 ADC random noisy synchronized readout

    Hi, I am using Teensy 3.5's two ADCs to sample 2 analog channels: A1 and A2 in a loop. The ADC_init function is written below: unsigned long long A1_SUM; unsigned long long A2_SUM; float A1_AVG; float A2_AVG; void ADC_INIT( ) { ADC_RESOLUTION = 16...