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  1. M

    Multiple I2C Connections

    I know I just posted this, but I figured out a way to get both readings. I have them both connected to Wire through I2C and that works. I don't know why Wire2 wasn't working, but for my uses, I found a way to do it.
  2. M

    Multiple I2C Connections

    To add more detail. I'm trying to read from the 2 IMUs at as close to the same time as possible. I'm using this code to point an antenna using a 2 servo gimbal for pitch and roll. One IMU is on the gimbal (the part not moved by servos) and is the main one for measuring the angle the gimbal has...
  3. M

    Multiple I2C Connections

    I'm using the Teensy 4.1 and trying to hook up and read from 2 different IMUs (Adafruit BNO055 and MPU6050). I have them hoked up to Wire (MPU6050) and Wire2 (BNO055). I was testing just using Wire2 with the BNO055, but couldn't get it to read anything from it. I would like to know if what I'm...