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  1. J

    Need help with code and pin set up.

    Your button assignments are not in a correct syntax: button1=pin1 button2=pin2 button3=pin3 The above code fails because the compiler has no idea what type button1, 2 and 3 variables are. I am going to assume you are trying to use pins 1, 2, and 3 to check for those relays being switched...
  2. J

    Teensy 2.0 Arcade!

    After much work and struggling with all things USB, I've reached my first milestone on my Teensy Arcade board project. I figured now is a good time to share with the group! This project creates a new Teensy 2.0 "board" within the IDE called "Keyboard + Joysticks (Arcade)" which gives you the...
  3. J

    Teensy 2.0 INPUT_PULLUP and controller buttons

    Awesome Paul. It definitely fixed my issue!
  4. J

    Teensy 2.0 INPUT_PULLUP and controller buttons

    Here is the code I am working with. Originally it the data pins were set to just INPUT. I changed them in preparation for tonight's testing. void setup() { // Set pin assignments // Pull up data pins pinMode(PIN_CLOCK, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_LATCH, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_DATA1, INPUT_PULLUP)...
  5. J

    Teensy 2.0 Arcade (2 Gamepads)

    Update: Turns out I had an incorrect value in the HID gamepad descriptor. The report size for pointer usages in the X and Y directions was 2 when it should have been 8. I'll update this once I can confirm if that was issue or not.
  6. J

    Teensy 2.0 INPUT_PULLUP and controller buttons

    I got a question related to pull up/down on input pins. My project consists of 1 or 2 SNES pads connected to a teensy 2.0. They are communicating with the teensy via the SNES's simplistic serial protocol. From searching online I know that reading the input pin signals LOW for button presses...
  7. J

    Teensy 2.0 Arcade (2 Gamepads)

    I've been steadily working on reintroducing gamepad support to a project I am working on that enables a SNES gamepad to connect to the computer as a keyboard or gamepad device. I was testing the code over the weekend and I could not get the usb gamepad devices to work. Specifically, Windows 7...
  8. J

    multiple HID gamecontrollers

    How will you interface the Wii Classic controllers to the microcontroller? Will you be drilling and modding the controllers and attaching it directly or are you going to try and speak the controller protocol? In my SNES project, the controller protocol was actually very simple, so I was able to...
  9. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    I managed to add the Joystick support back in. Its not tested but my repo has been updated with an example INO file and updated api/c code with the additional descriptors and endpoints. As I am still at work, I'll try and test this over the weekend. I am fairly certain the gamepad descriptors...
  10. J

    Help with C++ classes

    Alright I managed to get it working by making sure m_data was a pointer
  11. J

    Help with C++ classes

    Hey guys, So I am trying to extend the Joystick api by having 2 individual joysticks. I think I've gotten except for how I initialize my classes through the constructor. I figure I have to pass interface, endpoint, report size and a pointer to the array storing the report data. Problem is...
  12. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    Dawnmist, Its good that I left my report size to 16bytes for compatibility sake. And luckily, I only needed like 20 keys simultaneously so it ended up working out ok (Also didn't need a bootable keyboard either). I read your posts on the subject of Windows goofiness and it looked like I was...
  13. J

    multiple HID gamecontrollers

    Hi there, The post that Paul mentioned was mine. I managed to get the NKRO keyboard working. The aim for my project is to be able to connect 2 SNES pads to the computer as either 2 independent joysticks or as a single keyboard that emits multiple key presses. A switch will most likely control...
  14. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    Only tested it on Windows 7 64bit for the moment, simply because I have no other OS to test reliably with. I've created a git repo for it. And I apologize for the missing copyright notices on the code. Its very much a work-in-progress. You can find it here:
  15. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    Awesome News! So I spent the other night trying to work out an extended report config for giving the keyboard more simultaneous presses. I couldn't get it to work so I attempted to put together a bitmap report instead. IT WORKED! I basically reworked all the descriptors for the keyboard to...
  16. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    Awesome man, thanks for the help. If I can get it working right, I think you should be able to integrate it into your existing Teensy extensions by adding another keyboard endpoint that supports more keys. That way you can keep your boot-compatible keyboard descriptor, and still allow for...
  17. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    Within usb.c theres the keyboard_hid_report_desc[] array for the keyboard report descriptor. I can see that the report count is 6 at 1 byte (6 bytes total). I should be able to modify this to a report count of 30 at the same report size of 1 byte (30 + 2 = 32 bytes) correct? Then, it would be...
  18. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    Thanks, Paul. I was looking over the code again and since I do not need to worry about the Teensy being a boot device that would be the easiest option. My next question is where is the report size specified?
  19. J

    Teensy 2.0 with NKRO Keyboard

    Hey guys, I've been working on a converter to convert a SNES pad to keyboard presses (better latency in some emulators). Its been working pretty well so far with the 6-key limitation with the current Teensy 2.0 library. However, I'd like to extend the converter to handle 2 pads, which requires...