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  1. J

    Teensy 4.1 and ATWINC1500 (can't connect to module)

    Thanks for the replies As far as I understand, the Wifi101 library sets the for the Chip needed SPISettings here: In line 73 the settings are defined static const SPISettings...
  2. J

    Teensy 4.1 and ATWINC1500 (can't connect to module)

    Hello everyone, I am currently trying to connect to an adafruit ATWINC1500. However, I can not establish a connection with my Teensy (I tried multiple 4.1, also I tried it with a 3.2 and a 3.6) and I am running out of ideas, what could be the cause. I am using Arduino 2.2.1 and I installed the...
  3. J

    BCLK Generation (I2S)

    okay. Then what does this command do? I2S_RCR2_DIV(1) And why is my BCLK frequency right for the frequencies in the manuals? Am I mistaking something?
  4. J

    BCLK Generation (I2S)

    Hello at everyone :) , I'm making an audio applikation (Teensy 3.5) with an I2S MEMS Mikrophone. I've connected everything and it is working fine, but I'm curious how the BCLK (Bit Clock) is generated. By reasearch i found out that the BCLK is generated by the MCLK (which is generated by a...
  5. J

    Mono Channel with I2S

    Is there a documentation or a example code where i can get information from? Or how can i get the information what parts of the code i have to change to achieve this? I'm already reading every second example so that i am ignoring the second one but I'm asking myself if there is a good...
  6. J

    Mono Channel with I2S

    So you mean it is not possible to have a mono audio with I2S?
  7. J

    Mono Channel with I2S

    Hello everyone, I want to read out some information from a MEMS Microphone with I2S. I Bought myself a Teensy 3.2 and a MEMS microphone from adafruit ( I connected the Pins (3V to +3.3V, GND to GND, BCLK to Pin 9, Dout to Pin...