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  1. M

    Unplugged during upload, now crashes randomly. Flash memory issue?

    I have a custom teensy 4.1 board that I've made that I've been using very reliably, with a code that's ran without any issues this last month. Last night I was changing a variable to test a servo's zero position and constantly reuploading the code to check if everything was aligned...
  2. M

    Same code Complies Differently on ArduinoIDE and VS - NativeEthernet/ModbusTCP Issues

    Had to back track, doing the above compiled/uploaded to an unlocked teensy, but wouldn't work on a locked. Had problems making the .ehex or something. Dug further and copied the NativeEthernet and FNET library from the platformio folder over to the Arduino/hardware/teensy/avr/libraries folder...
  3. M

    Same code Complies Differently on ArduinoIDE and VS - NativeEthernet/ModbusTCP Issues

    I think it's actually working now... I copied the boards.txt, keywords.txt, platform.txt, cores folder and libraries folder over to the Arduino/hardware/teensy/avr folder and everything seems to be ok. Also copied the .piopm and package.json files over as well but I'm not sure if they do...
  4. M

    Same code Complies Differently on ArduinoIDE and VS - NativeEthernet/ModbusTCP Issues

    Libraries are the same. I copied the ones in VS Code/Platformio over to Arduino IDE just to be sure (and verified they're both the same version), then the NativeEthernet pulls from the same place I believe. I also copied the teensy and teensy4 cores over from platformio to Arduino, but I get...
  5. M

    Same code Complies Differently on ArduinoIDE and VS - NativeEthernet/ModbusTCP Issues

    I'm using Visual Studio Code with Platformio. I just tried VisualMicro and it's acting like the Arduino IDE upload, as in it's having socket issues. Somehow VScode and Platformio isn't acting like this and it's bizarre to me, since again, I'm literally copy/pasting code from one IDE to the...
  6. M

    Same code Complies Differently on ArduinoIDE and VS - NativeEthernet/ModbusTCP Issues

    Came across an odd error lately. If I use the exact same code in Visual Studio and Arduino IDE and upload to my Teensy 4.1 I get some changes in performance. Specifically I think it's affecting the EthernetClient aspect of NativeEthernet has trouble with connecting clients. VS code seems to have...
  7. M

    Teensy 4.1 Winbond Compatibility

    Yeah I knew it had to be something simple... thanks!
  8. M

    Teensy 4.1 Winbond Compatibility

    More of a curious question than anything critical. Normally I use the W25Q64JVZEIM with no issue, but problem is I'm running low and they're out of stock everywhere. I've only been able to find the W25Q64JVSSIM and W25Q64JVSSIM TR chips as two in stock viable options and so I was wondering if...
  9. M

    Teensy 4.1 part changes

    Is there anything special to be aware of when swapping to the NCV8186AMN330TAG? Best I can tell you just need to connect FB pin to the OUT pins, then it's just a drop in to the Teensy 4.1 diagram. I think the adjacent resistors and capacitors can just stay the same as before? I have some boards...
  10. M

    How to drive SD_B0_02 and 03 High

    Definitely, appreciate the help Kurt
  11. M

    How to drive SD_B0_02 and 03 High

    Ah, so just 42 and 43. Thanks! Went down a total rabbit hole last night and in the core pins source file in the teensy folders I just copied the Teensy 4.0 pin configurations into the Teensy 4.1 section. Then I was able to access via digitalWrite. Definitely made that harder on myself than I...
  12. M

    How to drive SD_B0_02 and 03 High

    Made my own custom PCB following the teensy 4.0 scematic and everything runs pretty darn good. Per Paul's suggestion I used the 4.1 chip as my microcontroller as it's the same pinout and much easier to design traces around and solder that BGA. However... I failed to double check and make sure...