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  1. F

    audio interface with bluetooth transmitter

    Thank you all. After trying using Bluetooth speaker with my current gear I came to realise that the latency is more than I expected, so I will probably just do without the Bluetooth output. At this point I may probably consider getting just a very cheap audio interface with headphone and a...
  2. F

    audio interface with bluetooth transmitter

    Thanks for your replay. Sorry I should have explained better. I need two separate stereo outputs: one for the headphones and one for the speaker. I want to be able to use my bluetooth stereo speaker, but have the option to connect to other speakers as well (as an alternative to the bluetooth...
  3. F

    audio interface with bluetooth transmitter

    Hello I am recenlty finished building a midi controller to control NI Traktor 3. I am using Trktor with my laptop and bluetooth speaker. In order to use the tracks cue monitoring, I now need to have an additional audio output. I am considering building an audio interface that has four outputs (2...
  4. F

    Teensy 2.0 USB MIDI + MOUSE

    I have now managed to fix the menu issue by changing the lines in "boards.txt" from this: + MOUSE to this: +...
  5. F

    Teensy 2.0 USB MIDI + MOUSE

    I decide to improvise and copied the following lines (anything I could find related to mouse) from usb_api.cpp (hid folder) to my new usb_api.cpp (usb_midi_mouse folder) : void usb_mouse_class::move (int8_t x, int8_t y, int8_t wheel, int8_t horiz) { uint8_t intr_state, timeout; if...
  6. F

    Teensy 2.0 USB MIDI + MOUSE

    Thank you for your reply. I have also looked further at Rob's usb.c file and how he has edited it. I have now copied the usb.c file in my "usb_midi" folder to my "usb_midi_mouse" folder and made the following changes: added "Mouse Protocol 1, HID 1.11 spec, Appendix B, page 59-60, with wheel...
  7. F

    Teensy 2.0 USB MIDI + MOUSE

    Hello I am trying to use encoders of my midi controller to act as mousescroll. Having read some posts I found that this one ( ) is the one that gets me closer to my goal, but I get stuck at some point….. I summarise what I have done so far...
  8. F

    Teensy 2.0 interrupt

    I have tried it and the led lighten up when changing the state of the pin 0 with a push button but it's not very consistent. Not sure that I am actually using it appropriately but thank you. Now I now where the PCINT are, maybe at some point I will be able to use them :) Where did you find...
  9. F

    Teensy 2.0 interrupt

    Thank you both. I have now been able to make the encoder work using the attachinterrup function. Not sure what happened yesterday as I used exactly the same code (just rewired my breadboard...), and ... yes probably in my case polling may even be fast enough for my encoder to do their job. It 's...
  10. F

    Teensy 2.0 interrupt

    Thank you Chris very helpful. Are you aware of any library that exist to simplify using the pin change interrupts? I have only just started learning arduino two months ago so I think that I may struggle without a library to simplify the use of them. As I said, I have been able to use the arduino...
  11. F

    Teensy 2.0 interrupt

    Thanks for your reply. If I understand it correctly the table shows that I can only use 4 pins with interrupt capability, but I need 6. If use only one interrupt capable pin for two encoders this would give me good performance rather than best performance, which is still good enough probably...
  12. F

    Teensy 2.0 interrupt

    Hello I am just learning to code microcontrollers and my current project is to build a MIDI controller using a teensy 2.0. I need at least six pins with interrupt capability as I am using three encoders. I have started prototyping with an arduino and I was able to make it work by using the...