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  1. J

    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    The demo for the full version of doom now loads too! I did have to set the clock to 50000000.
  2. J

    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    That's it! I've set it to 55000000 and now it works... ... well at least the demo played for 10-20 seconds and then everything turned to black. Could it be that the screen is not getting enough power causing clock issues? Edit: Now it seems to keep on running...
  3. J

    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    I just tried the vcs emulator, I didn't have any roms so I downloaded a demo from when I select that rom from the menu the screen goes to white. This is what the serial monitor contains: 2600.BIN SD initialized...
  4. J

    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    Yes, I compiled for faster code and 600Mhz. I read something about a USE_VIDEO_PLL but I am not sure where or how to set that. Not sure what you mean with 4mb, the wads I got from gog are way bigger: DOOM.WAD - 12.408.292 bytes, the version from gog DOOM2.WAD - 14.604.584 bytes, the version...
  5. J

    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    Well done Jean-Marc! I tried it on my Teensy 4.1 with an SPI ILI9341 Display and 16 MB of psram but after the menu all I got was a white screen. Since I don't have a keyboard connected I rigged the handleMenu function so that if you'd send the character a it sets bClick to MASK_JOY1_BTN. The...