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  1. J

    Schematic review needed for Teensy4.1 + WM8731 audio codec

    Hi, I've had no issues with the codec so I suppose the codec, schematic and layout are ok. For the files try this link For now I don't use the board I'm working on something else. Have you already started designing your synth or you are in the brainstorming phase ?
  2. J

    Peak detection & Envelope follower

    Hi ! I try to detect the peaks and the time of the peaks for a bass whose amplitude is modulated by LFO's. I first tried with the peak object by sampling the input several times in a second. The result is it seems like I get the green values shown in the picture below. I think it is normal...
  3. J

    Schematic review needed for Teensy4.1 + WM8731 audio codec

    Hey ! The board is working :). I add some stuff to the original schematic. Now I have the codec, 24 pots + 1 for volume control, 1 rotary encoder for the menu, a ILI9341 display, line out and headphone, midi in, thru and out. The Teensy and the display are mounted on socket so it can be plug...
  4. J

    Schematic review needed for Teensy4.1 + WM8731 audio codec

    So my 30MHz Digilent Analog Discovery 2 USB oscilloscope is totally useless for this ? I wanted to try different resistor values by soldering and desoldering until I get a good trace (no ringing, no overshoot, no undershoot). Another question : I didn't connect CLKOUT as I will use the codec...
  5. J

    Schematic review needed for Teensy4.1 + WM8731 audio codec

    Hi ! :) I’m designing a synth and I need some help for reviewing my schematic before starting the layout. The things I’m not really sure about are : Is the CODEC compatible ? I’m not using any inputs (neither MIC nor LINEIN), only line out and headphone out, but the “AudioOutputI2S” object...
  6. J

    Teensy 3.6 + PT8211 DAC : pitched sound when recording analog signal

    The problem was more me not knowing a TRS audio jack is not intended to be put in an XLR connector. First time using the inputs of an audio interface.
  7. J

    Teensy 3.6 + PT8211 DAC : pitched sound when recording analog signal

    Found the problem, haha... A male TRS jack in a female XLR input won't work properly... Now I'm using a male XLR cable jack, problem solved. Shame on me... So the problem was not the teensy or the DAC or my audio interface but the cable.
  8. J

    Teensy 3.6 + PT8211 DAC : pitched sound when recording analog signal

    I connected the Teensy to the line input of my laptop and I get a clean sinewave in Audacity. So this is my audio interface causing the problem.
  9. J

    Teensy 3.6 + PT8211 DAC : pitched sound when recording analog signal

    The waveform looks like a 440Hz sine wave with harmonics/noise. It should look like 440Hz sine wave without harmonics/noise.
  10. J

    Teensy 3.6 + PT8211 DAC : pitched sound when recording analog signal

    Hi, I have a Teensy 3.6 and a PT8211 DAC. I uploaded the PT8211Sine sketch and outputted the sound directly to my amplified speakers. The sound is nice and clean, no problem. Then I connected the audio jack from the DAC to one of the input of my audio interface (Behringer UMC204HD). The input...
  11. J

    Teensy or Mozzi ? Don't know what to choose.

    Interesting ! Actually I decided to keep going with Mozzi. I already got 80% of the code, don't want to start from 0 with Teensy. But next synth will be Teensy for sure.
  12. J

    Teensy or Mozzi ? Don't know what to choose.

    Must try it. Sometimes I need breakpoints, not always easy to debug with Arduino Serial.print().
  13. J

    Teensy or Mozzi ? Don't know what to choose.

    Ok thanks Paul :)
  14. J

    Teensy or Mozzi ? Don't know what to choose.

    Thanks Paul. It will be possible to use the objects of the teensy audio library inside the Arduino IDE ? Or is it just for compiling Arduino code on Teensy board ?
  15. J

    Teensy or Mozzi ? Don't know what to choose.

    Hi ! I'm currently building a synth with Mozzi on a Arduino Nano. The 16MHz clock speed quickly became a problem and the memory is almost full now so I can't really keep going so I decided to look at Teensy. The boards look amazing, tiny, powerfull and not expensive. The problem is that I want...