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  1. M

    Is the Ebyte E32 compatible with Paul's RadioHead library?

    Thanks for that Kurt! I'll try it out, well I've already gotten the current setup to work with another library so I don't think there are any problems with the physical hardware connections. @mjs513, here's the link to
  2. M

    Is the Ebyte E32 compatible with Paul's RadioHead library?

    Thanks for the advice, Paul and Kurt! So I tried Paul's code with SoftwareSerial and Kurt's code without SoftwareSerial, but the error still persists These were the only pins I could use for the MODE and AUX - M0: 10, M1: 8, and AUX: 12. Not sure if these could be causing the error but I...
  3. M

    Is the Ebyte E32 compatible with Paul's RadioHead library?

    Follow-up - Since the example sketches use the SoftwareSerial library, could that potentially be causing any issues? Could it also be replaced with something else?
  4. M

    Is the Ebyte E32 compatible with Paul's RadioHead library?

    Hi Everyone, I'm working on a project using the Ebyte E32 Telemetry radios (Teensy 3.2 on the receiver side, and Teensy 4.0 with the transmitter radio) with Paul's RadioHead library - Both Ebyte modules have thrown the "init failed" message even with...
  5. M

    PlatformIO and serial issues

    Alright, thanks Paul!
  6. M

    PlatformIO and serial issues

    Hi Paul, I have no problems with just the Arduino IDE (both versions 1.8.19 and 2.0.0) and Teensyduino 1.57, so the problem only effects PlatformIO. Just a FYI the Teensy is hooked up to a Bosch BMI088 and a couple other senors on a custom PCB. This is the Python code that I ran when PlatformIO...
  7. M

    PlatformIO and serial issues

    @KurtE yep tried rebooting my pc as well, it was a no go. My Teensy 4.0 is standard I bought it from PJRC. The normal Teensy GUI shows up, I've been using this particular setup for a while and has been working until the encounter with python serial :) As you suggested this is the PlatformIO...
  8. M

    PlatformIO and serial issues

    Right so I rebooted the Teensy by pressing and holding the program mode button for 15s, same thing is happening :/
  9. M

    PlatformIO and serial issues

    Hi Everyone, When I try to upload my code to my Teensy 4.0 two things happen:- 1) The code doesn't actually upload 2) I get this error - Disconnected (device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)) Setup:- Board - Teensy 4.0 IDE - VS...