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    New Audio Board! TI TLV320AIC3206

    Along with support for handling high resolution audio in the library...
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    FFT and floating point data

    Ok, thanks. I'll try the Audio Library then, and convert the 16bit integer results to floats which should not be too CPU intensive with the FPU.
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    FFT and floating point data

    Would it be a bad idea to use a general FFT implementation such as OouraFFT rather than the one in the Audio Library? I will be pulling in data from the ADC, and converting each value to a float as it comes in.
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    FFT and floating point data

    Thanks, I had seen that, just wondered if there was a simple way to do this, as I don't really need the audio library otherwise.
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    New Audio Board! TI TLV320AIC3206

    That 3206 looks like it could be a good fit for high-res audio processing too..
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    FFT and floating point data

    I would like to port some code to the Teensy 3.5/6 from a mobile/desktop project, that is all floating point arithmetic, and does some FFT based processing. Are there any examples of doing floating point FFT on the 3.6? I realise the Audio Library is all fixed point. Or would I need to...
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    arm_math.h and the FFT audio blocks

    Sounds great. Looking forward to trying it out when it's ready. I'm looking for a flexible FFT library for standalone use, ideally with support for floating point numbers for use on the 3.5/6.
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    No, I haven't - this idea is still in the research phase..
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    Yeah - looking at the XMOS stuff for audio I/O and USB now.
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    Teensy 3.x multithreading library first release

    Looks very interesting, thanks for sharing
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    USB Audio for Teensy 3.0
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    Thanks, from reading other posts on the subject thats what it was looking like. Any ideas when it might be officially supported?
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    To be fair the vendor has offered me a return and a refund or replacement, no questions. The seller's eBay username is 'agiia' (UK based).
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    TEENSY 3.6 High speed usb support

    It does specifically mention "USB High Speed (480 Mbit/sec) Port" in the marketing blurb from the T3.6 Kickstarter and elsewhere, so I would assume that it should be fairly high priority to make it available... or maybe that was only referring to the hardware.
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    TEENSY 3.6 High speed usb support

    +1 Also looking for an answer to this question..
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    I saw this in another thread about the 3.5/6: Would that still have the bandwidth limitation? Can we use USB 2.0 "High Speed" mode with the Teensy 3.6? EDIT: from this thread it looks like it may not be supported yet...
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    We'll use an external ADC/DAC combination for this eventually, probably SPI so shouldn't have the I2S limitation then. I'd like to keep it to the 3.5/6 so we have enough juice for audio processing too (plus the FPU).
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    Thanks, this might be a good starting point. Ultimately I think we'd want 24bit/48kHz or better.
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    I mean 4 mono channels in and out - over one USB channel.
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    OK found this project so I reckon 4 channel duplex or more should be no problem for the 3.6...
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    Multichannel USB audio with Teensy 3.6?

    Would it be possible to create a multichannel USB audio device with a Teensy 3.6? Full duplex, say 4 in - 4 out (or more?)
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    Getting +/-5v audio signals into the Teensy 3.x analog inputs

    I am planning to have 4 DC-coupled CV inputs (possibly via the AD7367), and 1 audio input. I'll have a look at the DLD schematic for the AC-coupling, cheers.
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    Rust Language on Teensy

    I'm very much interesting in Rust, just haven't had the time to dive into it yet. It's still evolving but seems to have a great and helpful community around it. Have you seen this project? BTW I came across this post looking to see if I could use C++11...
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    Getting +/-5v audio signals into the Teensy 3.x analog inputs

    Thank you, that is super helpful. Much appreciated. I will be powering it off the 12v bus eventually, when I get round to installing the AD7367 I'm planning to try out for the CV inputs which needs 11-15v power.. (Need to get my SMT soldering skills up to scratch first!!)
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    Getting +/-5v audio signals into the Teensy 3.x analog inputs

    I've attempted to combine your not-so-good offset and scaling schematic with a 16hz high-pass filter:
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    Getting +/-5v audio signals into the Teensy 3.x analog inputs

    Thanks Paul, that not-as-good way you linked to looks like a good starting point. Note in this instance I want to get audio input in rather than CV, if that makes a difference. I was just looking at this schematic for an offset circuit: (from endolith's answer at...
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    Getting +/-5v audio signals into the Teensy 3.x analog inputs

    Hi all I'd like to get modular synth audio signals into a Teensy for processing (pitch detection) but I'm green when it comes to electronics. Currently thinking I need to offset the +/-5v to 0-10v, then voltage divide that down to 0-3.3v. Is this correct, and is there a way of doing this...
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    teensy 3.1 analog input

    Forgive my ignorance, I am a bit of electronics noob. Would the diagram you show here be suitable for translating a +5/-5v audio signal into something the Teensy 3.x onboard ADC can read?
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    I'm happy to announce that I got it working with the setup in my previous post. I tested all the Teensy & OLED pins with a multimeter and all looked good (my first foray into hardware debugging). I then decided to swap out the SH1106 to the other SSD1306 OLED I have. And it worked! So it was a...
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    3.6 as a Modular Synthesizer DSP

    That DLD looks interesting. I like the fact the user can update the firmware from an audio file - very fitting for synth geeks! Seems like a good platform on which to base an audio processing module. I wonder what advantages / disadvantages there would be in using an STM32F4 instead of a Teensy...
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    So I've tried different pin outs, and reduced the code example from @harryprayiv to the bare essentials. I'm still getting blank. My current wiring is as follows: OLED - Teensy ---------------------- GND - GND VCC - 3.3V D0 - 13 / SCK0 D1 - 11 RES...
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    Is there a reason you are using software SPI over hardware?
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    3.6 as a Modular Synthesizer DSP

    Very interesting! The DSP object you mention - would that allow for floating point buffers? The reason I ask is I have been working with the JUCE C++ library, and there is lots of floating point DSP code out there using that library (and others I'm sure). I've been wondering about porting a...
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    Thank you so much. This looks like just what I need. And the pin connections also - very useful! :)
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    I also found a more recent version of u8glib, I'm gonna see if I can get that working with the Teensy 3.5, based on
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    Thanks, I'll check those points out. I found this library: - managed to get it to compile but it also does not do anything to my OLED..
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    I uploaded and ran the example at, and it seems to be passing all the tests, so thats a start I guess..
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    No I haven't - I don't have a 3.2 here to test with. Thanks for this. Timmy mentioned over on Muff's that the O&C code didn't work on the 3.5/6, I guess this might be one of the reasons why. You've given me some clues here, I'll start digging... Although I don't even get static, just blank.
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    Thanks... I added `SPI.begin()`, still blank. BTW the OLED isn't cracked just still has the sticker on which looks scratched in the pic.. I'm wondering where I should start trying to debug this. Probably go and learn a bit more about SPI and the specifics of the SH1106 interface...
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    Teensy 3.x and SH1106 OLED via SPI

    Hi all, first post here. I'm embarking on my first hardware project, based on the Teensy 3.5, inspired by the Ornament & Crime eurorack module. I'm borrowing a lot from the O&C. I have an OLED (SH1106) which I'd like to get working first. A lot of this stuff is new to me, although I'm an...
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    3.6 as a Modular Synthesizer DSP

    Interesting... I've just been thinking of something similar. Although I was looking at stereo 24bit/96kHz ADC+DAC. An open source project similar to the O&C but for audio processing based on the 3.5/3.6 would be a great resource. Especially with the FPU, it should open up use of different C++...