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  1. M

    Create audio objects on vector

    Hi there! I am trying to achieve a way, where I can simply add multiple audio objects in library format to my project and "swap" objects on runtime. I know that I can already achieve dynamic patching using new & delete for AudioConnections as mentioned in this post. However, I'd like to have a...
  2. M

    Memory issue with AudioLibrary Teensyduino since 1.52-1.54b

    you can check my fork of FAUST, especially my last commit f84a55c. It adds a new option to the FAUST compiler wether or not it should use the external PSRAM. Keep in mind that this is not a very efficient solution, but at least it works :) Are you on the FAUST slack btw? I'd recommend you...
  3. M

    Memory issue with AudioLibrary Teensyduino since 1.52-1.54b

    HOLY GUACAMOLE! I already tried to achieve that using the method used in effect_freeverb.cpp, but as that didn't help I removed it again. But somehow your simple solution made it work, I can't believe it! I'll investigate further if that really solved all problems, but AFAICT IT WORKS!!!
  4. M

    Memory issue with AudioLibrary Teensyduino since 1.52-1.54b

    new insights Well it seems what I thought was the problem in the first post turned out to be wrong, so please ignore the attached code from the first post! However at least it led to a minor fix in the faust2teensy script, where compiler options were ignored. Additionally, with the help from...
  5. M

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #4

    I didn't really know where to post about it, but I made a new thread regarding an issue that I have since Teensyduino 1.52 and which is still present in this version. I tried to address that already in the betathread of 1.52 but wasn't really able to explain myself. I tried to list all the...
  6. M

    Memory issue with AudioLibrary Teensyduino since 1.52-1.54b

    Hi there! I already tried explaining my issue some time ago when the beta for Teensyduino 1.52 came out, but failed to give a reproducible scenario, which I hope I'm doing now: My current setup is a Teensy 4.1 with WM8731 as master(44.1khz) BUT initially the issue was spotted with an Teensy 4.0...
  7. M

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #4

    The link to the Catalina version doesn't seem to work! EDIT: seems to be working now!
  8. M

    Teensyduino 1.52 Beta #4

    EDIT: I meant the standard Arduino 1.8.12. As good as it was working before, the patched suddenly decided to not start anymore (not leaving me any logs whatsoever), which led me to fully uninstall the standard Arduino application and do a clean re-install. Again i used the 1.5.2...
  9. M

    Teensyduino 1.52 Beta #4

    Excuse my blurry explanation: simple instructions, as setting a pin low for example in the setup() function were not executed (along audio instructions). Additionally, to re-program the teensy, I needed to press the reset button. That's what I meant with "didn't work" :p The DSP was/is rather...
  10. M

    Teensyduino 1.52 Beta #4

    I'm not sure if this has been addressed, but the same application using the Audio Library compiled on both 1.5.1 and all betas of 1.5.2 fine, but when being programmed by 1.5.2 the teensy doesn't work. Any infos on this?
  11. M

    Using DMA SPI Memory for Audio Library Objects

    Dear All, Today I was writing with Stéphane from GRAME-CNCM who helped me A LOT in figuring out how to supervise the required memory of the Audio Library objects created with FAUST. I was wondering if there was a way of allowing certain specified objects making use of external DMA SPI memory...