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  1. D

    Teensy LC + MCP9808 + 4511+ 7 Segment VFD

    The way it looked there there was no transistors before or after the 4511. There weren't any on the board at all. I wish I would of taken a picture of the board before I removed all the stuff from it and thru it away. Do you know where I can find code examples for the MCP9808?
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    Teensy LC + GY-6500+2 servos

    I was having hard time finding links to libraries and example code. The tilt sensor might be under mpu9265 (the one linked here is the extract one I own) as well. As for servo I was looking into HS-5645MG. I just need links to what I need for now.
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    Teensy LC + MCP9808 + 4511+ 7 Segment VFD

    The 4511's were already running the VFD's. I had to desolder them from a board to start on this project. Here is a link to what they look like They have 8 pins. No dot. Sorry I...
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    Teensy LC + MCP9808 + 4511+ 7 Segment VFD

    I'm looking for code examples for taking I2C from a MCP9808 temp sensor and out putting it to a 7 Segment VFD display thru BCD to 7 Segment chip (scl4511a/be). I know the parts are weird choice but it was on a dare to use these parts to make a working thermometer. would like to use 1 button to...
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    Teensy LC + GY-6500+2 servos

    First I don't know where to put this for the help I'm looking for. I'm trying to create a cosplay tail that will react as I walk or with button presses. I own a GY-6500/mpu6500 tilt sensor and looking into buying servos and a teensy LC. I know the teensy can read I2C the tilt sensor uses but...
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    You must of not read my post with my code as I said I have tested it as I went a long. I started this modding project just to get the buttons to work. Which worked so I moved on to the fader between desk A and desk B. Which worked then I found midi ports in a pile of parts I had so I wired them...
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    To answer your question yes I'm using the Arduino software to program in and yes to the second part of your question. I'm using the Teensy 2.0 ++ from the drop down menu. Mostly right now encoders so rotaries I guess. Its for the scratching desks. The program will be getting which way they are...
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    I'm using Arduino actually and for reference the T2++ as you call it can use both Arduino and c programming languages.
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    i can try but sometime it calls a function differently then the older Teensy's.
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    Well that code wont help do to it being for a Teensy 3.2 and I'm working with a Teensy 2.0 ++ for more pins.
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    Is the code you posted just for encoders.
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    I have tested most of the parts of this as I went a long the only 2 parts that are not fully tested are the encoder and the 74HC4051 chips. I just need to figure out how to get the encoders to make the scratch wheels work I.E. get the encoders to send midi commands. The 74HC4051 chip chunk of...
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    Here is the link to it as you asked for.
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    Need coding help and modding Mixman DM2 DJ Gear.

    I personally own a Mixman DM2 Dj gear thing and since there is no way for it to work on anything newer then XP. Instead of trashing it I decided I could mod it to work on any OS I choose. I took the main board out and throw it in my parts bin and turned to the Teensy 2.0 ++ as the new main board...
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    Will you look at the code again because I went and fixed it to stay OUTPUT instead of INPUT. That is what I get for programming when I'm sleepy.
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    could this code work for the 74hc4051 and the teensy 2.0 ++? int chipselect = 0 switch (chipselect) { case 0: // pinMode(4, OUTPUT_PULLUP); // pinMode(5, OUTPUT_PULLUP); // pinMode(7, OUTPUT_PULLUP); chipselect = chipselect + 1 break; case 1...
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    What is with 32768 Hz crystal for the teensy 2.0 ++?

    I wasn't going to use it I was just curious if it is even useful at all. Which what I got from what you said is its just an abandon Idea that no one has ever used (or at least posted about.)
  18. D

    What is with 32768 Hz crystal for the teensy 2.0 ++?

    I believe you have the wrong pins on the schematic the way it looks its pin 18/19 and pins 36/37 when programming. So what I'm getting from what you said is anything that needs a RTC you add that crystal to the Teensy. Is this right way to think?
  19. D

    What is with 32768 Hz crystal for the teensy 2.0 ++?

    What is the 32768 Hz crystal used for when it is attached to the Teensy 2.0 ++? What type of projects need this extra crystal for?
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    I wasn't going to add one someone already said it was not needed so I wasn't going to add one. Could I have an example of this in code because I'm really new to this and have no clue how to do this. I have programmed before but its been a while and this is a new programming language.
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    yes if u look at the bottom of the picture it says teensy 2++
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    yes if u look at the bottom of the picture it says teensy 2++
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    Well the code at the beginning of this thread throws an error when I compile it.
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    I'm right now waiting on the chips so I can test it out.
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    Thanks for saying the code some what works but you didn't answer the other question is the capacitor really needed it is not shown on here but you guys kept talking about it. Which should I believe the website or this forum thread?
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    Potentiometers affecting each others when connected to 74HC4051

    I have teensy 2.0+ and have a question about the capacitor is it really need to work with the 74HC4051. I have a few the non "t" version coming in the mail. Is the code at the top of the page work? I need to know because I'm planning on using 1 74HC4051 to run 6 buttons off one pin of the...
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    Right now I'm still waiting on some stuff like the OPTOCOUPLER, SN74HC4051, and some quadrature encoders all coming from the area around china. If you like I can post the code I have gotten figured out.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    it compiled so its going to work most likely. All I have to do is wait on my OPTOCOUPLER from china to get the input working and a few other small parts. I'll mostly post pictures of the finished thing once the parts are in. Plus the code I used.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    You learn something new each day. The code error is not a real big issue some programming languages use semi-colons at the end of the line. Now here comes the fun take your code and my code and shove them together and hope it still works after.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    I have a question why is this "Serial.begin(31250);" set to such a weird number? It's not a normal baud rate.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    Thanks. That worked and for that lesser error. If it compiles without major one like the one I had its good as gold.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    Well that code errors in compiling so I'm not sure if it is going to work.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    Thanks for the help.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    Is SysEx just for Mac? If so I don't really care because it most likely be used on Linux and/or Windows. I'm looking over what you posted now.
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    Passing MIDI thru Teensy 2.0 ++ to and from pc

    I would like some help with coding so I can pass MIDI notes or MIDI commands through the Teensy to other devices from my PC. I have made a homemade MIDI controller it also has 2 MIDI ports on it the problem is I don't know how to program the Teensy to pass the MIDI notes/commands through it to...