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  1. E

    Bug in Teensyduino 1.58 for analogInputToDigitalPin()

    Hello Silverlock Please have a look how this macro works for older Teensy and Arduino boards. It was never made to enter A0 into this macro! For no other board this will work. And this would be nonsense. Look how these are defined: #define PIN_A0 (14) #define PIN_A1 (15) #define PIN_A2...
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    Bug in Teensyduino 1.58 for analogInputToDigitalPin()

    Hello ...\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy4\pins_arduino.h defines: #if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY40) #define NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS 14 #elif defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41) #define NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS 18 I would expect that a for() loop from 0 to 13 calling analogInputToDigitalPin() should return the...
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    Touchscreen on Linux with Mouse.moveTo()

    bmuessig wrote: > I'd actually go as far as saying, relative positioning with Mouse.move() is usually much more useful than absolute positioning for most applications. This is wrong. I tested absolute and relative positioning. Relative positioning requires you to know firest where the cursor...
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    Oscilloscope advice

    Teik: > You have to understand these devices are extremely complicated. Completely correct. However I see no reason why a company should not fix their bugs even in a complicated product. As I wrote already the Rigol hardware is not the problem. It is their buggy software and they COULD fix it...
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    Oscilloscope advice

    Today I got the definitive answer from the Rigol support. My oscilloscope already has the latest firmware. It displays Software Version: 00.04.04.SP4 So all these bugs that I describe are in all oscilloscopes of the DS1000Z serie. I doubt that Rigol will ever care to fix them as long as...
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    Oscilloscope advice

    Hello In the last months I was working on a OBD project: It bought a chinese ELM327 adapter which connects a computer to the electronic unit (ECU) of a car or motorbike. You cannot believe how many troubles I found on my way with this chinese CRAP...
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    Oscilloscope advice

    jwatte: > It turns out higher quality equipment costs more to produce. Who would have thought?! :- The point is that the costs to produce are basically the hardware costs. But the hardware of Rigol is OK. It is the firmware which complete chinese CRAP. The programmers simply do their job very...
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    Oscilloscope advice

    Hello all I know this is an old thread. But based on Paul's recommendation I bought a Rigol 1074 a year ago. It offers a lot of functionality for the price compared with other more expensive brands (like Tektronix). But I have to advice clearly that chinese oscilloscopes have a far worse...
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    How does Teensy-Reboot.exe communicate ?

    Hello Thanks for answering. (However my question was from 2016.) Paul: What I want is to have a button in my application (written in C#) where any dummy user can click on to automatically upload a new firmware to a connected Teensy board. Without further complications. Just 100% automatic...
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    Change in new Teensyduino version breaks existing code

    Hello Maybe that this has been changed a longer time before 1.85. I noticed it recently when I updated Teensyduino from an older version. But the fact stays that this change is unnecessary and breaks existing code.
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    Change in new Teensyduino version breaks existing code

    Hello Paul In Teensyduino 1.85 you made a change which breaks exsiting sketch code. In previous TeensyDuino versions the function Keyboard.send_now() had a bool return value and I wrote in my sketch: if (!Keyboard.send_now()) { Serial.println("Error pressing USB key"); return false...
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    Interesting find out. Stange is only that you did not find this before. Didn't you notice that multitouch does not work on that device before testing your sketches? And it comes up the question what device are you using there? Normally on a touch screen you can use two fingers to for example...
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    do analog pins when used as digital have interrupt capability on Teensy 3.6?

    @Kurt: > I believe to be more precise Yes, you are more precise. But still not 100% precise. On analog inputs the maximum useful voltage depends on which analog reference you have chosen with analogReference() If the analog refrence is set to 1,2V the DAC will give you useful values between...
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    You cannot change a Usage(Contact Identifier) into Usage(Touch) This results in a corrupt descriptor that will NEVER work. You did not understand at all what the descriptor is defining. At the end it is irrelevant if Android loads your corrput descriptor or not. It will not work. >...
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    New Bug in TeensyDuino 1.41

    Hello Paul I discovered a new little bug in TeensyDuino 1.41 which was not there before. In my previous TeensyDuino version you have defined the USB version as 2.0. Now you wanted to change this into 1.1. I don't know why you did this. Version 2.0 would also be OK. But you did this...
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    TouchscreenUSB.release(finger), Touch freezes, bug with Linux??

    Hello Paul > I am indeed testing with Linux. Maybe you're assuming I don't test Linux because I read the only available documentation? No. I deduced that because it is strange that there is such a severe bug as reported by epikao (Linux freezing) and you did not find this in your tests. >...
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    @jz11: > and it seems there is some sort of bug there with how the descriptor is being sent, The descriptor in your screenshot is not the one from Teensyduino. I have no idea where it comes from. But how do you think to install Teensyduino and run the code on a Leonardo ??? Teensyduino is for...
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    TouchscreenUSB.release(finger), Touch freezes, bug with Linux??

    Hello Paul I use USBlyzer on the Windows side which shows the data packets decoded. But DataCenter shows you the same. So I think you will not find a better way to see what is sent by the Teensy. The link from epikao may be helpfull for testing: Did you try it ...
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    TouchscreenUSB.release(finger), Touch freezes, bug with Linux??

    Hello epikao It is very tipical that Paul appears and then you don't hear from him anymore. It seems that this problem is not easy to solve and he is very busy and currently working on other projects. Most probably what you discovered is one of the plenty bugs in Linux. May be there is no...
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    TouchscreenUSB.release(finger), Touch freezes, bug with Linux??

    Hello Paul epikao asks if I can help with this. Any advances ? Could you post the analyzer files ? (One from Linux and one from Windows would be perfect) I suppose you use DataCenter, so it would be the *.tdc files. I also have a Beagle 480 now. As you are MAC user: Does it work on MAC ?
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    USB HID Touchscreen support needed

    epikao: You cannot seriously expect that someone helps you here if you are so incredibly lazy! You dont give ANY detailed information. > has problems with the release function. This is a ridiculous error description. At least post the code that you are running to simulate touch events. This...
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    Russian project ??? You are searching at the completely wrong place. You are incredible! It becomes obvious that you did neiter read my article nor did you read my answer from second january here. YOUR CODE IS STILL WRONG ! > didn't fix the issue of click events and movement events origin...
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    Well. You don't reply anmore. This shows several things: SUMMARY: - Your problem had nothing to with Android. - You made a severe programming error in your sketch. - The reason for this error was that you did not read my article thoroughly.
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    You are surprised that there are 3 USB devices? The title of my article says: A USB HID Keyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen emulator with Teensy Obvioulsy these are 3 USB devices. _______________________ > and when I touch the screen, the commands from the teensy don't seem to originate from one...
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    Hello jz11 In your last answer you explain the problem much better. Intead of just saying "Drag does not work" you explain the problem more detailed. In this case I also suppose that the driver is not very well programmed and does not work with that specific descriptor. Very weird. I suppose...
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    USB mouse/touchscreen with Teensy3.2 for Android

    > I also tried the older IDE with the older teensyduino and edited usb descriptor files by mr.Elmue, but couldn't get it to work like it should with the android I never tried Android but people reported on Codeproject that it works on Android. A user wrote: > I applied these examples in...
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    DIY electronic RFID Door Lock with Battery Backup

    Thanks for your comments. But if you have really studied my electronic design you will have noticed that it complies with all your requirements. I have no idea what your neighbour did. And it seems that you also don't have detailed information what exactly happened. But he must be a very...
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    New Teensy project: Infrared Remote Control for your Computer

    Hello If anybody is interested: I published the third article on Codeproject with a Teensy 3.2. (Paul, I make commercials for your product!) - With a hardware of only US $21 (a Teensy and an infrared receiver chip) you can control the music player / video player on the computer. - It works...
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    DIY electronic RFID Door Lock with Battery Backup

    Hello KateKitty If you have read the article you know that my project is DIY. You cannot buy it ready. Hi tonton It is a bad joke to compare my doorlock with such a primitive circuit. It is known that these are very unsafe. The Chaos Computer Club has published videos on Youtube that show how...
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    Updated Teensy 3.1 and Teensy 3.0 Eagle libraries

    Hello Constantin Thanks for the Eagle file. There is a little error in the symbol of Teensy 3.1/3.2 DIL Pin 14 is A0, not A1 (which exists twice) By the way: You have defined the 3,3V pin of the Teensy 3.2 as an PWR pin. This is correct, but produces a problem if you have two Teensy's on the...
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    Updated Teensy 3.1 and Teensy 3.0 Eagle libraries

    Hello Constantin Thanks for the Eagle file. There is a little error in the symbol of Teensy 3.1/3.2 DIL Pin 14 is A0, not A1 (which exists twice) By the way: You have defined the 3,3V pin of the Teensy 3.2 as an PWR pin. This is correct, but produces a problem if you have two Teensy's on teh...
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    How does Teensy-Reboot.exe communicate ?

    Hello Paul Thanks for the answer. But sadly it is lacking any details. It seems to me that PJRC is not willing to publish details about the Teensy tools. I saw a request for the source code of these tools here in the forum 2 years ago that has never been answered by you...
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    How does Teensy-Reboot.exe communicate ?

    Hello Paul I want to write an automatic Firmware uploader. I start Teensy.exe, then teensy_reboot.exe. But the information I need is how teensy_reboot.exe informs the Arduino IDE of success or failure. If the reboot was not successfull the IDE prints: Teensy did not respond to a USB-based...
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    Please help: Extremely slow USB transfer

    Delete the post, because I already found the error in my code. Yes, now I also get 1 MByte / second on Windows 10.
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    Advantages and disadvantages of RawHid interface

    Hello I'am trying to transfer data from the Teensy 3.2 to the host as fast as possible. I came across the RawHid interface and wrote some code and tested it. But as it uses only interrupt transfer with a polling interval of 1 ms with the maximum packet size for Full Speed = 64 bytes the speed...
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    Please help: Extremely slow USB transfer

    Please delete this message I cannot find a "Delete" button
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    Protecting Firmware Code

    Thanks again for your anwers. Kurt: I'am not interested to cheat anybody. Paul is doing a great work and the Teensy is woth it's price. But I have made very bad experiences in the past with other boards. I have written software for a FEZ Panda II board from GHI Electronics which my company is...
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    Protecting Firmware Code

    Thanks for your answers. I just want to understand how the bootloader is working. I suppose the following: When I press the button on the Teensy 3.2 the tiny chip takes over control. It shuts down the main processor and creates it's own USB interface. It receives the firmware via USB and over...
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    Protecting Firmware Code

    Hello Yes I read the answer from Paul in the thread you have linked: But I don't understand it. The Teensy has as fuse bit that can be written only once in the life time of the processor ? And then I never can make a...
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    Protecting Firmware Code

    Constantin wrote: > Yet, over time, all of these standards have been cracked by determined folk who look long and hard for weaknesses. There are lots of different TV encryption schemes. Some of them have been cracked, but several others have NOT been cracked yet. Maybe people download the...
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    DIY electronic RFID Door Lock with Battery Backup

    Hello Paul My Teensy RFID project on Codeproject was growing much in the last months. It has about 43000 views yet and the actual version works with Desfire cards using DES or AES encryption. Many...
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    New Teensy Library released: Control RFID Desfire EV1 cards with Teensy 3.2

    Hello I worked several weeks on my latest project: My new Teensy library allows to communicate with RFID Desfire EV1 cards through an Adafruit PN532 board. Desfire EV1 cards can store data in their EEPROM that is protected with a 2K3DES, 3K3DES or AES cryptographic key. My Desfire library...
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    Hi xxajk As you see: You are alone here with your opinion. It's me, it's stevech and Major Tom against your opinion that documentation is unneccessary. > If I *HAD* time, I wouldn't be writing docs, I would be porting more drivers from the UHS2 library instead. To whom will it be usefull...
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    Can Teensy be used to capture USB data from a USB cable ?

    > faster / easier / cheaper to do this in software You don't tell me anything new. But I don't have permission to install anything on that computer.
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    Hello xxajk Great that you made a USB host library. But there is absolutely no documentation. On Github the Wiki es empty. So I have no idea how to use it. I don't even understand why there are several folders USB_HOST_SHIELD in your code ? I understood from your first posting that this...
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    Can Teensy be used to capture USB data from a USB cable ?

    Hello Paul Thanks for your answer. I also had doubts if I can tell the processor just to listen and never to answer, but on the other hand give me the data that has been received for a device. Probably this is not possible. I have read the MK20DX256 datasheet but the USB stuff is very complex...
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    Can Teensy be used to capture USB data from a USB cable ?

    Hello I don't know what more information you need. Getting the data from a USB cable. That's it. Yes, I know that there are sniffers like Beagle and that they are expensive. So they are no solution for me. But I also saw that people have built a digital oscilloscope with a Teensy which is...
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    Can Teensy be used to capture USB data from a USB cable ?

    Hello I would like to use a Teensy 3.2 to capture the data that a computer is sending to a USB printer. My idea is to connect the Teensy with an adapter cable to the printer's USB cable. The Teensy would have to listen to all the packets coming in without ever sending data back. Then I would...
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    Teensy EMC sensibility (electromagnetic immunity)

    Hello Paul I see that you really have investigated. Why is your result so different ? I don't have another notebook to make tests with. So if the cause was my notebook the explanation would be that the Arduino UNO has a stronger USB signal ? I don't know. My notebook is an ASUS, not one of...
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    Teensy EMC sensibility (electromagnetic immunity)

    theremingineur: > For me, it seems not to be Teensy related. For you it is not related because you have a theory that you have never proved in the pratice. WMXZ: > totally agree Another one who has an opinion without ever proving it. Hey folks! Why don't you take a Teensy and try it before...