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  1. liamtmlacey

    Teensy 4.0 Release

    Congratulations - I’m really excited about this! Will it be shipping to your worldwide distributors soon (UK in particular)?
  2. liamtmlacey

    [posted] DIY hardware MIDI controller for the Turnado software plugin

    I thought I'd share my latest Teensy-based project - a dedicated USB-MIDI controller for the Turnado software plugin - a project I've entered into the 2018 Hackaday Prize musical instrument challenge. It uses a Teensy 3.6 (the performance of a 3.2 would probably have been enough for this...
  3. liamtmlacey

    Using the prop shields unneeded pins for alternative uses

    Hey Michael, Thanks for the reply. I had considered this, however I've already soldered headers to both and would rather not modify this. My next best option would probably be to use the Teensys SMD pins instead, however if I can avoid this that would make things a lot easier. This is...
  4. liamtmlacey

    Using the prop shields unneeded pins for alternative uses

    I'm currently using the prop shield in a project, however I only need use of the motion sensors. Is it possible to safely use the other Teensy pins that the prop shield uses (pins 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13) for alternative uses (as basic digital pins for receiving button presses or controlling single...
  5. liamtmlacey

    Audio System Design Tool bugs

    Hey, Just found a couple of small issues with the audio design tool editor: You are unable to rename the State Variable Filter objects The custom name you give to the sgtl5000 object isn't picked up when you export it to code Thanks.
  6. liamtmlacey

    Teensy USB-MIDI Controller Tutorial

    Hey all, I recently wrote a tutorial for AskAudio about how to build a simple DIY USB-MIDI controller using Teensy. I'm hoping it will help serve as a good introduction to the topic, especially for people new to Teensy and possibly even to electronics. You can check out the tutorial at...