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  1. S

    TimerOne: interval is half the value after start() on Teensy 3.6

    Thank you luni and defragster for your detailed replies! I opened a bug to track this:
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    TimerOne: interval is half the value after start() on Teensy 3.6

    I did some investigation, and here's a slightly simpler version that illustrates my problem. Summary: The first timer interrupt after start() happens at half the specified interval. Expected behavior: Timer interrupts every 1000 microseconds as specified. Pulses on pin 6 every 1000 microseconds...
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    TimerOne: interval is half the value after start() on Teensy 3.6

    I'm trying to change the period for TimerOne, but the interval after start() is half the specified period. In the following code, I ask for a period of 1000 microseconds, but get pulses every 500 microseconds. The problem goes away if I remove the stop/setPeriod/start from the handler, and...
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    I2C problem reading registers: Hall effect sensor TLE493D-A2B6

    Thanks Paul and damiend! I switched to 1-byte reads and then I can read the registers. I'll try the Infineon library if I need more performance. For reference, the code to switch to 1-byte reads is: Wire.beginTransmission(0x35); Wire.write(0x11); // mode register Wire.write(0x10); // PR...
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    I2C problem reading registers: Hall effect sensor TLE493D-A2B6

    I'm trying to read a register over I2C using the i2c_t3 on a Teensy 3.6, but I don't get any data. I think the problem is that the Wire library does a register read by a write of the register address followed by a read of the data, but the datasheet shows a slightly different protocol where the...
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    Teensy 4.1 FlexPWM capture problems

    My problem was that I needed to set the daisy chain register so the right input pad would be used. IOMUXC_FLEXPWM2_PWMA2_SELECT_INPUT = 1; Apparently the Teensy 4.1 has an additional "daisy chain" register if two pads can drive the same module input pin. It seems to me that the chip should be...
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    Teensy 4.1 FlexPWM capture problems

    My goal is to capture the times between input pulses using DMA. I got this working on Teensy 3.6, based on input_capture_dma.ino. But moving to Teensy 4.1, I can't get capture to work. I'm using pin 6 (FLEXPWM2_PWMA02) so I reimplementing everything with FlexPWM, but DMA capture didn't work at...
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    Library problems: how to read image off SD card and display on screen, Teensy 4.1

    I had a Teensy 3.6 program that (among other things) displayed an image from an SD card on the Teensy touchscreen. I switched to Teensy 4.1 and can't get the libraries to work together. In particular, I was using Adafruit_ImageReader to load the image, but it needs the Adafruit fork of SdFat...
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    Shift register for lots of bits in Teensy 3.6?

    I'm trying to emulate a 1970s-era Diablo 33 disk drive for the Xerox Alto. The bit rate is 3.3 MHz, so hopefully the Teensy 3.6 can handle it. I did some experiments today and bit-banging seems sufficient for shifting the bits out, as long as I disable interrupts. Next step is figuring out how...
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    Obscure question about AIPS-Lite and FTM2_MOD register addresses in Teensy 3.6

    I'm trying to understand the Teensy 3.6 at the register level. One thing that puzzles me is that the address for FTM2_MOD is defined in kinetis.h as 0x400B8008, but in the manual the address is 4003_A008 (page 1141). My question is why aren't these addresses the same? The manual explains...
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    Anyone else seeing MacBook Air hard crash when using a Teensy 4?

    My MacBook Air has crashed twice with the same problem. I uploaded a trivial program to the Teensy 3.6 and my MacBook suddenly reboots. The problem report says "Process name corresponding to current thread: teensy_serialmon", like shawn's. Most of the time uploads work fine, but after two...
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    Shift register for lots of bits in Teensy 3.6?

    Thanks! I'll give it a try. I definitely wouldn't have thought of using the audio interface :-)
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    Shift register for lots of bits in Teensy 3.6?

    I want to shift out thousands of bits from a Teensy 3.6 at 1.6 MHz (to simulate a disk drive). Is there a more convenient way to do this than bit-banging? I've been looking at the manual and it seems that the UART only handles 9 bits, but SPI might work. I'm not particularly looking for code...
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    Teensyduino crashes constantly on Catalina.

    I encountered the same crash with Teensyduino and multiple monitors on Catalina. I fixed the problem by uninstalling old Java versions, as described here and in this Arduino issue.