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  1. C

    teensy3 and ardueye stonyman vision chip

    teensy 2 & 2++ running Ardueye Modified zip file attached for using digital write method in SMH files
  2. C

    teensy3 and ardueye stonyman vision chip

    T3 running just on SMH example Zip file has relevant SMH library alterations and example. SMH runs just using processing sketch for GUI
  3. C

    teensy3 and ardueye stonyman vision chip

    complete project file complete project file including where we tried for teensy3 by removing the need to a teensy 3 pin def but it errors out. All files here to run on 1.03 the example with v2 will run teensy 2 sucessfully the v3 example is for teensy 3 but also needs the C++ files ammended
  4. C

    teensy3 and ardueye stonyman vision chip

    To move forward with the Teensy 3 the best and fastest option is to try and align the pin header file which is in the SMH library otherwise you have to rewrite both the SMH header file and the C++ file. If I can be shown how to assimilate the three pin file requirements for the DDRx , PORTx ...
  5. C

    teensy3 and ardueye stonyman vision chip

    here is the Mindkits invent link which is a small blog on what we are doing and why. They are the teensy local agents and were interested in a teensy 3 version.
  6. C

    teensy3 and ardueye stonyman vision chip

    Yes the SMH header file which points to the pin defs which also needs changing. The two text files we posted in our link are what we changed in those two files to get the teensy 2++ working but the teensy 3 being a ARM requires skills outside of our range thanks
  7. C

    teensy3 and ardueye stonyman vision chip

    Hi We've been working on an eye tracking project using ardueye/stonyman chip with good success. We have migrated the two file that need changing for the teensy 2++ and have this working, but would like to migrate to teensy 3. The SMH file and pin defs file is posted here...
  8. C

    Teensy2++ with stonyman vision breakout board part 1

    // ArduEye_SMH_v1.h // ArduEye Library for the Stonyman/Hawksbill Centeye Vision Chips // // Basic functions to operate Stonyman/Hawksbill with ArduEye boards // Supports all Arduino boards that use the ATMega 8/168/328/2560/AVR_AT90USB1286 // NOTE: ATMega 2560 SPI for external ADC is not...
  9. C

    Teensy2++ with stonyman vision breakout board part 1

    The following code changes are for the ardueye stonyman breakout board to run on Teensy 2++ as ammended by me Don't forget to add the 1286 def type to any examples /*********************************************************************/...
  10. C

    teensy2++ gain using Arduino

    We have a couple of these boards and I see that these chips will run gain on that ADC do you know of anyway to do this in Arduino, we have very limited programming skills. (Actually he was very good at programming but now his arms don't work and he is reliant on the typist to attempt to follow...