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  1. M

    Teensy with Labview

    LIFA has been deprecated. Sam's current development is happening on LINX. That's mostly what I've contributed to. See the home web page here. For the bleeding edge stuff, check github for LabViewHacker/LVH-LINX. Yes, more stuff is...
  2. M

    Teensy 3.1 footprint for Eagle (brd)?

    Here's an Eagle 7 library with the Teensy 3.0 and 3.1 in it. I haven't had the need to make one for the others. Feel free to add them. :) Mark
  3. M

    Teensy on LabVIEW with LINX Project

    Just an FYI, LINX 1.2alpha is available. If you use it for production you're crazy, but so far it looks like it's working. It's not 'user resistant', but it's alpha, duh. I'm playing with it, so just thought I'd tell the rest of y'all in case you're interested. The dev thread... If it's not...
  4. M

    Teensy on LabVIEW with LINX Project

    The reason I2C wasn't working right is timing. It's like for the blink example earlier. Driver doesn't unload quickly - at all. :( Otherwise, 3.1 is working just fine. I'm working on my 'real project' for now, so it'll a month or two before I can work on the Windows command line...
  5. M

    Teensy on LabVIEW with LINX Project

    Teensy 3.1 I2C works on LINX!! Mostly... The I2C isn't working right. I haven't taken a look at it yet. I suspect <cringe> a timing problem since it worked once with execution highlighting turned on in LabVIEW, which REALLY slows things down. I2C Read and Write vi's do work without...
  6. M

    Teensy on LabVIEW with LINX Project

    I don't have a Teensy 2.0++, so I really can't debug it if it's not working. I've sent the revised firmware up to the LINX git, so hopefully it's included. If not, I've made note of the changes I made on the LabViewHacker forums. Also, LIFA is not required for LINX. It may be causing...
  7. M

    teensy loader command line version, with teensy 3 and other OS than LINUX

    Hi Paul, I'll take a crack at it. I mean, what's the worst that could happen other than it's still no-worky? :) Was there something fundamental which kept it from working on Windoze other than you're busy on cooler stuff?
  8. M

    Teensyduino 1.19 Released

    I'll try to answer what happened in LabVIEW. It happened using LIFA and LINX. It didn't have a problem with an Arduino UNO nor Teensy 2.0, but did with a Teensy 3.x. Instead of rehashing the details, two threads to look in for more info about what I was seeing in LabVIEW with LIFA and LINX...
  9. M

    Teensy on LabVIEW with LINX Project

    I think we've reached a milestone. We can talk to a Teensy through LabVIEW + LINX! I opened a serial port to a Teensy 3.1, read the device name from the installed LINX firmware, then closed the port. I have no idea if the rest of it's configured properly or not. The latest is on my Github...
  10. M

    Teensy 3.1: LabVIEW + Controlling Teensy Outputs(I²C/Serial)

    Yep. I jumped from LIFA ( to LINX ( I've gotten Teensy's to compile the firmware ok, and they seem to communicate ok, but I need to get a little smarter in LabVIEW to figure out what I'm not doing correctly with the new device (teensy') typedefs. As it is...
  11. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Sync?

    Don't know why it makes a difference for Teensy 3, and not Teensy 2, but correcting <?> a declaration in LabVIEWInterface.ino: unsigned char checksum; to unsigned char checksum = 0; seems to have fixed LIFA's sync function. Why it makes a difference for T3 and not T2 or Arduino? <shrug>...
  12. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Sync?

    Been busy with other stuff... Back now for awhile (hopefully). Running 2 USB-RS232 adapters and a null modem cable, I'm able to confirm the data is getting through to the serial port ok. The data transmitted from LabView is received at the receiving port (Cool Term - nice BTW) as "00 FF 00 00...
  13. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Sync?

    I'll poke around a bit on the hardware side, just to see what's getting thru. I'll try your 'softer' suggestions too.
  14. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Sync?

    Again, for 2.0 this works fine. Sending the sync string (~FF0000000000000) doesn't get a response back of 'sync'. I'm thinking the LIFA and LabVIEW code is ok, but I'm at a loss where to proceed into the Teensy 3 libs. I'll simplify further a vi for the test case (later today, I hope), but...
  15. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Reported it twice I think. I don't expect they'll listen to me either ;) For what I'm seeing in LIFA now I'll try to build a test case again to isolate it.
  16. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    'duff' got it right when suggesting moving the serial open and close vi's out of the loop would fix it. No problems after thast. I musta been making it bonkers opening and closing the port that quickly. In the least, 'twas bad programmatically on my part. <blush>
  17. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Looks really good. Ran the vi with minimal delays for a couple thousand runs. No errors. No BSoDs. Ship it! :) Last rev to the vi attached. All old ones removed.
  18. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Fair enough. I'll make the change and run it over lunch. I think that tracks with the error too , "failed to open usbser.sys". I'll see if I can just replace the file above with the mod'd one. <edit> Done!? I just tried LIFA. It worked like expected - err'd on something else. At least it...
  19. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    I can't get it to 'reliably crash', so for now I'm going to guess it's a Windows system thing and drive on unless you want me to check something else. Here's the 'Torture Test' vi in case someone sees something I did wrong, or just wants to play with it. Again, don't judge it for pretty or...
  20. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    I haven't exhaustively checked it, but just beating around different values for timings and the string, no problems. At least not after I put a delay in the loop. Before that, it appears LabView overflowed the USB driver queue and blue screened the machine. I'm going to just let it bang...
  21. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Looks good. Now I'll play with it to see how robust it is - playing with the timings duff and I were kicking around.
  22. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Yea! Thanks a bunch for looking at it Paul.
  23. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Ok, but turning on Execution Highlighting (Paul - the light bulb looking button in the block diagram's button bar) doesn't affect it. I set a breakpoint on the 'break write', let it sit a couple seconds, no difference. Put a 0.5s time delay between the 1st property node and the 'break write'...
  24. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Just uploaded EcoString.ino to a Teensy 2.0, changed to the correct serial port, got this result.
  25. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    At the write with break. Again, this works ok with a Teensy 2.0. (that'll be the next post) Showing the probes: The values:
  26. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    @duff: Interesting. I guess that's not the first time Mac and PC don't act the same :) @Paul: If it's not giving you an error, the demo install probably already installed NI-VISA by default. To check go to Control Panel, Programs and Features. Select "National Instruments Software" and click...
  27. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    @Paul: Wow! Too much work! To think I was appalled at the 217MB installer I generated. It didn't work first try, natch. You'll of course need the Teensy drivers installed, and load the EcoString.ino onto the Teensys (Teensies?) or Arduino. I think <uh oh> that's all you'd need. Let me try...
  28. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    LV invasive? It's amazing how bloat-y it feels that way, isn't it? I'd forgotten about the installer option. I just upgraded to Developer so it's supposed to be in there. I gotta learn it sometime. Paul, after I've done that I'll PM you the size and you can tell me how you want to get the...
  29. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Yes, yes and no. I can turn the break off, and the echostring.ino returns the written string just fine.
  30. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    The Serial Break is actually a VISA function (vi) used in LIFA. I dug down into that and found where it broke. To simplify it, I wrote a sample vi to test it. Digging down into the VISA Break vi gives a slightly more complex version of the "COM". Same error at the same...
  31. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    The LIFA LabVIEW libraries use a Serial Break during the initialization. Why? Dunno. That's just where I found it breaks. On some test equipment, I believe it's the equivalent of 'Attention!', but I don't know that. I've always been more of a GPIB guy rather than RS232 serial. Why it's...
  32. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Paul, thanks up front! I can send you the vi, which works for an Uno & 2.0, but breaks for a 3.1. Same for the simple firmware, which works for all. Let me know if you want me to post them here, PM you, or send via email. If you'd prefer, I can create a 'LabVIEW binary' to send you which...
  33. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Arduino Uno and Teensy 2.0 work ok with a break sent to their 'serial port'. Teensy 3.0 doesn't appear to - at least the way LabVIEW implements it. Is this a known Teensy 3.1 limitation?
  34. M

    Teensy 3.1 Serial Break?

    Still working on LIFA, but found a question of a more general nature. When LabVIEW sends a break terminated string to the Teeny 3.1's serial port, I get an I/O error. Without the break, or on Teensy 2.0, no problem. Thoughts? Suggestions?
  35. M

    Teensy 3.0/3.1 + Labview?

    Took some time off from it. All the code was starting to look the same :( @mknix: Last I'd looked, Teensyduino libs are verified working with 2.0 & LIFA. Not yet with LYNX. That's why I'm thinking LIFA is closer for 3.x. Just needs to somehow get the serial port to play with VISA (assuming...
  36. M

    Teensy 3.0/3.1 + Labview?

    This isn't XDA <thankfully>, but they're right about one thing. If you wait for someone else to learn it and do it for you, you might be waiting a long time. Seems to me LIFA is way closer to having Teensy3 work than LINX, but seems LIFA has been abandoned. Oh well, enough of my whining...
  37. M

    Teensy 3.0/3.1 + Labview?

    Main sticking point looks like it's the same as for LIFA. Getting LV to recognize the 3.x board properly. I can get the firmware compiled, but the VISA clear is choking on something. Also getting this error during compile. Doesn't happen for the 2.0. ***************...
  38. M

    Teensy 3.x with LabVIEW & teensyduino & LIFA

    Was able to connect with the COM port using PUTTY, but didn't get any reply/echo. Maybe because I don't know what to send the LIFA firmware, or the firmware opens the port but isn't working otherwise. <?>
  39. M

    Teensy 3.x with LabVIEW & teensyduino & LIFA

    Played with it a bit more now. The error in LV is happening when the COM port is first being opened. Looks like the baud rate, etc, are all properly getting to the vi. This does not happen with the Teensy 2.0, so I'm thinking something is wrong in the 3.x code. <yeah, I know. DUH!> Probably...
  40. M

    LEDs without external resistors

    I was gonna write a quickie how to, but there's stuff already out there. A short explanation and a calculator. A more detailed explanation.
  41. M

    Teensyduino 1.18 Release Candidate #4 Available

    Dunno. I'm running LabVIEW Full / Developer (but probably not well yet). Don't worry about it. Looks like it's a LabVIEW / LIFA thing, so it's not your onion to peel. ;) I have more software beating to find exactly when it happens - much less where / why. IIRC, the LYNX (follow up to...
  42. M

    Teensyduino 1.18 Release Candidate #4 Available

    <edit> Looks like it is something related to LabView / LIFA. Doesn't happen unless I load LabView. Sorry - different onion to peel... <I'd strikethrough all this - but don't see it in the font menu> Just to make sure, I'm referring to rebooting the computer, not the teensy. Teensy loader is...
  43. M

    Teensyduino 1.18 Release Candidate #4 Available

    I'll have to play with it more, but the serial driver seems to hang more easily with rc4. I mean when loading onto the 3.1, I can't select the port using Arduino IDE until after rebooting. The IDE does list the COM port in the status line at the bottom. Anyone else see something similar? I...
  44. M

    Teensy 3.x with LabVIEW & teensyduino & LIFA Text in the lower block was greatly copied from somewhere. (teensyduino pin definition file?)
  45. M

    Teensy 3.x with LabVIEW & teensyduino & LIFA

    AFMotor.h - modded // Adafruit Motor shield library // copyright Adafruit Industries LLC, 2009 // this code is public domain, enjoy! #ifndef _AFMotor_h_ #define _AFMotor_h_ #include <inttypes.h> #if defined(__AVR__) #include <avr/io.h> //#define MOTORDEBUG 1 #define...
  46. M

    Teensy 3.x with LabVIEW & teensyduino & LIFA

    Took inspiration from the latest AFMotor from Adafruit and modded the AFMotor.h file to check for the arm processor. It Compiles! Of course, I haven't been able to get it working on 3.1 - yet. One thing I know is likely bogus (place holders only) is the PWM rates (MOTOR12_64KHZ, et al)...
  47. M

    Teensy 3.x with LabVIEW & teensyduino & LIFA

    Got 2.0 working on my setup. Started messing with 3.1 in the same thread, but couldn't figure to rename the thread. (if someone tells how I'll delete this one - if possible) Starting at here in the old thread...
  48. M

    Windows driver feedback needed. Yes, again

    Not seeing the BSOD on Win7-64Pro. I've been pulling software on and off while working to get LIFA to work with 2.0 and 3.1, and swapping between boards. Just swapped between an Uno, 2.0 and 3.1 boards. All seem to be properly recognized. Serial monitor comes up fine for the 3.1 on COM11...
  49. M

    Teensyduino 1.18 Release Candidate #3 Available

    Being a newb, figured I'd ask. Thanks for the explanation.
  50. M

    Teensyduino 1.18 Release Candidate #3 Available

    Typo in Teensyduino 1.18rc3? arm-none-eabi-g++ -c -g -Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mcpu=cortex-m4 -DF_CPU=96000000 -MMD -DUSB_VID=null -DUSB_PID=null -DARDUINO=105 -mthumb -nostdlib -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=117 <see also>...