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  1. R

    Prototype not enumerating com port in IDE

    i'm pretty sure my issue was related to the wrong crystal being used. I was interesting however that regardless of crystal (I tried 2 different ones, although neither of them were the ones used on the Teensy3.1) and settings in the OSC0_CR that the crystals would come up nicely during the load...
  2. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    attached is the board I'm building that is teensy 3.1 based. I've purchased quite a few of the actual teensy boards and wanted to make something that was versatile for adding sensors and other wired projects. I originally was going to use the separate bootloader CCA, but after all of the...
  3. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    Interesting to note something....... Since The board I have is about to be changed anyway I thought I would look at something. I have some other 16MHz crystals, as well as the original one I was trying to use. Some are 20pf and some "Series". I noticed that all of them show a nice 16MHz signal...
  4. R

    DIY Teensy woes

    Is there a way to change OSC0_CR for "series capacitance"? I messed up and got a 16MHz crystal with "Series" load capacitance..... :( I looked at the ref manual, but not sure if not activating any of the internal caps would work or if that would create a whole new problem.
  5. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    and just to verify. no external caps needed....? samples of the new crystal headed my way.
  6. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    Pretty confident the issue is the crystal. O-scope on actual Teensy 3.1 has a nice 16MHz signal. Crystal I'm using does not. Instead of asking, I guessed on that part and used instead. O-scope shows nothing. looks...
  7. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    ....also verified on o-scope that I see communications on the USB lines at the mk20 pins 5 and 6, as well as, both sides of the resistors on those lines. Just to clarify, I do have an actual teensy 3.1 that works with the USB cable I'm using just fine. Reset line does go low when bootloader...
  8. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    Pulled the reset switch's 10K pull-up from the reset line and still no joy. This switch is tied to RESET on the MK20 and is not the program pushbutton for the MINI54. Here is the verbose reading I get from teensyduino when trying to load the teensy "Hello world" sketch from the teensy examples...
  9. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    I went through the MINI54 to MK20 sheet and verified the connections. I did add a reset button on the MK20 board and kept it high with a 10K resistor pulled up to you think that pull-up might be having an effect?
  10. R

    MINI54 and MK20DX256VLH7 use on other Teensyduino type projects?

    Trying to do this as we speak, but can't seem to get the chip to enumerate as a com port in the Arduino IDE even after pushing the bootloader button. it did see it on first boot up as a HID device but never attached a com port to it.....even after trying to load a serial related sketch to it...
  11. R

    Prototype not enumerating com port in IDE

    I have a stand alone Freescale Teensy 3.1 chip (blank) on a prototype board and a separate bootloader IC board. First indication when I plugged into USB the windows machine saw it as a HID device when I pushed the bootloader button. I can't get the Arduino IDE to enumerate a COM Port for it...