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  1. S

    Raspberry Pi Pico

    You cant beat an RTOS for interprocess communications, They're also handy for software interrupts (when available.) And when you have multiple cores, RTOS is usually a godsend.
  2. S

    Raspberry Pi Pico

    "...PlatformIO also supports the mbed framework with Teensy which provides a free RTOS, many library functions similar to Arduino,..." Now THAT is interesting! I used MVSC for Marlin for 3D printers but I had no idea about a "free RTOS" and the "many library functions." Know where I can get...
  3. S

    Teensy 4.1 NTP server

    Not familiar with the M9N. Is it a dual frequency unit, similar to the ublox F9P? If not, I have one of those working right beside my desk as we speak. I could run some of those tests for you as a comparison, with or with ntrip, as you prefer. But I only have a Teensy 4, not a 4.1 (yet.)
  4. S

    Linux on Teensy 3/4?

    Wow! Well thought out reply! You make a very strong case against. All practical and honest reasons. Using an RPi or equivalent is much more logical indeed. But you busted my widdle bubble. :) :) I get these whimsical ideas once in a while and they're fun to play with, anyway.
  5. S

    Raspberry Pi Pico

    Visual Source Code doesn't work for you?
  6. S

    Linux on Teensy 3/4?

    A couple of times I've wished I could run Linux on a Teensy 3 or 4. Wonder how hard a port would be? Yeah, I know, Teensy is a different animal, but so was the RPi back in the beginning. One Teensy as a general purpose computer, mated with another Teensy as the dedicated microcontroller would...
  7. S

    Can bus

    Can the -4 use the CAN bus in multi-master modes? A friend is making a home airplane simulator with lots of buttons, dials, switches, and maybe some small screens. I'd like to help him use multiple Teensy 4's to gather all that data in real time and send it to the PC (sim machine) as well as...
  8. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Update: after discussion with the Visuino developer, Teensy 3.5 and 3.6 indeed are supported! Yay. All the modules were programmed by him, so is only called to do the compiles.
  9. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    OT Diversion: This particular environment saves gobs and gobs of development time. So if you're paid by the hour or by the job, you choose your path. Even in Visuino, there is a great deal of detail for each device in you sketch that must be setup properly, so it is never "draw and go."
  10. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Thank you again, There, but I'm not rising to that bait. I've only been doing code since 1977. Any tool that I can use that saves gobs of time, I will use. I have Q's about embedding C/C++ code inside Arduino code that I have no answers for. Like 1.) How does the Arduino "compiler" compile...
  11. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    It will be a while before we know. <sigh>
  12. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Thanks, Paul. I completely understand. but wah. :) Still awaiting Boian or other's reply on visuino slack.
  13. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Doing that at this very moment, since teensyduino won't even ALLOW loading with anything but 1.8.7, apparently. Is there any way to turn off the absolute requirement for 1.8.7, or is the necessity deep in the code? I've used Visuino on a couple of neat Arduino Mega projects and when I heard...
  14. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Thanks very much, Paul. I use Visuino (graphical programming for the Arduino families) and they haven't said they're compatible with 1.8.7 yet. And the 1.40 came off the website just a few hours ago. :) I will look for Teensyduino, though. I'm a RAW noob in the teensy world. Skypuppy P.S...
  15. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Thanks, There, but did you read my post?
  16. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Arduino 1.8.4, and teensysomething 1.4.0. What's Teensyduino? I see references to it on youtube videos but not in the install instructions on this web site.
  17. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    Great. The 3.5's have arrived and I'm just now getting to them. I followed the "instructions" on how to get the Arduino "compiler" to send to the 3.5. However, the instructions drop off at a critical point. I loaded the little application and it's running. The 3.5 is now running...
  18. S

    wanted: 3.5's already pinned

    I didn't see a Marketplace Category so I post here in General. Know where I can get a couple of 3.5's already pinned and soldered? Be nice to have the DIP socket as well with each. Any idea on cost? I'd like to play with that audio board, too. :) Been playing with Visuino and Uno's and...
  19. S

    My i2c sniffer

    Could this be married to the sigrok/Pulseview effort? They work fantastically! They're also free. :)