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  1. T

    Multiple HCSR-04 Ultrasonic sensors on teensy 3

    This was corrected in the official version of NewPing back in June of last year. Having a few forks of my library in multiple locations that are not updated or even working is not a great idea. The current location for the official build and release of NewPing is...
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    Multiple HCSR-04 Ultrasonic sensors on teensy 3

    I'm the author of NewPing. Paul's changes work for the standard ping() method but not for ping_timer(). I've been working with Paul via email and I've got things mostly sorted out now. I've been delaying a new release of NewPing for a long time now, but this seems like a good opportunity to...
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    ToneAC library with Teensy3

    I'm the author of toneAC and a Teensy 2.0/3.0 owner. I've found that toneAC will make piezo or a standard 8 Ohm speaker much louder with a resistor. It's not quite twice as loud, but close. The entire purpose of creating toneAC was to generate higher sound pressure levels (higher volume)...
  4. T

    Fuses Teensyduino sets for Teensy 2.0

    Very informative, and a quick reply as always! So, with Teensy you are setting the CPU speed in code only, not by changing fuses. I had figured you needed to change the fuses to change the speed. To do something similar with a bare ATmega328 I guess I would need to program a cpu_prescaler...
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    Fuses Teensyduino sets for Teensy 2.0

    What does Teensyduino set for the fuses on the Teensy 2.0? Specifically, the low fuses used to set the clock speed. The boards.txt file only sets F_CPU, so it seems that Teensyduino must be looking at the CPU speed and then setting the fuses correctly. I'm curious because looking at the...
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    Detect Teensy 3.0

    Where I run into trouble with using Teensy 3.0 is when setting the pin mode via port registers, not setting a pin high or low. For example: uint8_t _pinBit = digitalPinToBitMask(pin); volatile uint8_t *_pinMode = (uint8_t *) portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(pin)); *_pinMode |= _pinBit; //...
  7. T

    Detect Teensy 3.0

    With libraries I'm the author of (NewPing, LCDBitmap, and others) I detect Teensy 2.0 hardware with the following (not complete code): #if defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__) #if defined (CORE_TEENSY) Is there a proper method of detecting the Teensy 3.0 and/or the Freescale microcontroller? My...
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    Teensy 3.0 doesn't restart on serial monitor

    Thanks! Not being part of the Kickstarter, I didn't look there nor know that's where the known problems are listed. I did search these forums for serial problems, but didn't find that thread. Sorry for asking a duplicate question already answered. I would suggest a Teensy 3.0 forum with a...
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    Teensy 3.0 doesn't restart on serial monitor

    Not considering the ramifications this will cause, for consistency, it should work the same as the 8bit ATmega. Also, it's not a feature at all, as a simple sketch like below won't work on the Teensy 3.0: void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { Serial.println("Hello...
  10. T

    Teensy 3.0 doesn't restart on serial monitor

    I was trying to debug some code running on a Teensy 3.0 and was getting some really odd results. After a lot of going back and forth, I figured it out. When you open the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE, it doesn't restart the Teensy 3.0 as it does for ATmega boards including the Teensy 2.0...