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  1. F

    Arduino IDE 2.3.2 Question

    I see that Teensyduino 1.59 supports the Arduino IDE 2.0.4. The current Arduino on the Arduino website is 2.3.2. Will the 1.59 version work with the Arduino IDE 2.3.2 or is there a way to get the older of the IDE?
  2. F

    FLEXCAN_T4 FILTER Question

    I am getting lost in hardware filtering when using FLEXCAN_T4. How would one filter a range of ID's using a FIFO CAN in FLEXCAN_T4? Is the use of mailboxes required? FredA
  3. F

    Eagle library with Teensy 4.0 (test)

    PhilB Is an Eagle library available for your cleaner schematic? FredA
  4. F

    SPI chip/slave select in library

    KurtE, Thank you for the reply. I am only used the T4.1 as a master. So, I will just the digitalWrite and move on. I was hoping so since I have a PCB being made with that assumption. FredA
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    SPI chip/slave select in library

    The T3.6 and T4.1 identify specific pins for CS which I assume is the chip select or slave select pin. Since these specifically identified pins, is their hardware control of these signals or does one need to use the digitalWrite function to control them as is shown in the examples. If they...
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    T4.1 Ethernet Library

    defragster The real question is the version in github referred to in post #38 different from what was included in the teensydino version 1.53? I am not seeing any difference in operation.
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    T4.1 Ethernet Library

    vjmuzik I have the same problem as shmorgan had in post #37. I duplicated the modification to WebServer Example he showed and had the same result. Paul released 1.53 on July 1 which is what I assume I am running. Your post #38 on July 2 says you fixed the problem. I am not familiar enough...
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    multiple dallastemperature bus question

    I see examples and have run them multiple sensors on one bus as well as examples with one sensor on each of multiple busses. Is there a way to have multiple sensors on multiple busses.
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    Compiler warnings with SD Library

    I have programs that use the onboard SD card. When I updated to Arduino 1.89 Teensy 1.46 the compilor generates numerous warnings of unused variables. So I tried to compile the Cardinfo sketch in examples. It compiles without warnings on Arduino 1.88 Teensy 1.45. But on Arduino 1.89 Teensy...
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    Teensyduino ide installation issue

    It worked for me too. It was a long and frustrating path to here because I started with the Win10 app before I found the app version of Arduino was not supported. Then I had to find this thread. I for one think that a big RED note in the Teensyduino download page would be in order that first...
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    FlexCAN with extended ID's

    I am having trouble getting a T3.6 to read CAN frames when the CAN ID is in extended format. With standard format ID's I have no problem. Can someone tell me how to set up FlexCAN for extended ID's
  12. F

    T3.6 Real Time Clock

    The TimeTeensy3 example sketch has a function processSyncMessage that is called in the loop when input is available on the Serial. Is it really necessary. When I comment out the call to it in the example sketch or don't include it in a new sketch, the time seems to be set correctly.
  13. F

    Integer Storage

    If I store a negative number in a variable that is int8_t, or int16_t or int32_t and then print it in binary, it is always 32 bits long. Does a T3.6 store all of these as 32 bits? And what is the endianness?
  14. F

    Setting RTC

    I have a T3.6 with a battery to supply the RTC. When we moved to daylight saving time, the RTC did not update to the PC time when I downloaded a program. Even TimeTeensy3 did not reset the time. But I found that if I removed the battery and let the system rest without power for a few seconds...
  15. F

    WiFi question

    I have a project working with a T3.6 that gathers data from both CANbus and Modbus devices and logs to the SD card. I also set up a WIZ850 on one of the adaptor boards that Paul developed and can display information on a PC or IPad through this link with a WiFi router and HTML code. This works...
  16. F

    T3.6 with WIZ820io adaptor board

    Paul, Thank you. The really nice thing about this forum is that people get informed answers from knowledgable people, and often from the top guy. Many forums have a lot of BS that goes like "I don't really know but here is what I think". FredA
  17. F

    T3.6 with WIZ820io adaptor board

    If I use the WIZ820io adaptor board with a T3.6 and the WIZ850io module, there are several posts on the forum that say it all works well. But, then their are two SD card slots mounted. Are they both active? Will they conflict? FredA
  18. F

    Another fork of FlexCAN

    I can see that the IDE output window shows the directory the library is in. But, I don't see any reference to a version in the output window or the library files themselves. Since I am new to this I may not know where to look. But, in a case like FlexCAN where there are 6 contributors and...
  19. F

    Another fork of FlexCAN

    If a junior member could make a suggestion. I ended up with three copies of FlexCAN on my Mac and it became confusing as to which one was being used by the IDE. Then I noticed that DallasTemperature.h and a line as below which allowed the version number to be printed in the setup function...
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    Another fork of FlexCAN

    This thread started with CollinK saying he created a new FlexCAN library. I had some beginners issues understanding how to use it. But, I got past that. Then TurboStreetCar had a code that did not seem to work with FlexCAN. Today I took TrboStreetCar's code and made the modifications...
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    Another fork of FlexCAN

    Their are two things that hooked me with this forked FlexCAN library. I work on a Mac so you may be different. When I downloaded the library that is reference in the first post in this thread it installed in the standard directory for optional libraries. While that is supposed to take...
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    Another fork of FlexCAN

    I figured it out. The mask is a structure. So it works now. Thank you anyway.
  23. F

    Another fork of FlexCAN

    OK, I am reasonably sure I am now using the correct library. But, I cannot get Can0.begin() to compile when trying to set the baud rate, defaultMask, txAlt, and rxAlt. I get a compiler error indicating a conversion error in converting the defaultMask to const. Can you please give me an...
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    Another fork of FlexCAN

    When I used the Arduino IDE to install the new FlexCAN from the zip file it shows up in the libraries directory as FlexCAN_Library-master. Should I rename that directory to FlexCAN?
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    Another fork of FlexCAN

    Please help a beginner If I already have FlexCAN library installed in the IDE, how can I assure that I will be using this new one? Is their a process to replace the old one?
  26. F

    Teensy 3.5 compile error

    I forgot to say that I am on a Mac pro
  27. F

    Teensy 3.5 compile error

    I have the same problem with Arduino 1.6.12 and 1.6.13 when compiling for a Teensy 3.6. The Verbose info is 08:15:34: remote cmd: "status" 08:15:34: status data sent 08:15:34: remote connection closed 08:15:34: HID/macos: attach callback 08:15:34: HID/macos: number of devices found = 1...